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Old 2013-06-27, 23:19   Link #70
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
I didn't know where to post this, but since it's a (crack) speculation here it goes.

I have the theory that Gunha is a closet pervet, here's my reasoning:

A time ago I brought the possibility of the seven level 5 having "personality problems" based on the seven sins, althought without enough information on Misaki. Whatever the case I figure it could be something like this:

1. Accelerator - Greed
2. Kakine - Envy
3. Mikoto - Pride
4. Shizuri - Wrath
5. Misaki - Gluttony
6. Mysterious No. 6 - Sloth (he/she seems to avoid interactions)
7. Gunha - Lust (last sin left)

I had speculated before that if Aogami is No. 6, then Lust would be his by right , Sloth being Misaki's and Gluttony probably being Gunha's. But since Misaki has been basically confirmed as a glutton, and Gunha couldn't be lazy, I now lean more towards this arrangement.

Of course, there could also be the possibility of having Aogami being the lusty one, bringing Rikou into the mix as the lazy one and leaving Gunha sinless... but that's not as fun as saying that Gunha may be a pervert

So... any thoughts?
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