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Old 2015-10-15, 01:00   Link #541
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Akuma Kinomoto View Post
I could actually envision this scene very well; you wrote a very nice plot here
When I first read that scene, I was like "nah, Trip couldn't have possibly meant it to be that suggestive".

Signature courtesy of Ganbaru.
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Old 2015-10-15, 11:59   Link #542
Kogetsu Shirogane
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Oh dear, it looks like we'll have to play a duet this time around...
... We? I suppose this means you expect me to do half of this...
Well yes. I can't exactly play both parts, so you're going to have to handle one.
... That doesn't even make sense...
Oh, and you're taking the lead.
... Wait, I thought you would be starting... Whatever...

Spoiler for Chapter 2 Silver Review - (Ghost) Riders in the Sky:
... A nice little breather chapter before the action-packed one my "partner" will be performing soon... Good job, Triple_R...

And with that, my part of this musical number begins. Given the zombies, vampires, and "witches" present, I suppose it's only fair to name this next heading...

Spoiler for Numéro Trois: Monster Mash:
Quite the action-packed chapter you have here! What a blast it was... even if I only got a mention.

Definitely looking forward to the next chapter.
... I don't plan on doing this again, so you had best not waste time in replying...
Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
WARNING: Kogetsu Shirogane cannot be held accountable for any actions taken by someone else. Potential side effects of communicating with this user include headaches, mild confusion, insanity, delirium, and jumping into fires. Do not expose this user to sunlight or water or feed this user after midnight.
... so you think you're a king now...
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Old 2015-10-17, 17:35   Link #543
Joseph Defense Squad
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Originally Posted by 0utf0xZer0 View Post
When I first read that scene, I was like "nah, Trip couldn't have possibly meant it to be that suggestive".
It took me a moment to get there...


Dr Casey, so ungrateful... ;o; I saved you first, you know....

This was a fun chapter again. I feared we were getting Inaho or Slaine for a moment there. But this is ok... Saazbaum we can handle.
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Old 2015-10-18, 11:48   Link #544
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A heads-up to my readers - It might be awhile until Chapter 4 is finished. I still hope to have the fanfic as a whole done by October 31st, though. To sort of hold you over, here's a little Santa Magica-verse photoshop I made...

I trust everyone here can see the great beauty of this.

Source images here and here and here, in order to give credit to the original artists of the three parts of this photoshop.

Now, for those interested, I have some replies to replies in spoiler space below.

Spoiler for Ravishing Replies Reply:
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Old 2015-10-20, 00:17   Link #545
Dr. Casey
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Spoiler for Chapter 3:
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Old 2015-10-20, 21:53   Link #546
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Mami Tomoe and her two proteges had all seen many monstrous menaces that caused terrible terrified trembling, but precious few could match the fearsome nature of their current foe. For even the nastiest witch rarely appeared truly invulnerable. In addition to that, there was the Dioscuria's energy sword...

Dodge!” Tuxedo R cried out to Kyouko and Sayaka.

Kyouko had crossed her spear in front of Sayaka's sword, and the two had briefly considered trying combined arms against the Dioscuria. As the intense heat radiating from the Dioscuria energy sword became clear upon its descent, Kyouko and Sayaka both decided to heed Tuxedo R's cry, holding discretion to be the better part of valor right now. Both Kyouko and Sayaka were left in awe at the sight of the street sliced straight down the middle, with reddish molten metal and rock left along the edges of where the energy sword had cut.

Swiftly soaring Sailor Faerie proceeded to blast away at the Diocuria, but even her powerful magical missiles proved ineffective against the Dioscuria's dimensional barrier. Much like Mami's muskets, all it did was generate a rainbow-colored sheen alongside the outer edge of Saazbaum's stupendous steed.

“What can we do against that?!” asked an atypically horrified Mami, her eyes going wide and her mouth betraying shock.

“Your ribbons...” suggested Dr. Casey, “Maybe your ribbons are worth a try.”

Mami then summoned forth a vast array of reddish orange and golden yellowish ribbons, trying to use them to wrap up the Dioscuria as though it was a child's toy for Christmas. Alas, memories of success from last Christmas began to fade even more as Mami's ribbons simply dispersed on contact with the dimensional barrier, like pixels exploding.

“His feet...” she mused, noticing a few ribbons poking out from just under his feet, “His feet might be unguarded!”

“Maybe that bad boy barrier of his can't extend around his feet since even the ground below him would give way!” exclaimed Kyouko.

Before this conversation could continue, however, Saazbaum would launch into assault once more. He unloaded with a vast array of highly advanced missiles!

“Everyone help me take those down!” shouted Faerie.

Though the various attacks of Sailor Faerie, Tuxedo R, and the three present Puella Magi weren't enough to damage the Dioscuria, they were enough to blow its missiles out of the sky. So an awesome array of magic blasts, musket balls, swords, chain-linked whip, and roses would cause one of the greatest fireworks display that Dr. Casey had ever seen! Still...

“Your unorthodox and outdated weaponry will not avail you for long.” Saazbaum stated sternly, before making an evil grin, “Soon your resources and stamina will grow low. Then...

But just as Saazbaum was about to launch into another assault, he suddenly found himself immersed within a flash of sparkly smoke! For Saazbaum, the source of this thick street-length smoke was a mystery, but for Tuxedo R it represented a known trump card that he had up his sleeve. While Saazbaum was briefly unable to see much of anything, his new enemies would soon be able to say...

Chapter 4 – iSAW the Sign

Even that famous Ace of Base song would be little comfort for Hooves, who may soon be crying in her birthday suit even though it's not her birthday.

