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Old 2010-06-18, 21:55   Link #43
Eater of All
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Outside the Asylum
Originally Posted by Duckys View Post
Someone had a Haruhi moment for a second there...
I've never really liked the comparisons of Angel Beats to SHnY, but even I gotta admit what Yuri pulled there reminded me of Haruhi to a certain extent. That, and Higurashi.

So anyways, a very confusing episode this week, mainly due to yet more breakneck pacing. To be honest I felt disappointed at the beginning watching all the characters disappear one after another as if it was no big deal. It almost seems as if the anime thought they were in the way and decided to make them conveniently go away to forcibly shift the focus entirely back to the plot. Granted, we're already at the climax, so side characters (90% of which were comic relief indeed) are probably useless during this time. Still, I would've prefered seeing a more... prettier way of putting them at the sidelines rather than merely flushing them down the toilet.

EDIT: Other than that, it's still a pretty emotional ride; not entirely bad, I suppose.
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