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Old 2008-01-03, 01:58   Link #1006
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by Dxon View Post
why do the guys in the anime mostly end their sentences with ..ganega (or something.)
Most of the time the bad guys or the tough guys.
ganega has no meaning I think. So why add it?
its no like ka at the end for a question. they just add it like attebayo from naruto. but only naruto uses attebayo and ganega (or something ^^) is used in nearly every anime including bad guys.
What up with that??
So I'm going to give this a try;
Didn't you mean "Ja~nai~ka"?
which can be translated as [Janai = negative form] [Ka=Question form]

E.X: Suki = Like/Love
Suki Janai = to not like/love
Ringo o suki janaika = Don't you like apples?

So it makes sense that it's always placed at the end of a sentence and you might have noticed it.
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