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Old 2010-02-05, 20:14   Link #32
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
After many months of postponing, I finally caught up with the anime...and I gotta say I'm loving it, especially because the heroes are always in a pinch; Hughes is dead, Mustang discovered that the army is corrupt and had all his subs taken away, Al is slowly losing it, Ed is near death, Scar is being chased (although that's not rly news xD), Ling is overtaken by Greed and Mira lost her position at Briggs, which is under attack.
The points I didn't like: perhaps too much attention on the Ishbal war and a few characters have been left unexplored (G!Ling, Hawkeye, Sloth, etc.)
As for this episode: I'm glad thy didn't make Rose the leader of a cult, I hated it too much to describe in the first adaptation...and it's good to see that the "main" plot's moving as well. Btw the previews are killing me
That's funny, because they spent far too little time on ishbal compared to the manga. In the manga, it was a whole volume, comprised of a good 4.5 chapters worth of material. In Brotherhood, they condensed it into about 2/3 of an episode (while also splicing out Scar's backstory, which was maybe about 25% of the Ishval volume, and doing that way back in the confrontation with Winry in Central.)

They left out most of ishval, though, and kind of ruined the tale by splicing up the parts they didn't remove entirely
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