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Old 2012-06-19, 03:58   Link #230
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Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Defining perhaps, but not changing. Saber doesn't change because of this. In fact she doesn't change at all from what I can tell until probably Fate/Stay Night. Berserker gets the sad treatment, mainly because in the overall point of things...he is ultimately unimportant to the story save to keep Saber from reaching the Grail in time. Kariya had his story moments and his plot fulfilled. His ending is still sad, but not vital anymore to the plot...even his own plotline. (Least their story wasn't cut entirely.)

Saber is a "main character" only because she's Saber, from Fate/Stay Night. In terms of the plot arcs...she's rather secondary because her story really isn't is in Fate/Stay Night. Her plot basically got a ten year delay because of Kerry it seems ordering her to destroy the Grail. This is Kerry's story, so if there is a need to cut due to time...the plot will favor him over Saber.
She doesn't change permanently, but she does show an unusual disregard for chivalry from that point on - which is a change - because seeing Lancelot in that miserable state (and hearing his final words which were cut) made her that much more desperate to get her hands on the Grail no matter what. Her state during her confrontation with Gilgamesh (which wasn't properly conveyed in the anime either unfortunately) is a direct result of the weight and impact of her clash with Lancelot held for her. Gilgamesh himself compares her expression to that of a rabid dog's like Berserker, which shows she has indeed changed from her usual self, even if it's just temporary.

And just because Saber's story isn't completed here doesn't mean her journey in F/Z wasn't an important chapter in it (not to mention I find her to be a better written here than in F/SN, although that's beside the point here). Regardless, when did I propose Kiritsugu be the one to have his scenes cut instead of her and why are you acting as if that's the only possibility? He wasn't even mentioned in the original post I quoted (which mentioned Waver and Kariya, who are indeed more secondary to the story than Saber).
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