“It's always so exciting watching you stupid Symphogear streakers be left ready for a very different kind of streaking!” cackled Garie.

“Don't worry, Hooves, I'll use my cape to--”

“No you won't!” snarled Garie while delivering an interrupting jump-kick right into Kona's midsection.

It appeared as though Hooves' crumbling relic fragment would leave her completely exposed to the Alca-Noise, until...

“I won't let any fair maiden be treated like that!” shouted the cutest voice you've ever heard.

Hooves then found herself all wrapped up in yellowish yarn, which covered her skin while also serving as surprisingly strong armor against the Alca-Noise's attacks.

“Who's that?!” sneered Garie, turning in angry query towards unwanted interlopers.

“M0ef0xZer0!” exclaimed Hooves in great relief, looking up at the Canadian heroine who nonetheless was dressed in colors perfect for Florida.

“M0ef0x's brother and I are here as well!” proudly proclaimed Nagisa Momoe, as she leaped out of the Homucopter hovering above, in order to transform into a sight that would frighten even Garie.

In her Charlotte form, Nagisa started chowing down on the Alca-Noise. Ace pilot Darthtabby, flying in a life-sized replica of a dark blue Macross Variable Fighter, then unloaded a volley of missiles directly at Garie. Though in a fearsome anger that left Garie wanting to deep freeze all of her opponents to death, she knew that such sadistic aims was beyond what she could accomplish alone against these new, powerful foes. So she teleported away to safety, just before the missiles struck and exploded next to where she had been.

Aaaawwww...” stated Kogetsu, feigning disappointment, “Is there no fun left for moi?”

“At least you get to fly that wondrous Homucopter” stated Darthtabby to his fellow flying friend.

“That's also more than I was able to contribute” added Kirito, sitting just behind Kogetsu.

“Yes, but you normally get more than enough glory, bodyguard of ClariS.” replied Kogetsu with a grin.

“All of this is beside the point.” stated M0ef0xZer0, now standing upon the sands of Clearwater Beach, “The most important thing is that we arrived just in time to rescue Konakaga and Hooves.”

“Thanks a bunch for that!” exclaimed Hooves with a bright smile and wave towards M0ef0xZer0.

“Did you encounter any unusual enemies on the way here?” Konakaga asked M0ef0xZer0.

“Kirito fought against a different Noise controller earlier on” answered M0efoxZer0, “That one was very strong with huge reddish drill hair, and powerful large claws! Kirito told me that Kogetsu and Nagisa arrived in southern Ontario just in time to rescue Kirito and ClariS from that lethal enemy.”

“ClariS is with you? So they're safe?! That's more bodacious than space pirates!” exclaimed Hooves.

“Heh.” chuckled Konakaga, “Tuxedo R would probably say that those space pirates aren't bodacious at all!”

“Tuxedo R is who we're heading after.” stated M0ef0xZer0, “Now that we've all secured good safe spaces for survivors in our various hometowns and regions, it's time to bring the JLMG fully back together to deal with the cause of this horrific zombie outbreak!”

“You know who caused it?!” asked Hooves in shock.

“One word...” stated M0eF0xZer0 in an ominous low tone...

Gilgamesh!” cried Honoka Kousaka, looking restless after having done loads of idol practice upon the Vimana.

“Yes?” answered the golden King, while sitting in his throne, resting his head on his curled fist.

“I'm bored!” exclaimed Honoka.

Gilgamesh was surprised to find himself not annoyed by this whine. Rather, it amused him for reason of irony.

“Now you know how I felt while tied to that loathsome loser Tokiomi Tohsaka” stated Gilgamesh.

“Who's that?” asked Honoka in chirpy quickness.

“Nobody you need to concern yourself with, thankfully.” answered Gilgamesh, “As for your boredom, maybe Carol can amuse you.”

“M-my King!” protested Carol, now in her smallish form with the large witch's hat upon her head.

“I will not lower myself to amuse some spoiled teenager.” Gilgamesh stated, “Still, it would be ideal to--”

“Hey!” Honoka piped up, interrupting Gilgamesh, “There's no need to insult me like that. I get enough of that from Umi!”

A flash of anger then visibly swept across Gilgamesh's eyes. He then rose out of his throne, and strode menacingly towards Honoka, bending over to bring his face in close to her's!

“Listen, girl...” Gilgamesh sneered at her, “Never dare interrupt me, or--”

“Or what?” Honoka asked, interrupting him, “Even I can figure out that you want me alive and well. I'm not as smart as Eli or Umi, but I'm smart enough to know that this gives me important leverage.”

Honoka backed off slightly from Gilgamesh, and made a decidedly proud look while saying that last sentence. Gilgamesh was angered at first, but such anger was quickly overtaken by his amusement at this highly peculiar girl. He voiced a single solitary “Ha!” before ascending into bursting laughter.

“Very well.” stated Gilgamesh, “Perhaps it would prove worthwhile to me as well if I tried to amuse you. The treasures I can show you will leave you in complete awe! If all else fails, there is always my perfect naked--”

“I just want to go get my PS Vita!” exclaimed Honoka.

“Your... PS Vita?” asked Gilgamesh.

“Yeah” answered Honoka, “Hanayo, Nico, and I all designed a special game for it. It's a game inspired by a new friend I made this past December. It's called Grief Syndrome!”

“What a splendid name for a game.” said Gilgamesh with an evil grin, “So be it. We'll all take a brief journey to retrieve your game.”

