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Old 2013-01-08, 06:44   Link #41
Orange Duke
Join Date: Jul 2012
Age: 20
"Your «Silver» included, the metallic colors are very rare, it is a strong color type. It has resistance against cutting, piercing, heat and poison attacks, and attack strength when using it’s hard metallic body for close combat is not low. But of course it has weaknesses. Corrosion attacks are it’s natural enemy, and it is also weak against blunt attacks."

So it seems that Silver is a <<Close Combat Direct Attack>> type after all. Each of the metal colors might have an associated attack strategy as well as defense strategy.
That's one way of interpreting what she said. However, she could also mean that Crow's hard metallic body is simply suited for close combat, but this does not mean that he has to. Silver Crow's main draw is his wings and his speed, not his close combat moves. This is what has been winning him duels ever since he activated them. Even when people found that snipers were a counter, he too countered snipers with his speed by dodging the shots.

Furthermore, if anything, Crow is better suited for long-ranged combat, as Dusk Taker found out when he used his wings in conjunction with the Pyro Dealer armament. After all, blunt damage usually occurs in melee.

A red avatar can fight in close combat if he wants to but this is not recommended as his body type is ill-suited for it. Likewise, a yellow avatar can do the same if the situation calls for it, even though it is a completely different attack type from what he specialises in, as we saw when Radio fought with Lotus.

Which only makes sense. The attack strategies of the chromatic colors are also forms of defense, so that they have strategies to apply towards survival as well as victory. But if all the metallic colors can do well is absorb hits, then they would just be green.

Further, all metallic colors have have as many vulnerabilities as resistances. Therefore, they cannot be said to specialize in defense. Rather, it must be said that their defenses are specialized.

Since their resistances have so many exceptional vulnerabilities, just about any enemy can try to exploit at least one. This means metallic avatars cannot rely on defense like Greens, so they also need a specialized method of attack in order to achieve victory.
Correct, but specialising in one method of attack and ONLY one method of attack means opening yourself up to more vulnerabilities. For chromatic avatars, as they do not have any specific vulnerabilities defence-wise, they have to instead be vulnerable to attack types for balance. Taking this into consideration, it would make much more sense for metallic avatars to have flexible attack styles. They may prefer one method of attack, but there would be nothing to stop them from switching if they come up against an avatar that can counter that style of attack easily.

The first time we saw Crow come up against an avatar that could naturally counter his avatar was in his fight against Roller, who specialised in dealing blunt damage. Even Kuroyukihime, with her vast battle experience, could not come up with a plan where Crow could properly defeat Roller. As Crow did not have his wings then and no way to deal long range damage, he had to run. Crow won his subsequent duels against Roller likely because his wings meant Roller would never be able to reach him on his bike. Thus Crow would simply be able to continuously make sweeps at him and then fly to safety.

The second and final time in the anime was with the sniper, which Crow countered by dodging.

What's the point of bringing up these examples, you ask? Well, it is simply to note that there has been no instances that prove my point, but also no instances to disprove it.

Conversely, the avatar known as Iron Pound is almost certainly <<Close Combat Direct>>.
I would attribute that more to his Pound name, rather than his colour.

In total, this makes all metallic avatars more specialized than any chromatic avatar, since each metallic color is specialized in one particular form of attack AND against various forms of damage.
That would make metallic avatars the most powerful avatars in the game, since each of them is double-specialized, and not one of them is an impure "alloy".
In practice, his double-specialization is a greater advantage than even a King of Pure Color's single-specialization.
But that would mean we would have the who-knows-how-many Kings of Pure Metal, rather than the Seven Kings of Pure Colour. As such, it would make more sense that this isn't a case of specialization in attack style, merely a preference.

Alternatively, the author is simply breaking his own rules. After all, he can't call a vampiric cat "Blood Leopard" if she's blue.
That would be an insult to your own dignity as an author, as it means that your writing lacks proper planning, causing you to contradict yourself. We must trust that Kawahara is accomplished enough of a writer that he would not need to do this. He does have two well-known series under his belt, after all.

Furthermore, there is no actual need for Blood Leopard to be a vampiric cat. The characteristic which Pard is known for is not her vamipric abilities. It's her love for speed.

Yet, it is true that Leopard and Taker are, apparently, on the completely opposite side of the chromatic wheel than they should be, and that both are darker shades. There might be a connection that is not readily obvious.
Not only that, but both are the ONLY avatars we have seen so far that are on the completely opposite side of the chromatic wheel than they should be and that both are the ONLY avatars we haven seen so far with darker shades. This means that it is completely reasonable for us to assume that there MUST be a connection.

"Yellow Taker" would have looked more comical than ominous. Just look at Sulphur Pot, who needed to ride a gigantic black dragon to look particular threatening. Yellow Radio looks like a clown; if he hadn't appeared in ambush with half his legion, would he have seemed properly intimidating?
Which might explain why Kawahara introduced such a property of avatars with darker shades

On a side note, Radio's colour makes him seem even more threatening to other avatars. His nickname is the "Radioactive Disturber", which is where the Radio part of his name comes from, rather than an actual radio (This is why he doesn't use sonics as his main form of attack). His colour has also been described as the colour of a radiation warning sign.

Last edited by Orange Duke; 2013-01-08 at 09:45.
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