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Old 2011-09-19, 17:56   Link #41
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Location: Philadelphia, Pa
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
I think all that's cool on an intellectual level, and maybe even at an emotional one. But narratively specking, if she ultimately doesn't act, she will be swapped away but the narrative. To put in English. What if she didn't want her brothers to risk their lives (and maybe even sacrifice themselves) for her sake? Even if she did feel this way, unless she said anything, she would be unable to change things.
While I think her inaction speaks to the opposite. That she might actually liked them risking their lives for herself, making things harder for them, and playing innocent. Now, if she had to act I think she would, for instance when she told Kanba how she missed him and Shou not being around and once he started getting flustered yelled just kidding! I think those are actions that define her character. Now that part of her character so far has had much relation to the overall plot but that's different that saying she doesn't have a defined character.

Her character relation to the overall plot though I think is reflected through the Penguin Queen. That where we see her action through commanding the brother overtly.

I think she is a proper character, I just don't think she's the type of character most people relate to well and therein lies the problem.
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