Thread: Dating
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Old 2008-02-04, 19:06   Link #463
Gillian-class Chibi
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Utah
Age: 35
So here's a dating-related question for you guys... not the usual sort for this thread, though, since I already am dating someone. I think it's more a problem with me than anything else, but maybe someone will have some advice to share?

There's kind of two parts to it...

First, he makes me really happy. Besides being a complete match in personality (in the good way, not in the "we're way too similar to get along" way), which makes doing anything together tons of fun, he'll go out of his way to do little stuff that he knows will make me happy. (For instance, I have the unusual hobby of collecting My Little Ponies... please don't laugh... and he actually makes an effort to remember their names and such. And he's started coming to my Welsh singing class on Thursday nights. ...It's really hard to come up with specific examples, but you get the idea.) But, and I think this might be because I've always had some self-esteem issues, I never feel as if I'm making him happy. It's not that he seems unhappy or anything... but I still end up feeling kind of selfish.

The second part (which doesn't help at all with the first) is that lately it seems like all he wants to do is play World of Warcraft. Which is fine; I enjoy it too. But it seems like most of the time that's all he wants to do with me. He already does stuff with his guild three nights a week, and then we've got our Dungeons and Dragons game on Friday nights. So that leaves very little time for me to begin with (I don't count four hours rolling dice in a crowded room as spending time with me, since we both tend to get really caught up in the game) and running around killing monsters online isn't exactly how I like to spend my time with him. Especially since when we play WoW, we're both at home, not together. I've tried telling him that I'd like to spend more time -alone- with him, -in person-, and I guess I'll see how that goes... it was really hard to figure out how to say it without coming across as clingy or needy. Which I try not to be, and I think I do a pretty good job. I'm not sure how to get him to understand, though, if it turns out just telling him wasn't enough. :/

I guess sometimes it just feels like we're back to being just friends again, albeit much more affectionate...
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