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Old 2011-06-10, 08:10   Link #23
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Neon Genesis Evangelion is not listed in your OP, nor is Death Note.
My bad, i made a giant ass list of all dubs i do not want to see in another forum, there i listed evangelion and death note.

Hayate no Gotoku... original??? It's pretty mainstream, plus it's Ranma 1/2 with Ojous instead of martial arts... not that Hayate isn't good, I enjoyed it and think it's well done, but I wouldn't call it original or non-mainstream.

Elfin Lied... mainstream??? That's just crazy. (And I didn't care for Elfin Lied, but it's hardly mainstream. Unless murdering cuties is considered mainstream and someone forgot to tell me.)
Hmm? your not aware amongest dub watchers elfen lied is mainstream. Its very well known, mainstream isnt about just genre dude. I assure you that if you search on google and type in Best anime list or something similar, majority of dub viewers will have 90% of their anime on the list to be a very main stream anime. And elfen lied is well known amongst them

And when i say original, I mean that the story is very unique, something new that seperates it from the more common things like the laws of DBZ or bleach. And yes, hayate no gotoku is less mainstream, it just has become alot more famous, unless your saying taht in the sense of a subbers view. For dubbers, this is not well known.

I think, by mainstream, he/she means shows that most people who watch anime have already heard of. Elfen Lied is somewhat of a staple for anime watchers in the sense that anyone who gets involved with the anime scene hears about it at some [early] point. It's not exactly the same for Hayate no Gotoku.

Most of the suggestions in this thread are very good. I'd like to add Kowarekake no Orgel. It's an OVA, if that's an issue to you. It has a similar premise to Chobits, but its execution is like something else I can't really mention without spoiling it.
You explained it better than me lol


Before the thread derails, give reasons why you believe the anime you listed is emotional. I don't know your standard.
Im sure from a logical standpoint, you can deduct that im looking for anime that actually try to evoke emotion. If you want a more specific answer, Im looking for the Melancholy and reminiscing feel like the ending of the anime short movie Cenceroll. Or the epic feel you get from TTGL, or the heartwarming feel of the ending of the anime GTO, or the heartbreaking and yet heartwarming events of Clannad Afterstory, or the sad story of Grave of the Fireflies, or the sweet feel from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time ( Toki no Kakeru Shoujo ). Above all, an anime that doesnt seem to have a forced plot, preferably slice of life, like how a person in earlier posts recommended Colorful.
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