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Old 2008-12-19, 16:44   Link #67
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
Not a bad episode at all.

I think people take Taiga's verbal and physical abuse of Ryuuji too seriously; she clearly cares about him, as shown by her attempts to get him to apologize and make up with Minorin, especially that line about why people need forgiveness. Damn, that was good.

Ami was also incredibly awesome this episode, cheering Ryuuji up after his argument with Minorin and promising to help him when he needs it. That rocked too.

Taiga's hatred of her father is also perfectly justified. Just because he gives her money DOES NOT make him a good parent. As The Family Circus said, you can either give your children a) Things, or b) Time. Time is better.

Taiga's dad abandoned her for his new wife. That's not a sign of a good parent at all. Taiga is NOT at fault here, don't blame her.

Yes, she's a bitch. She also has many good qualities. People accentuate the negative too much.

Next week looks to be the shit hitting the fan, and is coincidentally the last episode before the break. Hope it's as good as this episode.

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