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Old 2012-04-19, 03:49   Link #7003
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Age: 66
Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
The reason they can get away with this is people don't take it seriously. When the shitstorm surrounding the ME3 ending was still going full-blast, the unhappy customers were almost universally panned by non-gamers, gaming media and both Bioware and EA for being "whiny entitlement whores" because it's "just a game" and they need to "grow up."

It's okay to be angry and demand a refund or an exchange when you buy something broken or flawed or even just terrible at its job--unless that something is a game, a movie or a song. In that case, you're just supposed to accept that it's bad and move on, allowing the companies to continue to shit out horrible crap every year.

Really, this is stupid. They are companies. They sell a product. It shouldn't matter what the product is, if the product is defective or just plain terrible, they should have to face the consequences. But there is a double standard regarding entertainment "products."
In the old days, the people would throw rotten fruit or even tar and feather poor performances .... hmmmmm.
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