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Old 2003-11-22, 09:11   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
E's Otherwise is about people with mutant psychic powers who are used by a *cough* non-evil organization. This organization run by a guy who wears dark sunglasses and spends most of his time hinting at ominous plans, talking in technobabble, and arching his hands. Then there's a war between them and the other ability-users or something. And several random fight scenes between people who (literally) appear out of nowhere, fight, then vanish into thin air. Despite all the ominous hints, the plot seems to randomly go off on tangents, and most of the episodes are filler. Also there are sometimes large amounts of meaningless Christian symbolism.

...well, some people like it, and the first few episodes almost had me. But it goes nowhere fast.
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