Carol raised an eyebrow at this, worrying that Gilgamesh may be getting a bit too comfortable and relaxed with this Honoka. Nonetheless, Carol would continue to play the loyal confidant, as Gilgamesh's goals coincided well with her own goals to gain total revenge on the entire world. While Tuxedo R had the entirely opposite goal of saving the world as a whole, he would need to leave such a lofty goal for later, as immediate survival was the foremost concern. To that end, him and his nearby friends and allies had all gathered inside of a large nearby school, seeking relief from Saazbaum.

“Let me introduce you all to my new friend...” Tuxedo R stated, as he gestured one arm towards the friend in question, “iSuckAtWriting.”

“Wow, that's taking self-depreciating humor to a whole new level...” stated Sailor Faerie.

“Sadly, it's no more self-loathing than Sayaka tends to be.” chimed in Kyouko.

“Kyouko!” protested Sayaka loudly, kneeling close to where Kyouko stood, while Sayaka used her healing magic to attend to the unconscious totum's injuries.

Only a couple minutes earlier, iSuckAtWriting's crystal smoke bombs had distracted Saazbaum just long enough for a getaway attempt. The bomber was surprisingly a very petite girl with twin-tail black hair and reddish eyes. She noticeably wore a reddish-hued ring, and her overall appearance was highly similar to the Japanese school idol Ruby Kurosawa.

“You don't have to worry about my full name.” stated iSuckAtWriting, “Just do like Tuxedo R does, and call me iSAW for short!”

“Hhhmmm...” mused Mami, “iSee the practicality to that approach.”

“iSee why a pun-lover like Tuxedo R would love a name like that.” said Sayaka with a smirk.

“How ironic...” added Dr. Casey, “A girl named iSAW caused Saazbaum to see nothing but smoke.”

“iSAW since I spent years in poverty, not getting a proper education!” exclaimed Kyouko while playfully grinning, shrugging her shoulders, and winking at Sayaka.

“iSAW what you did there.” said Tuxedo R, taking note of Kyouko's joke.

Enough with the fucking jokes!” bellowed a voice that everyone was relieved to hear.

“Haak!” shouted out Sailor Faerie, at his sudden appearance, “Where did you head off to earlier?”

“It's a long story, and I'll try to give you the Reader's Digest version, since that damn Vers Count could find us at any moment!” Haak replied, “So here goes...”

Haak then explained that prior to heading to Newfoundland to find Tuxedo R, he had dropped totoum off about a kilometer from Dr. Casey's home. This was by totoum's own request, as the ace pitcher figured his weakness-exploiting baseballs might be well-suited to defeating vampires, of all things. However, totoum would not quickly meet up with Dr. Casey due to the method Dr. Casey used to escape the vampires.

After Ferid had been blinded, Haak was confident that Tuxedo R and the Puella Magi could handle the rest, so Haak had chosen to then and there try to find totoum! By the time he had found totoum, however, a certain Vers Count made his presence painfully clear. Haak had briefly been buried under the rubble created by the explosive attack that had knocked totoum unconscious.

“It's good that we're all back together again.” said Dr. Casey.

“How long until totoum is back to normal?” Haak asked Sayaka.

“It shouldn't be too much longer.” answered Sayaka, “I hope you don't mind if I take my time here, since the last time I exerted a lot of magic energy in a quick healing, it caused me to faint!”

“As long as it's no longer than eight minutes, we should be fine.” stated iSAW.

“Why eight minutes?” asked Sailor Faerie.

“She has a plan.” Tuxedo R said with a grin.

iSAW did indeed have a plan for dealing with Count Saazbaum. Meanwhile, Umi Sonoda had a plan of her own for persuading Akuma Homura into taking greater action.

“Why do you pester me, instead of enjoying Madoka's company like your other fellow μ's members?” asked Homura coolly, with her back turned to her unwanted guest at this hour, upon the rooftop of Mitakihara Middle School.

“I have no desire to annoy you or anybody else” answered Umi, “But I will do whatever I can to help my best friend.”

There was enough passion in this voice, and clarity in the words it spoke, to pique Homura's interest. Homura slowly turned around to face Umi. Homura slowly sized up Umi, while Umi stood sternly straight with a deeply honest face and eyes focused intently on Homura.

“Why should I save her?” asked Homura, “Billions have already lost their lives due to Gilgamesh's actions. At least your friend is still alive.”

“I... recognize that my request is a decidedly selfish one” replied Umi, “But I still feel obligated to her, as she's my closest and oldest friend. I could not live with myself if I failed to take every avenue possible in trying to save her!”

Again Homura thought carefully upon Umi's words, before pressing further.

“Why do you feel such obligation to her?” asked Homura, “What has she done to earn your steadfast loyalty like this?”

“Honoka...” began Umi uneasily, unearthing old memories in the hopes of finding words that would prove powerfully persuasive, “Honoka and Kotori were the first two people to truly reach out to me, and accept me for who I am. Both are dear friends, but among the three of us, it was Honoka that always lead the way. That always pointed towards a brighter horizon. That gave us hope and comfort and great memories. Even if she could be terribly troublesome and hardheaded at times...”

Homura could feel her heart tremble slightly over these words, as her own personal memories made melancholic mirrors for what Umi had revealed. It was then that Homura decided on what answer to give to Umi.

At the same time, Count Saazbaum was looking for a different type of answer.

