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Old 2008-01-14, 07:31   Link #85
Sir Dearka
Inglourious Buster
Join Date: Dec 2007
Well, it's basically that one should not expect the younger generation to like what he really likes. And should not call them "stupid" or "morons" just because they value the new show and discard the older show for its inferior quality or animation.

If we're talking about fame or popularity, as far as I now, Gundam SEED has had a big role in popularizing the whole franchise. It did, and still does, sell well. So what the haters would say... that majority is always "stupid"? That's kinda childish. Even if a great percent of SEED-fans are pretty young, they should not be disrespected. Unless they are like K-LAC who seems to promote, intentionally or not, the more negative image of the SEED fanbase. And it is kinda surprising to me that in fact many so called "UC-fans" or fans of other Gundam series whatsoever really think that it is just right to be disrespectful to all SEED fans. I dunno, maybe I am a bit too harsh in my words, but calling all SEED fans "stupid" it's kinda limited to me, just like people who call every Black person (pardon me) "a nigger".
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