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Old 2009-09-18, 22:22   Link #1854
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39

Well... I disagree. The number of laws in the Bible, as well as the laws themselves, have seemingly been few in number and rather constant compared with the laws of a democratic society such as the United States.
Really? The ten commandments have come a long way since their inception IMHO. Not to mention they were actually 15.

Now, on a more serious note, the most basic Abrahamic values have remained valid for all this millenia because they represent the most basic rules any society must follow in order not to self destruct. Societies that didn't keep heed to these principles to a reasonable degree didn't survive. It isn't anything complicated there. Our modern laws may have gotten overcomplicated with time, but the basic principles behind the most important laws remain the same.
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