Thread: Naruto Q&A
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Old 2006-12-31, 01:37   Link #820
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Age: 44
Speaking of Gai...

What I've sorta wondered about Gai is if he has any ninjutsu. I've only seen him do a minimal amount of jutsu other than taijutsu (walking on water and dispelling the sleep genjutsu at the chuunin arena). Also, I think a few kicks/punches of his had the blue "chakra effect", but I dunno if that was added in the anime for effect or that he was using chakra to strengthen the hit. He never uses ninjutsu that I know of (other than the few times i mentioned) and even in one of the fillers to challenge Lee in his dojo he puts on a lame wig and mustache instead of using henge no jutsu (probably for comedy effect, but still).

The first time I watched the series I thought he was pretty much like Lee, where he had no ninjutsu or genjutsu capabilities, but I'm watching the series the whole way through yet again and I've noticed a few times he does. I'd imagine that the turtle that scolds Lee after the Sasuke and Lee fight was summoned by Gai now that I think about it...

Side note: Mighty Guy just sounds lame. I'd rather the translators leave the names alone (characters and techniques) and if they are going to translate the names literally then shouldn't they switch the names/surnames to the English style Guy Might and Lee Rock and etc.? Lee Rock sounds nowhere as cool as Rock Lee IMO.
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