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Old 2006-11-27, 15:07   Link #57
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
If you mean what's going on in the Del Rey release version (volume 11) I might agree ... I'm finding the whole festival and tourney sequence kind of 'stretched thin' in terms of getting to know characters more intimately - it reads more like a news report in many sequences. For people who like action for the sake of action, it may be okay (but I'm finding that Ken has a tough time communicating movement in his frame sequences). There are many *segments* within the festival arc that I'm finding great (particularly relating to Nodoka, Mana, and Setsuna) ... so piece-wise I'm finding it satisfying.

If you mean the events up to the latest Japanese release, I used to follow the forums relating to that but they got spoilerish enough I decided to stop.

I'm simply not going to compare Negima!? to the manga -- they're two substantially different puppies. I happen to like them both.
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