Thread: I like 2D Girls
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Old 2009-04-02, 04:45   Link #1
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Join Date: Mar 2009
I like 2D Girls

I was watching a rather famous anime and a quote the main character said something like that. It was meant as a funny joke but it got me thinking. This is something I really want to know more about but I don't know who to ask.

A lot of girls in (non-shojo) anime get a long really well with each other. They compete, yes, but they do it in a way where they support and are friendly with each other. I don't know how to explain it, but they get along quite well even with they disagree or are going after one guy. True, it's idealistic to expect people in real life to get along that well with each other, but I at least expect people to try and get a long with each other.

Well, that was before I started to think about real life - especially high school. Before I go on, this isn't everyone. It may not even represent the majority, but I know so many girls like this that I could spend hours telling you about each one.

I'm not sure how to explain it, but I get this weird feeling that a lot of girls in real life hate each other. When I started reading a shojo manga recently, it gave me back that feeling. Hate is a strong word (especially over trivial stuff), but I get this vibe thats what's happening. No trying to get along with each other. No, let's compete really hard over that thing and after we're done "let's go out and have a beer (or dinner since it's HS)"!

Of course, this isn't everyone - probably only a minority, but I just don't know. I feel confused. I'm not sure what I'm seeing, but it's something I don't see happen with 2D girls (or even most girls I have as friends - but their weird like me ;p They like watching anime and doing goofy stuff that makes everyone laugh and have fun.).

Last edited by Fandal; 2009-04-02 at 04:58.
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