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Old 2012-06-25, 10:05   Link #222
Auron Requies
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Aquarion Evol end was no where near perfect. But it was definitely a fun series that I'd place together with Sousei/Genesis, landing in my "favourties shelf" within my mind. Reactions are pretty well mixed, some absolutely still completely loving this, and haters absolutely hating. Mine would have be to be 75% former and 25% latter. Starting with the disappointments, some plot giving in the beggining haven't been resolved

- Cayenne's 'wedding' vision of Kagura and Mikono implication never really came to past, or rather, what was the point? Maybe the future changed or Cayenne's elemental powers are effected by his will (since we seen how he's leveled up he's control with it after episode 14). Point being: there's no real explanation about this.

- Fudo is Apollonius, but I'd like to know more on the reason for his actions. We know he's a good guy, an eccentric mentor. But I'd like to see more the reasons on why he is doing what he is doing now. Sure we can figure he's defending the world, his action indicate this.

But why like this? We know he's Apollonius, but why no real "Heart" connection back when he interacted with both Slyvia and Mikono since they are part Celliane's. He's always talked to them like a teacher, and I guess I can go with the "He has and always will love Cellianne because she is Cellianne, Slyvia and Mikono may be her reincarnate(s), but they are different people" but I'd like to see him actually talk about it, explain this.

- Then theres Pollon, oh boy, I think we all got turned off by the idea that these 12000 7+ years, our main protagonist of Aquarion, Apollo and Amata (and by extension Kagura) are reincarnation of a Winged Dog. Yes, he's a "Shadow Angel" but I've never since him talk, and its hard to tell if he's treated as a companion or an actual pet. Regardless, while this did seem like a good "no one will see this coming twist" the results have been mixed since it felt so retconned...And Gen/Zen/Apollonius doesn't seem to mind but please, show us 'why' or let him explain.

- Its great that Mix got her body back to original form, but HOW? Was it natural since she's not on Altair anymore? How would be a great start

The biggest con were were lack of plot explanations. A part of me wished that they added the Pollon reincarnate line was actually a "fusion" of both Pollon and Apollinus souls, the parts that loved Celiane as both parties love for her was so strong that they resulted to this. It would also explain why Apollo/Amata/Kagura seemingly can use Aquarion with it's "Wings of the Sun" and Fudo himself may be the warrior/defender of mankides side of Apollonius hence his attitude. Heck they never really explained how Apollo/Amata can use the wings of the sun, unless Amata's 'wings on the feet = wings of the sun" is just subjective, but he was still key in returning Aquarion to it's true form. And why does Apollonius have Fudo, when there is also the fact that Aquarion is a part of Apollonius as well.

Now we can start with the good:

- Music BGM and Music Theme. There's no denying it. "Genesis of Aquarion" + "Aquarion Chapter 2" are just f%^&ing awesome songs.

- The Aquarion family mecha, especially Aquarion Geparda and Aquarion LOVE. LOVE Dammit!

- It should seem so obvious to many english speakers that EVOL was LOVE backward, but for me it wasn't. And I love it! (no pun intended) xD. I always thought it was just a shortening of 'Evole" but damn was that another "that's what they want you to think" xD.

- Shrade is lending a hand one last time!

- Apollo! Sirius!(!!!) and Toma! It's great to hear you guys again. And good to know this was reformed Toma. Mykage really was just the Dark side. And I liked how Mikono understood Toma's feelings and how she tried to apologize to the dark half.

- As cheesy as it was, Amata x Mikono is a win, and sometimes, I just love cheesy (sue me). But the way they pulled it off to reflect season 1 is a thumbs up for me. And Amata comparing his mother slipping away from him to Apollo slipping away from Slyvia was a good add as well.

- Mikono willing to use her Elemental abilities of emotional reconnection.

- I was glad Malloy as a side character gave me the impression he's also be part of the final battle, but Clea/Claire takes it instead (xD). Another good throwback to her connection as Rena/Rena role in only combining once.

- Despite what I said above, Mix body is back to normal. You gotta love Andy x Mix.

- Zessica just not being so gloomy anymore. And on that note, Kagura NOT killing her. She's gotten so screwed over the past couple of episode its good that she was spared.

- Buddha MUGEN HANDS. I don't know about you, but I loled.

- Cayenne acknowledging Shrade as his friend/shin'yu.

- Aquarion's tears of love fill up the planet with water.

- Paper Bag girl face was revealed okay not really, but I liked that they showed a glimpse of her hairstyle (which you already get the feeling she's cute xD)

- Suomi x Donnar. Screw it, I can dig that.

- "Love is NOW permitted". But does that include an OAV? xD

Conclusion: Most of the pro's tend to be small stuff here and there, but overall, it was a "Fun" final episode, and a fun ride. Heck this felt more like just another episode then a complete final, though it is a complete final since the big bad Mykage get's sealed (or combined? But looks more like sealed) with Fudo/Apollonius, despite plot being thrown completely out the window, well that logic was sorta gone when I first saw mugen punch back in Genesis (xD) but even then they had a steady plotline with the apollo = apollonius roller coaster. Somethings did feel rushed, like Zessica recovering so quickly from her gloomy state, but it was nice to see her not getting anymore screwed from Mykage.

If there was one way to phrase this ending, this felt more like Code Geas R2. R2 had a great beginning, wtf middle, and overall nice/somewhat-fitting ending. The same for me happened with Aquarion Evol. People say this is a train wreck, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But Aquarion Evol is by no means a train wreck to me. You want a Train Wreck? Watch Gundam Seed Destiny. THAT is a train wreck.

tl/dr: Despite some flaws, I still love the Aquarion series and enjoyed the final.
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