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Old 2010-12-03, 22:17   Link #219
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
I just lost against Garen, Vlad, Alistar, Trundle, and Sion. All of them built tank. What could we have done? We did have a mediocre team composition for it though [Lux, Sona, MF, Malphite, and Trundle].
It's really hard with your team comp. I once won against full AoE team and once against full tank team by pushing and backdooring, because we just couldn't win any team fight. I massed buying wards and place it everywhere, so they couldn't stop my team's Shaco, and while they are busing chasing that Shaco, we're splitting up and pushing. Of course I was Malzahar, so when they pushed, we managed to stop them with only 4 people.

In this case, no saving. Everyone takes care of their own life, and when they chase one of you, the others should know they must pushing. If any of your team member get caught, just think he/she is already dead . You should minimize casualty as less as possible, and since they are tank team, if they split up, they can't really kill you guy individually.

Tank team is annoying, but isn't invincible. Just don't engage them head on.

@Kafriel: To report, right click on player name at the summary board after each game.
The different between ranked match and normal match is banning/picking.
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