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Old 2013-02-08, 06:25   Link #77
Awakened One
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Northern Italy
My theory is that the Sibyl System is made of on array of human brains. That's why it can process such a massive amount of data so quickly. But I don't think that there are living humans who assess the crime coefficient. It must be a true scientific measurement, although imperfect.

Chief Kasei is one of Sibyl's creators or just a high-class officer who has admin privileges to override Sibyl's threat judgment. I think she is a full-body cyborg like the old man hunter. I will be disappointed if she turns out to be merely a robotic avatar of Sibyl because then Sibyl becomes a more humane version of Skynet.
Tibi, magnum Innominandum,
signa stellarum nigrarum
et bufaniformis Sadoquae sigilim.
(De Vermis Mysteriis)
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