“Where are they?” he asked in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

Count Saazbaum had begun scouring his immediate surroundings for any and all signs of his new enemies. He had also sliced and burned and demolished plenty of buildings and lampposts and traffic lights in this terribly thorough search. The thought being that if his enemies were hiding, these attacks should leave them as burnt and buried as the collapsed infrastructure itself. While some would enjoy dishing out this seemingly wanton destruction, Saazbaum began to tire of it.

“Such cowards.” Saazbaum said to himself, “Great King Gilgamesh and Alchemy Queen Carol are right to want these terrans to pay for their weakness and historic injustice. I was truly fortunate that Slaine's attack did not destroy the Dioscuria and I, but instead somehow shifted me into an alternate reality, where no expedition to Mars ever took place! Though the terrans of this reality do not bear the crimes of the ones of my reality, I still will avenge Orlane. For these terrans appear even more spoiled and privileged than the ones of my reality!”

“It seems to me that you're pretty privileged yourself, monster mecha master!” came a voice crackling into the cockpit of the Dioscuria.

“What?” asked an alarmed Saazbaum, “How are you--?!”

“If you can hack into the iCasey, then I can return the favor.” said Dr. Casey, “Now let's see if you're not too cowardly to come after us!”

“Why you...!” sneered Saazbaum in reply.

Then, appearing at an intersection just down the street from where Saazbaum stood, were the team of Tuxedo R, Haak, Sailor Faerie, Mami, and Kyouko! They were standing in a line formation.

“If you think you can goad me into doing something foolish, you're very mistaken.” said Saazbaum.

Saazbaum then unleashed a volley of missiles, directing all of them at the present members of the JLMG! All of those missiles struck where they were aimed, leaving a massive explosion and billowing smoke in their wake.

“Heh.” chortled Saazbaum, believing he had gained an easy victory here, “So much for.... huh?”

Saazbaum had thought that this successful attack would be enough to do the job, but instead his new enemies had been left unscathed! All of Saazbaum's bombs had exploded on contact with a special combo energy shield. This shield was created by Haak's starhead light emission energy, channeled and amplified by Sailor Faerie's ramhead staff.

“You're not the only one that can cower behind a barrier, Saazbaum” stated Dr. Casey.

“Silence, fool!” exclaimed Saazbaum, “I am no coward.”

“Then prove it.” said Dr. Casey, “Let's see how your shield does against ours!”

“...Yes.” Saazbaum replied, enticed at the thought, “I'll demonstrate how even in this reality, my Aldnoah power reigns supreme.”

Saazbaum then started rampaging towards where Tuxedo R was standing. A haughty smile stretched smoothly across Saazbaum's face, as he felt assured of victory here. He had never known anything that would not be obliterated on contact with the Dioscuria's dimensional barrier. That barrier had already been tested against these new enemies, and had not been found wanting. So surely it would overcome this new barrier in a head-on collision!

Perhaps it would have. But an actual battle of the barriers was never iSAW's plan to begin with. No, that was merely the bait...

Just a split-second before the rampaging Dioscuria would hit them, Haak and Sailor Faerie would drop their barrier. Then all of Saazbaum's new enemies would leap out of his way!

“Huh?” asked Saazbaum.

Saazbaum had been led into rampaging directly over an exposed manhole cover. And a certain someone had laid in wait just beneath that opening, with a ring-summoned scythe ready for action! Now garbed in a red cape, and wielding a scythe that looked very high-tech, iSAW jumped up, striking through the exposed bottom of the Dioscuria's 'feet'! A small explosion was caused by this attack, and the Dioscuria tilted over like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Aaaggghhh...!” cried Saazbaum, as iSAW caused static electricity to flow from her scythe and into the Dioscuria, leaving it temporarily paralyzed.

“Do you think cheap traps like this will stop me?!” bellowed Saazbaum in rhetorical question.

“No” said iSAW from below, audible to Saazbaum due to the crack caused in the 'feet' of the Dioscuria, “But it'll leave you stuck just long enough for totoum to make his move!”

Saazbaum sweated nervously at this. He had scouted his new enemies, and had specifically targeted totoum due to his weakness-exploiting baseballs! Now, thanks to Sayaka's healing magic, totoum would turn the tables on Saazbaum.

“You might be the biggest baddest batter I've ever faced.” totoum said to Saazbaum, while totoum walked slowly down the street, playing catch with himself, “But I'm still going to strike you out!”

“No...” said Saazbaum, horrified.

Totoum then chucked a fastball towards Saazbaum with such fiery force that it would impress Randy Johnson! And the Dioscuria would become one Big Unit getting knocked down a few inches.

Now let's tear this motherfucker apart!” cried Haak.

Haak, Sailor Faerie, Tuxedo R, Kyouko, and Mami then all unleashed a mass assault upon the Dioscuria! Totoum's weakness-seeking fastball had caused the tiny openings in the Dioscuria's dimensional barrier to become much larger, due to the effect of that fastball on the camera signals sent into the menacingly marvelous mecha. And with these gaps larger, the dimensional barrier could no longer provided adequate protection.

Aaaaarrrggghhh...!!” cried Saazbaum, as the Disocuria was rocked with explosions due to a masterful magical mixture of musket fire with thrown spears with rose thorns with blackish bolts of energy!

A great plume of smoke had been left in the wake of this fierce assault. This was scanned by all of the gathered JLMG members as they all landed upon a nearby building rooftop.

“Did we do it?” Kyouko asked, “Was that attack enough?!”

“Probably enough to win, yes.” answered Tuxedo R, “But...”

Then, a plane-shaped object flew out of the slowly dispersing smoke. The plane-shaped object had some clear and obvious signs of damage upon it, but it was still functional enough to fly swiftly away.

