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Old 2008-05-17, 02:25   Link #231
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by ipernorris View Post
You know that those deaths aren't the only ones...
Those were the only kind of deaths period. And it's not like anyone in the show actually gave a shit when someone died. Not the main character at least. The whole "brother complex" thing was very unattractive, and made her look like a cold-hearted bitch. If she didn't have a knack for picking up rivalries at the drop of a hat, no one would have noticed her.

To me, and many to many others as well, Soukou no Strain was one of the best sci-fi series ever aired: too bad you don't think the same.
Once you get over the novelty of a time dilated war that only served as a one time plot device, and the girly-looking mecha, Strain isn't anything special. It doesn't have technological progression or any real variety in weaponry. It's not character driven. The whole thing is about "What the hell is wrong with her brother?" and thankfully it only takes thirteen episodes to answer it before he's killed off.

Anyway I mentioned that series only because I would like that the good guys side to be hit pretty hard because I don't like shows where the good side owns the universe (=>Gundam SEED...).
There wasn't a "good side" in Strain. There were the characters who recieved most of the screentime while living in a bright colorful highschool-like enviroment, and then the characters who really liked brown, orange, black, and possibly dark shades of purple, like they were living in a morgue or something.

And the good guys hardly owned the universe in Seed. They spent most of the series running away and hiding, and when they finally made a move, it was in the middle of a big battle where only one ship was really out to get them. If it wasn't everyone just getting tired of Azarel's bullshit on the Dominion, Archangel at least would have been lost.

It was a chaotic mess at the end, where order on all sides completely broke down into general melee, where the more powerful ships and mobile suits would tend to fair better.

I hope so too... some serious drama can bring great story telling and character growth. I don't understand why people get so attached to characters as if they were real persons... I mean who cares if they die or live, they're just animations. The important point is to enjoy the show, that's all that matters to me.
Possibly a scene of fairness, justice, personal enjoyment or fondess. Sometimes a character death is just horribly done or for the wrong reasons like simply for the sake of it. My personal favorite is when a character dies to feed a main character's developement.

Then again, I only said Quarter will go down because it's already shown all it can do, while the characters onboard are pretty much expendable. No one will weep unless they really like bridge bunnies, hair dressers, and maritime whalers. I swear, if the space whale idea pans out like I expect it to, "Thar she blows!" had better happen.

Last edited by Wesley84; 2008-05-17 at 02:53.
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