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Old 2012-05-25, 11:51   Link #9093
Tenchi Hou Take
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
We know she can copy skills but was it ever stated that she can copy styles?
Technically she should be able to but she probably can't (as shounen logic goes), if Kanome system counts as a style. (I was still thinking of it as subgenre of skills but now I think about it it's probably a style)

I mean she can master knowledge, technques and practically anything anyone can learn to do as well as anything they're born with, so unless it's from an outside influence she should logically be able to copy it or at the very least instantly understand how to acquire, it.

Medaka box is weird in the sense that none of it's abilities make any sense what so ever, even amongst shounens. Showns typically have power set or supernatural entities to explain their abilities, e.g chakra reiatsu devil fruits and haki, dying will etc. Medaka box has jack shit it just explains it's shit. It before had something to do with unlocking all the potential of the human mind but that went out the window. So we're pretty much left to assume these things happen with not even the slightest explaination why...

If styles are what they imply unless they come from a completely external source tehy should be learnable by any normal human (or at least any human gifted enough) so that logically means she should be able to copy it. But they probably aren't.
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