Dammit!” shouted Haak, “He's getting away!”

“Well, at least his retreat means we've survived his attack” stated Mami.

“Good work, totoum!” Sailor Faerie called out to the peer-less pitching phenom below.

“No problem” totoum replied, with a tip of his baseball cap.

“Oh, I believe you have a very serious problem...” came an odd gravelly voice from fifty meters behind totoum.

Totoum then turned around to see a truly strange sight. There, in remarkably tight military formation, were hundreds upon hundreds of slowly marching zombies. And just in front of them, appearing to lead them was...

“Bonz” said totoum.

“That's right.” he said, “You may have defeated Gilgamesh's First Knight today, but now you have to deal with his zombie General! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Holy shit, man, can't we ever catch a break?!” asked an exasperated Haak.

“Yes, British tourist, you can!” sounded a voice that Haak did not like, though that voice nonetheless represented hope at this hour.

“Dan Eagleman!” cried Tuxedo R, at the sight of Dan's muscular physique standing half-way out of a tank opening, as that tank rolled down the street.

“Team America...” Bonz said in breathless shock.

“That's right, brother!” exclaimed Hulk Hogan, walking up next to Team America's tank, and pointing towards Bonz, “Whatcha gonna do when the 24-inch pythons run wild over your zombie candyass?!”

An answer came from one of Hulk Hogan's allies and biggest fans, as he walked out towards Bonz from an adjacent aisle between two buildings.

“It's time for zombie-boy to sing the American national anthem... in America!” answered Bandit Keith!

To Be Continued!


Blue links are to YouTube vids/songs that I think go well with the paragraphs that come after the links.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter. I hope people like seeing Team America make its return! Thanks to Dr. Casey for the very nice Chapters 3 review.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko, Nagisa, Akuma Homura, and overall setting)
Aldnoah.Zero (Saazbaum)
Symphogear GX (Carol, Garie, Alca-Noise)
Sword Art Online (AS member Kirito)
Love Live! School Idol Project (Honoka Kousaka, Umi Sonoda)
Fate/Series (Gilgamesh)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Bonz, Abridged Bandit Keith)
Guilty Crown (Dan Eagleman)

Last edited by Triple_R; 2015-10-21 at 09:16.
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Old 2015-10-22, 12:37   Link #547
Akito Kinomoto
Sekiroad-Idols Sing Twice
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Spoiler for Christopher Nolan's 'The Black Swordsman Rises':
Heil Muse. Bow before the Cinderella GirlsMuses are red
Cinderellas are blue
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Old 2015-10-22, 13:47   Link #548
Me, An Intellectual
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Oh God no...
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Old 2015-10-22, 22:08   Link #549
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“Why would I want to sing the American national anthem?” Bonz asked Bandit Keith, “After all, by the time Great King Gilgamesh and I are done with it, this country will be history! Attack, my zombie legions!”

And with that command, the zombies launched into action! Well, as fast as they could launch into action, anyway...

“Commies, zombies, it's all the same to me!” exclaimed Dan Eagleman, gesturing theatrically and pumping a fist, “Kay, blow them away!”

“Already on it, big guy!” replied Kay, controlling the tank from inside of it, and now letting loose with tank blasts.

The first few tank blasts did indeed blow away a dozen or so zombies, while sending dozens more scattering in alarmed-sounding groans. On one hand, it was good to see Team America gain an early advantage in this battle. On the other hand, there were lots of hands, and arms, and legs, and assorted zombie body parts, getting strewn around several city blocks, in the wake of this attack. It definitely was not a pleasant sight, and it also left a decidedly unpleasant smell. There was another aspect about it that bothered Dr. Casey even more.

“No...” he said, in considerable dejection, “Do we have to kill them?”

“How were you able to protect yourself from them for so long without killing any of them?” asked Kyouko, almost stunned at the thought.

“I developed a special spray called the SAS-CI, which smells pleasant to a human, but is pungent to a zombie.” answered Dr. Casey, “When directed into their eyes, it also effects them like mace effects a normal human. Through the use of this spray, I was able to force the zombies to leave me alone without outright killing them.”

“Impressive!” exclaimed Mami, “It's no wonder why Gilgamesh has specifically targeted you.”

“Yeah” added in Tuxedo R, “He must be genuinely worried that you'll be able to find a cure to his biological weapon, Dr. Casey.”

“And that's why we have to do everything we can to ensure you survive, Doc!” exclaimed Haak.

“Haak's right” stated Sailor Faerie, “And given the numbers we're up against right now, we can't afford to play nice.”

“Exactly!” said Kyouko, “So let's take care of these zombies as fast as we can before somebody else tries to mess with us!”

With that, the present members of the JLMG joined Team America in fighting against Bonz's legions. Given what this would all entail, it definitely made one think of a...

Chapter 5 – Monster Mash

Hulk Hogan knocked out numerous zombies with punches, and big foots to the face. Haak similarly used fearsome physical blows and uppercuts to send zombies flying through the air, crashing through storefront windows! Dan Eagleman and Kay continued to blow away dozens of zombies with tank blasts. Sailor Faerie summoned several skeletal warriors who quickly engaged the zombies in a skirmish well-suited to Halloween. Tuxedo R did a favor for Dr. Casey by asking for his SAS-CI, and dashing to and fro the field of battle to send dozens of zombies reeling with it. Kyouko sliced and diced numerous zombies with chain-linked whip strikes, as well as shish kabob style attacks where she ran through three or more zombies in one go. Mami's myriad muskets briefly filled Team America's heart with even greater patriotic pride, as the sound of them all firing off at once reminded them of American Civil War re-enactments. They all were highly effective in blowing away dozens of zombies.

