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Old 2010-12-05, 19:20   Link #1105
Shall we?
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Europe
Originally Posted by wingzerosnuggles View Post
Agreed with you on Heero's emotional range. Feelings. He has them.

Looking at Duo Jr., isn't the cliché about the bratty nature of any potential fruit from his loins confirmed?

Meh...not enough people don't read EZ. Wufei is so misunderstood. -_-

Also, kinda random, but this makes me lol:
Spoiler for to save space:

Wufei is so "I don't care about your yammering. I'm playing with this bendy thing. Heero's an idiot."
How can anything be confirmed by a novel that is 'just testing the waters'? But fine. It may be confirmed but it still rubs me the wrong way.

It's too fanfic-y for my taste. Like the perma sugar rush thing. Really, I must be blind because I didn't see anything in the series to point in that direction. Duo being a brat? (or having bratty kids) Sure, his street urchin phase in Ep Zero is one thing. But that's justified. In the series he was always fairly polite, if a little casual. Remember him saving Relena from Heero? Or him 'enlisting' in OZ in space?(when he met Hilde the first time). Notice the tone. He's pretty gallant toward women and has no problem playing along with authorities. Now let's look at Duo Jr. ...umm, yes. I wonder whom he's taking after. Can't be his dad.

If anyone's gonna have a brat for a kid it should be Heero. Kid got no manners at all. Duo offered to help him with repairing his Gundam and he not only turned him down but also stole Deathscythe's parts. The first person he actually thanks is Trowa (in Sicily I believe?). Because he's been taking care of his hide for a whole month. Yeah, he can be nice. And how nicely he treated Zechs for returning his Gundam to him. Or how he wanted to thank him for that matter. Or even better, Relena interrupting his duel with Zechs.
Heero: "You're in the way! Get lost!" Zechs: "Princess! Please leave at once!"
Now, that's a difference if there ever was one. Need I say more? That boy's manners are a catastrophe, something even Duo himself complained about lol.

Anyway. That scene is indeed funny. Wu Fei of all people complaining about a guy blindly rushing off after a girl. He has no room to talk xD The second part of that scene is even funnier, when Trowa tells him to at least welcome Relena because it's easy to hurt a girl's feelings. He looked like he was about to eat his bendy thing. And then Duo drops the bomb; 'he can mess up, too you know.' Cue dramatic pause. I swear, I expected bendy to fly out of Wu Fei's hands and into Deli Grill any moment there xD

EDIT: What, you never heard of the rape victim theories, Kitsoru? When it was revealed in Ep 0 that Trowa was raised in a mercenary unit, people started shouting 'rape victim!' all over the place, since they had supposedly found the cause to his withdrawn nature. I wouldn't call it fangirl BS, the arguments are pretty good. There were some really heated debates going on back in the day. I myself don't think the mercs ever laid hand on little No-Name but the way Trowa draped himself over him was weird... Kind of bordering molesting.

Last edited by IkuzeMinna; 2010-12-05 at 19:48.
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