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Old 2010-11-25, 22:15   Link #99
Join Date: Aug 2007
Knowing I wasn't going to get the full romantic ending before watching the episode helped me enjoy it for what it was, rather than worry too much about what it could have been. Overall, it was nice, cute, and would have been great... had it not been the be all end all episode for the arc. But oh well. At least it seems Junichi has some realization of Rihoko as someone he likes, which makes it easier to imagine that everything will eventually lead to the Precious Diary chapter.

Other than the romantic plot not fully being resolved, probably my biggest disappointment, really, is that there was never a moment when Junichi told Rihoko that she really did not need to go on a diet and that she was fine the way she was. That would have been nice, considering Rihoko really isn't all that fat anyways. (Ironically, he *did* say something along those lines back in early Haruka's arc... He also says something along those lines in the Precious Diary chapter.)

Overall, I'd have to give this arc an 8/10 with assist (from the Precious Diary chapter). Mind you, without said assist, it'd probably be... a 3/10. >_> I enjoyed it for what it's worth, but I sure hope if another series ever does an omnibus format like this, that they don't pull the stunt this arc pulled, and especially not with the ever-precious childhood friend character...
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