“No... no...” cried Bonz, while gesturing wildly like a man in deep psychological distress, “Stop it! You're destroying my precious legions!”

“That's what you wimps get for daring to attack Americans... in America.” replied a grinning Bandit Keith, while his arms were neatly folded.

Bandit Keith then started a slow, confident walk towards Bonz, forcing him to back away.

“Re-re-retreat!” cried Bonz, as he turned around and began sprinting away desperately.

“It's too late for that!” exclaimed Sayaka Miki, arriving in time to knock Bonz off his feet with a sleek sliding kick.

Bonz was now trembling in fear, as he turned about to see Sayaka pointing her blade diagonally down towards his face.

“You've clearly allied yourself with that horrible King Gilgamesh, and so you have a lot to answer for!” Sayaka said towards Bonz.

“Besides, you're going to tell us a lot of useful information, aren't you, Bonz?” saucily asked the scythe-wielding iSAW with a grin, walking up next to where Sayaka now stood.

This left Bonz whimpering in true terror, until a certain Autoscorer would stop his score from reaching absolute zero.

“It appears that Carol was wise to have me head after you, Bonz” said the very elegant Phara.

Soon following behind her words was a strong gust of wind, pushing Sayaka and iSAW back from Bonz. Phara then flashed into position, directly above Bonz, and very smoothly gathered him up into her arms. Phara wore a very elegant dark dress over a fancy light blue top. She also has long greenish brunette hair, hanging out over the sides of her face, and well down her back.

“I look forward to playing with you more next time, swordswoman.” Phara said with one eye gazing towards Sayaka, “Such pleasantries will have to wait for later, I'm afraid.”

“Totoum!” cried iSAW, “Don't let them get away!”

“One great relief pitch coming right up!” replied totoum with a shout.

But Phara would manage to teleport away with Bonz just before totoum's weakness-exploiting baseball could reach close enough to activate on her.

“Darn it!” exclaimed the disappointed totoum, as he adjusted his baseball cap.

“It's unfortunate, but at least it looks like we're going to quickly win this battle against the zombie legions of Bonz” said iSAW.

That was thankfully correct, as Sailor Faerie's blasts proved sufficient to mop up the last of Bonz's forces.

“Phew...” said Dr. Casey, wiping the sweat from off his brow, “It's been just one thing after another today! I really hope that's it.”

“Given all the cowardly retreating that's been going on, it probably is!” stated Kyouko, having taken note of Sayaka's brief encounter with Phara.

“True.” added Mami, “We can probably finally relax.”

“But where should we go to plan what we're going to do next?” asked iSAW.

“That's what the Great Canadian Igloo is for” said Tuxedo R with a grin.

“Poor Bandit Keith...” began Sailor Faerie in jest, “He didn't get to hear zombie-boy sing the American national anthem, and now he's not even going to get to stay... in America!”

All the gathered heroes burst out laughing at this timely joke. Even Bandit Keith couldn't help but to chuckle as he blushed slightly. The day, and Dr. Casey, had been saved. At least it had been on the North American side of the Pacific. But what about back in Japan?

Kurumi Ebisuzawa was essentially the sentinel of her Megurigaoka Private High School. To this end, she patrolled it regularly, to ensure its barriers of highly stacked school stairs would hold against any zombie incursions. Today, however, she found herself in a tight pinch while trying to retrieve Miki and Yuki.

Aaaaahhhh!” screamed Yuki, as she fell to the ground, grabbed by a strange hand that appeared to be very cold and slightly disfigured.

“W-who's attacking us?!” cried Yuki in questioning, while closing her eyes tightly in fear.

“Keep those eyes closed, Yuki!” exclaimed Kurumi, as she leapt into action.

Kurumi used her shovel to first crunch the head of the zombie assaulting Yuki, and then she used a second swipe to knock him off of Yuki, freeing Yuki in the process. With this zombie dealt with, Kurumi angrily marched over to where Miki was now standing.

“Just what do you think you're doing, huh?” Kurumi asked Miki, “Don't you know how dangerous it is out here!”

“Well, that doesn't stop you.” Miki replied, “Don't you think it's risky for us to always rely on you?”

“So is that why you're trying to force this all on Yuki?” a steamed Kurumi asked Miki.

Miki fidgeted a bit, thinking of how best to reply to that, but before she could respond, Yuki would find herself assaulted again, by two more zombies.

“W-what are they?” asked Yuki, “Where are they all coming from?!”

Kurumi turned about quickly, and quickly assessed the situation. She was afraid that she couldn't defeat all of these zombies in time to save Yuki! But then...

A playful picturesque puppy sprinted towards where Yuki was now sitting in distress. With a growl and a yelp, that puppy then leaped into action, knocking aside the zombie closest to Yuki! Kurumi then breathed a quick sigh of relief, and proceeded to deliver a few strong shovel swipes to take out the new zombie attackers. A crying Yuki then quickly stood up, and raced into Kurumi's arms. Tears poured profusely out of Yuki's eyes, and moans of distress came from her mouth.

“There there... it's Ok now.” said Kurumi with a smile, as she lightly petted Yuki.

“Come here, Gary S. Taroumaru!” Miki enthusiastically shouted at her pet puppy, as he jumped into her outstretched arms.

“You're a good boy.” Miki said with a smile.

