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Old 2012-04-30, 21:54   Link #137
Super Pilot
Join Date: Sep 2010
wew just watched the episode it was really great. especially the OP when I saw the main title card with age 1,2&3. Clanches for me were really animated greatly as well of course the hero MS, the age 3 who kicked ass the vegans. Kio has the best debut out of the 3 because when flit and asemu first rode the cockpit of their gundams there was a "clumsy" feeling while watching it. While Kio looks really ready on his first sortie. And based on the OP(on how he and zeheart clashed on the OP end)and how his fights ended I think Kio's piloting style will focus more on range, in contrast with his father who's a dual wielding melee type and his grandpa who's more of a all around but mostly with one beam saber or beam rifle only. that's just my idea of this episode. Anyway, can't wait for the pirate gundam and age1 (if it's still in service) to show up.

I realized the reason why Kio sucks as of this moment is because unlike flit and asemu, he doesn't have a badass ally named woolf!
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