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Old 2013-04-07, 11:51   Link #93
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Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post

- The question is whether the individual person you're pitching it to does actually want to see something new or something different done with a story, or if they're that closed-minded. I still hear a lot of arguments about Madoka Magica starting with someone declaring it to be "Another Sailor moon ripoff" (Yes I hear these arguments a lot inside anime shops). Considering that the anime has been out for a while, anyone who's actually open about it would have googled it by now and gotten some clue.

Some do, many don't.
What do you mean by "new" or "different"? Because Madoka Magica is hardly original, at least not if you start looking outside of magical girl shows.

Also, since this is a thread about fandom, I need to ask something else: are yuri/yaoi fandom really homophobic when it comes to actual homosexuality? Like mentioned here:

On 2chan, the response was, “why should I care?” and a lot of derision about lesbians and why they don’t want lesbians in their Yuri. That’s why this story is important. Because, no, Yuri fandom, especially the male half, are not more open-minded and accepting. If anything they are usually less – sexually immature sometimes, sexually conservative frequently. Otaku in Japan are rarely socially liberal. Social and political equality for gay couples is not even in the playbook, much less a priority.
How true is this, and has it changed since that was written? I haven't been able to find much about homophobia in this kind of culture besides things like companies refusing or being reluctant to sell/distribute yaoi or yuri media, (which is kind of irrelevant) and a post about the "yaoi/yuri is hot, real gay people are gross" attitude.

Last edited by Shyni; 2013-04-07 at 12:59.
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