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Old 2013-03-25, 23:30   Link #505
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
Kuroko needs physical contact to teleport one. That's why her limit to teleport a human being is 2.

Kuroko doesn't really need to see where she wants to teleport the thing she wanted to teleport. She only need to know the place. The things there, the visual image of it, the distance and height of it. Basically information that she needed for calculation of teleportation.

Awaki isn't restricted to physical contact and can teleport in huge masses.

The way teleporter uses their ability is like. Coating the object with their AIM and sending it through 11th dimension and forcing its being back into this dimension.

And for all instance. For the time being. All of the things shown that has been teleported are solid matter. Has fixed mass, shape or volume or just plain fixed.

Probably teleporting gas or liquid would be hard because the molecules aren't fixed in place. It would probably possible if its in a container.

Accelerator can rape a teleporter. In his pass, he had a battle with teleporter. Ones the object is entering this dimension. The reflect of Accelerator kicks in and its good as sending it back to 11th dimension.
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