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Old 2008-03-29, 20:13   Link #101
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by minhtam2448 View Post
How about Yuji spends Chirstmas with both of them?
If the writers chose to go that route (and I really DO NOT think they would), I would refuse to watch a 3rd season. And I'm someone who has never agreed with the complaints that J.C. Staff was insufficiently faithful to the novels, or had, worse yet, botched SnS Second in the same way that Zero II tanked. The girls wrote the letters and structured the whole thing to *force* Yuji to make a decision; despite occasional denseness (hello, Konoe???), Yuji is NOT an indecisive dolt. Not at the end of a season where he survives the fights with Sabrac and Bal Masque. The girls would never accept him refusing to make a decision, and it wouldn't be compatible with his character.

The reset this season actually worked for me, because Yuji did nothing more than smile after Shana's confession. He's an understated guy, but that does seem to be a bit of an odd reaction for a man who receives a confession from a girl he likes right before he thinks he's about to die. I personally do *not* think there's any such leeway for a reset after the end of this season. Again, I don't think the writers will do this, because I see them as competent, but if they were to commit such a plot catastrophe, I would refuse to watch a 3rd season and in my own mind, simply see the anime as having ended with this ep.
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