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Old 2012-03-16, 14:07   Link #59
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
But in order to use it like Luffy, Shanks, Rayleigh, and other strong haki users, you have to know what you are doing, awareness of its existence, and have a concept of it. Luffy before his training used the king haki out of a fit. He didn't even know he had it. It would be like giving a medieval knight a gun and not telling him how to use it or what it is for. The knight might throw the gun at his enemy or charge and use it has a melee weapon. But if you train him and teach him how to hide behind the objects and shoot the gun then he becomes lethal. If Law has not had the extensive training or even aware of Haki that Luffy has had then I don't see Law pulling some major haki abilities unless he had someone with solid understanding in haki train him. If anyone among the Supernovas and the Rookie marines who going to be on par with Luffy with haki after the two year time skip I think Coby and X Drake will be.
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