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Old 2011-02-05, 17:32   Link #38
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Armacham Replica Training center
so okay... theres a shotgun... in terms of combat, a shotgun is very effective at warding off CQB combatants...

so far, only the revive custom II is the only IS power armor thats using conventional weaponry since cecilia's rocket pack doesnt count due to her power armor's dragoon bit gun platform and the energy sniper rifle. you can say that its adaptive in most cases since you can change your loadout to fit with the combat situations (well at times, even CQB is rendered useless)

im wondering why the brits didnt put a railgun on cecilia instead of that energy rifle of hers. if my lulz is correct, a rail gun based sniper rifle deals more damage than a particle laser beam but really requires shitloads of power and specialized ammo to boot (i will lol if a .50BMG or a bullet equivalent to an AT rifle round will be used).

and thank god thars no weapon jammers, disruptors, or EMP devices that will send the power armors nulled.

lets roll
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