“There's no doubt about that!” exclaimed Kurumi, as she turned to face Miki, “That puppy is a real lifesaver.”

The puppy was discovered without his collar, and so there was some disagreement over what to name him. Eventually, they settled on Gary S. Taroumaru, a combination of two different name suggestions. Over the coming days, decisions much graver than the naming of a pet puppy would need to be made. One decision was made over an iCasey phone chat, where Tuxedo R and Moefox agreed to take a day off to rest and recalibrate, to prepare for the coming battle with Gilgamesh

Team America decided that they wanted to focus on saving as many Americans as possible before joining the counteroffensive against Gilgamesh. To this end, Dr. Casey loaned them the teleportation device he had used last December in the efforts to save Christmas. Once the full plan of attack had been decided on, Dr. Casey would call Hulk Hogan, with the specific instructions needed in order to teleport Team America to Japan.

With this agreed on, the Justice League of Magical Girls would all meet back together inside of the Great Canadian Igloo. Safely secured there, they would rest and plan for how to deal with Gilgamesh. A few key details were ironed out in one final early morning meeting before the counteroffensive was to begin. This meeting took place in a small rural town's high school, as the JLMG and four puella magi sat around two large tables brought together.

“How are we going to get everybody over to Japan?” asked iSAW.

“The Silver Segway can take care of that” stated Haak.

“Is that really the best idea?” asked Mami, “While your Silver Segway is fast and provides invisibility and air bubbles for easy breathing, it's also a sitting duck for any advanced radar that picks up on it.”

“Yeah, it lacks the metal shielding of the Homucopter” stated Kyouko.

“Helicopters get blown out of the sky all the time!” shouted Haak.

“In any event, we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket” said Kirito.

“Appropriate that a duel-wielder would want multiple avenues of travel” said Konakaga with a grin.

“Well, my brother is going to be flying his Macross-based replica mecha no matter what” said 0utf0xZer0.

“Then, ladies and gentlemen, I have a humble suggestion to make” said Kogetsu Shirogane with a grin.

“What is it, Kogetsu?” asked Tuxedo R.

“I have a special mirror that acts as a gateway between this world and Wonderland” answered Kogetsu with a grin, “That is, in fact, where Buckingham Palace stands right now. Why, inside of that palace, Queen Elizabeth herself is enjoying tea and crumpets with Alice Margatroid!”

“You have a puppet-master working with you?” asked Hooves in surprise.

“That might come in handy against Carol...” mused Konakaga.

“Anyway, my suggestion should now be clear.” continued Kogetsu, “I'll simply zap everyone here into Wonderland, and Foxytrap's brother can carry the Wonderland mirror with him inside of his mecha. It's the safest way to travel!”

While Kogetsu's idea made a certain sense, it also caused many nervous looks to be shared across the meeting tables.

“Hey, I'm reformed!” protested Kogetsu, sensing their distrust of him, and feigning hurt feelings, “Would you treat Scrooge or the Grinch like this?!”

“Let's diversify” said iSAW, “Those of us who have complete trust in Kogetsu will effectively travel through his Wonderland mirror. The remainder will split between the Silver Segway and the Homucopter. This will also enable us to attack Gilgamesh in three distinct waves, which I think stands a better chance of taking him by surprise.”

“I like that idea a lot.” said Kirito, “Needless to say, I will not be one of those that trusts Kogetsu.”

“Still bitter over the other Alice, I see...” said Kogetsu.

“Do you like the idea, Tuxedo R?” asked Sayaka.

“Yes, I believe the final decision should be yours.” added Mami.

“I appreciate that.” said Tuxedo R with a slightly smug smile, as he moved to stand out of his seat, “And yes, I think it's a good idea. So let's get ready to move out, people! For Canada, for America, for Britain...”

“Here we go...” said Haak, rolling his eyes.

“For Ireland, for Japan--” continued Tuxedo R

“For the whole world” interjected totoum.

“Let's go get Gilgamesh, and save Honoka Kousaka!” shouted Tuxedo R

With that, a great cheer erupted, as the huge counteroffensive against Gilgamesh would finally be underway! However, Gilgamesh would be preparing for it...

The Vimana had temporarily moved onto the top of a large building near the Tokyo Tower. It is here that Gilgamesh's plans would be discussed and reviewed with his top allies, or as he saw them, his top servants. Those three would be Carol Malus Dienheim, Vers Count Saazbaum, and Zombie General Bonz. Gilgamesh sat in his throne, slouching slightly to the side with his head tilted and resting upon his curled fist. His three top allies would present their reports while standing towards the Vimana's throne, and directly on the rooftop of the large building below. Captive Honoka Kousaka would get to overhear one of the most chilling and disturbing discussions she's ever heard.

“Could either of you three explain to me how you failed to eliminate one scientist?” asked an annoyed Gilgamesh, with a look of disgust upon his face.

“It is not the fault of my Autoscorers or I” said Carol, “They all completed their missions well. Garie and Micha managed to prevent at least six of the North American-based super humans from rushing to Dr. Casey's rescue. If Count Saazbaum and General Bonz had managed to complete their missions...”

“H-Hey!” loudly protested Bonz in a whiny tone of voice, towards Carol, “That's not fair! We never planned to deal with Team America.”

“So you're blaming your failure on one muscle-headed American soldier, a geriatric pro wrestler, a teenage girl tank commander, and a man who spends most of his time playing a children's card game... in America?” Gilgamesh asked Bonz.

“A-ha-ha...w-w-well... when you put it that way...” replied Bonz, now sweating bullets as he nervously backed away from Gilgamesh.

