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Old 2012-09-26, 14:38   Link #634
Tenchi Ryu
True Harem End or BUST
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Dorsai View Post
Real true end harem not exist. There is always one girl leading, even if lead is the slightest...
This doesn't justify your stance at all.. Just cause a girl might be favorable in the MC's eye doesn't mean no feelings for the others exist. If feelings were strictly meant for one person, then cheating would never exist in this world. Godou literally is sharing feelings for both Erica and Lili at the moment, doesn't matter that feelings for erica might be stronger, point still stands that both are in his eye right now. The thing about fiction is that Harem can be made to work, ANYTHING can be made to work in fiction.

I agree with you Dengar that its usually unbelievable, but a GOOD harem series creates a case where it is believable and makes sense. In Sekirei for example, the MC's girls are literally bonded to his DNA, and in turn becomes attracted to him, sometimes without even knowing why themselves. Or like in Tenchi Muyo where the Harem presents political benefits since the MC is a important politcal figure, and different nations want one of their own married to him to make bonds for their nation. So in fiction, its not common, but has been done.

Originally Posted by Dorsai View Post
Lol harem tag means its romance with multiple girls falling in love with MC, but that not means it need to end without conclusion or with harem end. A lot of harem anime/manga end with one girl winning...
It doesn't need to end like that, problem is that because Harems have been basically following the Love Hina formula, this is what everyone now expects of the harem, who will the MC choose instead of wondering how can he balance multiple girls after him.
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