Thread: A Laugh A Day
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Old 2010-11-01, 20:28   Link #9098
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by thevil1 View Post
It makes me think all those people are paid actors, or people they told before hand.
Don't have to be. Sometimes the trick to a clever trick, is that there is none there; you just think there is because you don't consider the obvious and are provided a carret on the stick ("X are stupid, because of Y") and thus you don't think about at all, and just accept it (you could say it is similar to politics "if it sounds good, it must be good"). Those could have been 10 in 1000. Those could have been simply a small set of questions people answered wrong often. Those could have been people who were trying to be funny and intentionally answering them that way. It's not hard to edit any good answers out for dramatic effect either. And finally, those questions were asked on the street!

I've seen similar videos of different countries; even if they were legit, all they prove is that there are stupid people everywhere, not that X are stupid. Here's the German version:

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