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Old 2011-08-31, 05:47   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 637 [manga]

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The climactic battle to decide the future of the merman island rages on! What developments will take place next!? Credit goes to the usual folks for the summary and trans:

-Chapter title is "The ancient ark". Ministory features Dr. Kureha.

-Luffy beats the living crap out of Hody with a variety of CoA-infused attacks, but the fish-captain withstands the assault. Hody tries to fight back, but any retaliation he makes has little to no effect. Soon, however, the legendary Noah's ark descends upon the island.....

-It turns out that Decken is controlling the ark from the inside. His giant crewman Wadatsumi falls from the ship and asks for help, but Decken denies him assistance. Noah begins to pierce through the bubble surrounding the island, but Shirahoshi suddenly appears in front of it, saying that she'll willingly sacrifice herself to save everyone else. Though Decken originally intended to destroy the island, he nonetheless decides to focus on the princess and throws a knife at her, wounding her. Hody, meanwhile, takes this time to take refuge on the Noah.....

-Luffy asks Sanji to help him reach the ark and save Shira. Jinbei notes that though the inside of the ship is filled with water, there should still be enough air for a DF user like Decken to move around in. He then gives Luffy a coral that produces bubbles, and Sanji prepares to escort his captain to the ancient ark with his new Sky Walk technique in order to rescue the princess....!!!

Well, as many of us figured, Luffy took a break from Hody (who's practically a punching bag at this point, lol ) in order to stop Decken. It also looks like those of us who guessed Shira would help stop the ark were half-right, as well (still no sea kings, though.....). And since Hody snuck aboard the ship as well, I suppose Luffy will thrash him there while Sanji takes care of Decken (unless it's revealed that Caribou's aboard too, or something).....

I also kinda figured that Kureha would get her own ministory chapter since she was absent from the previous one. Now we have Alabasta to look forward to next!

And so, the full chap release should come along soon.....
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