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Old 2011-08-08, 21:35   Link #33
Random Wanderer
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Episode... um... six. Yeah.

Stuff happened. Teacher's still a nutjob. Haruka and Kurumi got into a meaningless fight over a mistake, leading to a 'we need to get along to perform best as a team' episode (we've all seen those before, I'm certain), with a number of shout-outs to infamous training montages from other places (the only one I recognized for certain was from Karate Kid, but I know I've seen a few of the others elsewhere). In the end, all they managed was to help Yuito (Misty Knight) get out of the bear costume he'd been using for his part-time job and gotten stuck in, and then beat up a few mook-level robots. Aoi beat them to the punch by neatly shooting an arrow through an unarmored panel on the crazy teacher's mecha-bot-thing, causing it to explode (of course) and saving the day, subverting the traditional ending to this sort of story.

It started out kind of weak, and some of the stuff Misty Knight had the two do to try to learn teamwork was stupid, but things picked up towards the end.
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