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Old 2011-04-15, 16:03   Link #13077
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
Gaza, simply put, is WAY too small to function effectively as a country.
I don't think i can stress out just how small it is.
Its tiny.
Israel, is the 151st country in the world in size, and if Israel was the size of a football, Gaza would be the size of a ping pong ball next to it.

its also WAY too over populated (some claim, most crowded place on earth) and with an insane birth rate (5 kids per woman).
it gets its fuel, gas, what, electricity and food directly from either Israel or Egypt, and is incapable of effectively sustaining its population on its own.
it also has ZIP for natural resources, and no particular value of any other kind.

independence is impossible, which means its going to have to go to someone.
Neither Israel nor Egypt want it, and good luck getting the UN to take it as they have enough failed states to deal with.
throw in the radical group controlling it, and the fact that there are many OTHER, even MORE radical groups in it, and you have a territory that no one wants really.

Its a problem.
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