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Old 2007-10-01, 03:23   Link #70
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Quality: 7/10

Nothing out of the ordinary, but nothing shoddy

Seiyu: 8/10

I thought it went well; there wasn't anything to complain about in this field after all.

Music: 9/10

Aside from an unmemorable opening, the use of inserts to build atmosphere and keep the atmosphere kept me watching much longer than I would've otherwise. A very powerful part of the anime.

Script: 4/10

Everything up to Episode 11 was groundbreakingly good. However, the script lacked involvement and sometimes decisiveness. Some lame lines spouted here and there pinged down the points.

Adaptation: 4/10

I have to say, if you watched this anime without playing the game as I have, you would've probably found the conclusion very messed up. It would probably be easier to bear with the end if you knew what was coming.

I personally think that trying to mix endings doesn't mean a good adaption.

However, it took a lot of aspects from the game, yet made sure it wasn't too much of the same, to give the viewers a twist to anticipate. The mixed signals was a good move from the animators. Its adaption was better than a direct follow-through of one storyline.

Editing: 6/10

Can't say it was good. Episode 5 in particular was a throw-off in terms of special effects (rather unnecessary "Oh yeah"s if I may say).

Ending 2/10

I'm sorry to say, but to end a series by a bout of irrational murders is not my idea of creating a good drama. This show could've ended perfectly without any deaths occurring. Also, to isolate the three from the rest of the cast in the last episode, what was the whole point of that? We get a story built around everyone, and suddenly they're irrelevant to the story in the conclusion?

Sounds like too much of an attempt to cater to the bloodthirsty demand of the fans, yet it's catering it to the point which shows how demoralising knowing how insensitive people are to death and murder (even rooting them on to kill each other). Sure I may have said I hope makoto would die once or twice, but that was in a semi-joking mood. Murder is not something to cheer for.

And most may agree, an ending like that would warrant a widescale purge of the anime in HDs from hooked turned spiteful viewers. Not an ending which people would want to buy, would they?

Emotional Involvement 8/10

The whole story got you involved really well; whether or not it was due to your support of his decisions, or your ability to recognise that you knew people who made mistakes like makoto. The flawed characters (hence their ordeal) was one of the winning points of this anime in my eyes.

Series rating (1-11) 8/10 . It really stretched our feelings about the stupidity of someone in puberty, yet wasn't unreal. It was so strikingly different and well done in execution up to 11 compared to the other serious animes this season.

Overall (1-12) 3/10 . The conclusion to the series destroyed whatever merits it gained. I definately would not think this is an anime worth mentioning or recommending to anyone else.
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