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Old 2012-12-15, 13:10   Link #79
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Honestly, I think it's a little unfair to assume that both Baby-5 and Buffalo are THAT much weaker than Vergo. I mean, I also don't doubt that he's superior to the both of them, but that doesn't have to mean that there's such a huge gap between them (seeing as they're fellow members of Dofla's crew). Especially if the both of them are haki users.... again, I wouldn't doubt that Vergo has more advanced mastery of haki over them, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't use it in some rather unique ways.....
Monet was considerably weaker than Vergo, and she was also a fellow member of Dofla's crew. Associativity doesn't mean much here. Pretty much every faction we've seen in this series has great variances in power/strength amongst its members. Dofla's crew should be no exception. Chances are high that the guys that stayed behind at Dresrosa are stronger than Baby 5 and Buffalo. The way I see it, the main threats of this arc have been vanquished (CC and Vergo), and thus this arc should be wrapping up shortly (the worst is over). Any threat that Baby 5 and Buffalo impose shouldn't be a problem right now, seeing as how they're badly outnumbered by their opposition. And I don't see them being what Kuma was to Thriller Bark (an even more formidable adversary shows up when the boss (Moria) is defeated).
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