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Old 2010-05-25, 22:18   Link #46
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Toronto, Canada
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Ledgem
back when most of those countries were forming, leaving your country for another was a long and hard endeavor.
Yes, that's true. But that restriction was more of a function of technology at the time, no? It's certainly true that with our modern airplanes and international standards of language or education, setting off for a new land is less daunting....but that doesn't really have much to do with the intentions of those behind the migration or demographic shifts. Unless you're not arguing that it is. In which case, carry on.

I do agree that immigration is generally too easy these days. You're right that the lack of easy movement around the world back then acted as a natural deterrent against people who weren't willing to go "all in". But with that deterrent gone, there are a lot of people taking advantage of an easy access system with no real intention of adapting to the new country, or only superficially doing so. And this isn't going to be good for the destination country in the long run.

In America, at least, this sentiment was partly what led to the creation of the various Little China's, Little Tokyo's, Little Italy's, etc. across various cities.
I wish there was a Little Tokyo around here....

Interestingly I've heard far more negative interpretations of the sort of ethnic enclaves that you're describing, many of which use the same kind of language that was used earlier to criticize "temporary" foreigners (eg: sticking with your own, not willing to adapt). Of course, I would say most of these communities are harmless and beneficial in many ways, but I can't say the seemingly forthcoming breakdown of my own city into enclaves doesn't trouble me. But I'm just rambling....

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