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Old 2010-11-16, 16:11   Link #1029
Lost in your Eyes~~~
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: UK
You know its very possible that Head himself is Takuto's father? Duckroll pointed out something good that Sam could be two people and Takuto is either a alternate metaphor or a red herring.

Lets look at a few things the first being the referencing of the story of Star Driver to the story of the Little Prince.
  • The King Obviously Sugata
  • Conceited Man Banishing Age & Head - Always in his own world and has the admiration of the Crux Brigade
  • Drunkard Borgainvillea & Ivrogne (her name literally means drunkard)
  • Little Prince Obviously Takuto
  • Lamplighter Filament & Scarlet Kiss - "The glow in the light of hope is us at Filament" though other than that quote it seems loose
  • Businessman Adult Bank & President - Quite obvious, Mrs. Watanabe believes she owns everything.
  • Geographer Science Division & Professor Green - Actually in a way describes her Bishounen complex.

Mainly going to focus on Head here.

First thing to note is the name 'Banishing Age' sounds abit like immortality doesn't it? With that out of the way lets move onto the painting by Takuto's father way back from episode 1 it was watermark 'R' with a lone single girl overlooking an ocean. Of most important note is Head's name being Reiji Miyabi so he fits this criteria first but there is more.

If we first assume Head maybe killed his love in order to fly into the galaxy the girl in the painting maybe and was also the one who caused the death of the last King making himself the leader. It could be that Head and Takuto are a juxtapose of this earlier quote assuming they took two different paths.
“But did Sam love the girl he was with or the brilliant galaxy around him?”
Something else of interest is that marks can apparently be inherited through families such as with Sugata and Wako. Now theres nothing been said yet to say you can't inherit TWO marks and it may very well be that Head simply forfeited one of his marks. If we go back to Fish Girl's story it may be that if Head was Sam he qualified to inherit several marks in reference to his choice to sail or be king.

We should also note the interesting relationship between Head/Takuto's marks following the hebrew alphabet, Resh = Head/Taw = Seal.

Taw when paired up with Mem and Aleph makes up 'Truth' which corresponds to Takuto's "Break the mask of lies" quote. Truth is all emcompassing and lies are narrow and deceiving perhaps Head by being the conceited man he is deceiving himself. Res when paired up with Shin and Kuf makes up 'Lie', it may be that quote referred to him directly.

There is also the fact Wako's asked quite bluntly how long Takuto had his mark, for about a year. It maybe that to inherit the mark the last owner has to have died or forfeited the mark, in this case since his grandfather was the last and maybe died. His father could've forfeited it and it'd be the same thing as dying and Wako's grandmother may have known this. Its been made clear before Sugata could've forfeited his mark should he have wished.
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