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Old 2008-01-02, 22:26   Link #30
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
The solutions to big mysteries are usually disappointing as people tend to either be pissed they got it wrong or think it was a too easy mystery, or that the writer cheated them by not giving enough clues. I for one was happy that I got the mastermind right but quite a few details bugged me.
I actually guessed Takano was a little fishy from the first time she spoke. Studio DEEN gave her the Teen Queen voice type, the kind you usually hear in shoujo romance anime coming from the lips of the villain-girl. Takano's voice just drips with such disdain and condescension that it's almost impossible to not realize she's up to no good. =p

Edit: I was actually very satisfied with the plotline of Higurashi. Reality-twisting stories really are some of my favorites. I just thought the story would have played out better considering the core plot if it had been darker, more violent and visceral throughout.
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