Thread: Licensed Bakuman (TV) (All Seasons)
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Old 2009-12-12, 00:47   Link #33
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Join Date: May 2007
one of the few manga that I'm currently enjoying the most. I'm quite happy and surprised to see an anime announcement being made this soon and with a specific airing season, too.

I have greatly enjoyed some of the shows Kasai Kenichi has directed (Honey and Clover, Nodame and Aoi Hana come to mind), but I can't help but wonder if Bakuman would be the kind of manga that would suit him the most. I think he is quite a good director when it comes to drama, and he can also do very faithful and enjoyable adaptations. however, Bakuman doesn't exactly have a lot of drama, or is focused entirely on comedy, though it has sparks of the two. it's the kind of story that I've always found interesting and enjoyable, for the sole reason that is very interesting, in the way it's told, and developed in every single chapter. you can say it's like a school-life kind of thing, with the school replaced by a mangaka's life/workshop.

what I hope for this adaptation:

- good character designs. The manga is very good at this. the cast is somewhat large, but it has very distinguishable and unique characters, with a especial mention to the good-looking and well-dressed females (Aoki and Miho come to mind).
- please don't make it cheap.
- the manga was very interesting; please make the adaptation interesting, too.
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