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Old 2009-10-08, 12:33   Link #116
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
This was another good chapter. I wonder were this war is going to go and what it is leading upto?

Does Doflamigo have control of Jozu?

Also Iva pretty strong. She is another person i underestimated.

I just realized this if Zoro can cut through Diamond that will make him a very formidable challenger for Mihawk.

This war in the one piece series could go on for year straight and never see any signs of slowing down. There are battles like smoker vs. Hancock, Iva vs. Kuma, Jozu vs. Croc and Doflamingo, Jembei vs. Moria and that not including the possible people to showup at the battle like Black Beard, Magellan, Rayleigh, Shanks, Dragon and any one else with interest in this war. You also have Ace, Marko, Kizaru, Akainu, Akoiji and etc. This will probably be one of Oda biggest arch in the series. I hope Oda show some of the ending results to these individual battle between the big players.
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