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Old 2010-11-17, 19:41   Link #5985
Selily Chidori
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Miami
Originally Posted by Kaoru842 View Post
somebody could write something, and everybody gets to sign ;-)
HEY! I'll do it!


I can write the letter and send it to GATOU-san, Kyoto Animations, the publuishers of FMP,..everyone of them!

Can we get a translated letter too? I cant do that least so it can be read in Japanese?....

A petition!!


no wait..thats the wrong one...


EDIT: here is my letter so far, am going to put it on a 'petition' website and i wonder if anyone can volunteer to make an Italien, Korean, Chinese, or even Japanese version of this letter. so far I got English and Spanish..
Anyone can recommend a GOOD petition website?...

EXCUSE Gramatical errors i WILL fix them, am open for any input. But I want this letter short and sweet...
This is what I have so far...
------------------------------Letter Starts -----------------------------------------------------------------

To all FullMetal Panic Fans
フルメタル•パニック!, Furumetaru Panikku

The following is a collection of signatures around the globe who encourage the animated 'anime' production of Full Metal Panic! written by Shoji Gatou, published by Fujimi Shobo.

Full Metal Panic!? novels that are desired, encouraged, and welcomed in to anime are including but not limited to the following full lenght novels:

Dancing Very Merry Christmas † 踊るベリー・メリー・クリスマス 20 March 2003
Continuing On My Own † つづくオン・マイ・オウン 20 October 2004
Burning One Man Force † 燃えるワン・マン・フォース 20 January 2006
Come Make My Day † つどうメイク・マイ・デイ 20 March 2007
Approaching Nick of Time † せまるニック・オブ・タイム 20 February 2008
Always, Stand by Me: Part 1 † ずっと、スタンド・バイ・ミー 上 17 July 2010
Always, Stand by Me: Part 2 †ずっと、スタンド・バイ・ミー 下 20 August 2010

If you, fan member or anime enthusiast, regardless of race, background, country, age or even status wish for the enjoyment of Full Metal Panic's amazing story come to life in anime, SIGN THIS PETITION NOW!
To all interested, despite the lack of exposure of the story and anime across the globe this is one of the most anticipated animes ever to be embraced.
'Panic' is best known for breath taking realistic action in fantasy military design, long anticipated romance that has been built between characters audiences adore, outragous and unorthidox comedy, unique cast of characters with amazing storylines filled with mystery that draws everyone till the very end.

We the fans, the anime lovers, the enthusiast sign to promote and proove the undying fans around the globe who WANT this to be animated with detail, dedication, and beauty that was delivered to us in last three seasons.

We hope to see more!!

------------------------------- Letter Ends ----------------------------------------------

A todos que estan en favor de la continuation de animation de Full Metal Panic?! escritos por Shoji Gatou y publicado por Fujimi Shobo. Incluillendo pero no limitado por los estorias escritas (ve Lista no. 1 hacia pagina ingles).

si tu eres un fan de anime de Full Metal Panic, no importat de que rasa, historia, nationalidad, edad, o status de communidad pero quieres difrutar el possibilidad de Full Metal Panic's estorias en anime!! FIRME ESTA PETITION AHORA!

A los que estan interesados, a menos el porco reception y adelanto de estorias hacia costas de otra nation el anime Full Meta Panic es uno de los anime mas anticipados y bien receptionado entre el mundo entero.

'Panico' es conocido por sus effectos de militar-fantasy, anticipation de un romance que as crecido entre los dos personades que la audiencia adora, comedia, y una lista de increible personajes con estorias y drama lena de mysterio y vida que mantega a todos hasta final!

Nosotros los fans, amantes de anime, con mucho enthusiasmo firmamos esta petition para probar que nosotros des de mundo entero QUIEREMOS esta animation! con detalle, dedication, y bellaza que ya has demostrados en las ultimos series "Full Metal Panic!", "Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!" y especialmente en "Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid."

Tenemos fe en ver MAS!
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