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Old 2006-07-05, 16:17   Link #38
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Same here. Episode 1 was what actually got me hooked on the series. I found it to be extremely funny and unique for a first episode(make that any episode) of any anime I've seen. And again I have yet to read the novels. I know of a couple of people like me that took a liking to it after the first episode, without being in on the joke as it were. It's been mentioned but it was mainly because of the "so bad it's good" vibe the movie gave off that we liked it. After that first episode I wanted to find out what exactly was going on. I've been back and checked a couple of things over as well such as some of the clues and stuff they gave which I missed out on first time. It just snowballed from there really.
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