Saazbaum made a mostly blank look of disgust towards Bonz. Saazbaum also determined that it would fall to him to sooth the disappointed Great King Gilgamesh.

“My liege” stated Saazbaum smoothly towards Gilgamesh, “We should not allow minor failures to undermine our considerable successes. Through the use of my Dioscuria, the American military is essentially no more. Their navy, much of it far away from land and hence temporarily safe from the biological weapon you unleashed, has been completely decimated by my hand.”

“Likewise, Leiur and Phara have left the Chinese and Russian military forces in complete ruin.” added Carol, “The world's most powerful nations are now dust at our feet.”

“Oh?” asked Gilgamesh, “And what of the American, Chinese, and Russian leaders? Can either of you report the deaths of Obama, Jinping, or Putin?”

Carol, Saazbaum, and Bonz all looked uneasily at each other, knowing that no pleasing answer could be given to Gilgamesh.

“Well, Micah did manage to eliminate Trudeau and Harper of Canada” stated Carol.

“As they were out mingling with common mongrels, and participating in this disgusting sham called democracy, I should hope so!” sneered Gilgamesh.

“The only thing disgusting is the way that you all talk about murdering people!” exclaimed Honoka, much to the surprise of the four gathered villains, “What is wrong with all of you?!”

Silence your tongue, wench!” bellowed Gilgamesh, as he rose out of his throne, his patience with Honoka growing dangerously thin.

Gilgamesh and Honoka then glared angrily at each other, with Honoka shaking and sweating nervously but doing her best to maintain a stern face towards Gilgamesh. Both had grown tired of each other, as Honoka had fallen asleep in tears of sadness the last two nights. She desperately wanted her old life back. Even playing Grief Syndrome was no longer an effective escape from reality. She wanted to see her friends again. She wanted to talk to somebody other than these despicable villains! The feeling was at least somewhat mutual.

“Is this noisome terran truly necessary to your plans?” Saazbaum asked Gilgamesh, as Saazbaum made a look of disgust towards Honoka.

“Yes, she is.” answered Gilgamesh, as he calmed himself, “Put her aside for now. We must plan for the coming assault from the more powerful warriors of North America and Europe. Carol, I want you to flood this city with Alca-Noise, so they may act as a barrier to filter out the weaker of those warriors.”

“As you wish, my King.” Carol replied.

“Saazbaum, stay close to your Dioscuria until our engineering servants have finished repairing it.” continued Gilgamesh, while Saazbaum nodded in response, “I'll have further orders for you once those repairs are complete. Bonz, I want you to lead a large zombie assault on Megurigaoka Private High School.”

“A high school?!” asked Bonz in shock.

“Yes.” confirmed Gilgamesh, “Due to the spying mechanisms setup by Saazbaum, I have reason to believe that unusual survivors are located there. Carol, I want you to choose two of your Autoscorers to aid Bonz in this assault.”

“Very well.” stated Carol, after a brief pause of genuine befuddlement over what Gilgamesh could be planning here, “And my other two Autoscorers?”

Before Gilgamesh could answer that, Saazbaum had an important announcement to make.

“Please pardon the interruption...” began Saazbaum with a touch of unease, “But the radars I've set up are picking up on an extremely high energy source that's heading directly this way. It will arrive in mere minutes!”

“Is an enemy nation firing nuclear weapons at us?” asked Gilgamesh.

“No, it isn't a nuclear weapon... but the readings I'm getting are still highly concerning” answered Saazbaum.

“I'll take care of it!” exclaimed Carol, as she transformed into her Symphogear mode, and launched into action.

“While Carol does that, the rest of you follow the orders that I've given you” Gilgamesh said, strangely smiling over what Saazbaum had revealed.

Saazbaum politely nodded, and slowly walked away. Bonz then quickly followed after. But while this meeting was ending, a different one would soon be happening.

While standing on the rooftop of their school, the four friends of Yuri, Yuki, Kurumi, and Miki had all noticed a helicopter flying overhead. Desperately hoping that this helicopter may be a rescue helicopter of some sort, the four girls loudly shouted out to it. However, Miki then made a troubling observation.

“Why is it shaking?” Miki asked, referring to the helicopter.

“Really?” asked Kurumi, as she squinted her eyes at the helicopter above.

“It's just trying to land, isn't it?” asked Yuri.

But then, much to the shock and dismay of the four girls, the helicopter began to descend very rapidly out of the sky. It looked like it was going to crash! Until...

A breathtakingly beautiful blonde young woman in a flashy white cape and black military uniform flew into the scene. She gestured dramatically with one hand to safely catch the falling helicopter inside of something yellowish and solid.

“Wow...” exclaimed Yuki in amazement, “Who is she?!”

“She's my best friend” came a very comforting female voice from above.

The School Living Club then all turned around to see a tall and elegant young woman flying downwards to land on their school's roof. She had bright blue eyes and luscious auburn hair, extended out in two lengthy twin-tails. She wore a flashy blue-and-white uniform of her own, and appeared to be holding some sort of staff in her hands. The School Living Club had been stunned silent by these startling arrivals.

“I'm very relieved to find more survivors at this school.” she said with a soothing serene smile, “The person who saved that helicopter is my best friend Fate. My name is Nanoha Takamachi. And now that we are here, I assure you that you no longer have anything else to fear. We will protect you from the zombies.”

A great wave of emotional release washed over the School Living club. Tears seeped out of their eyes, and the four of them rushed towards this amazing young woman, Nanoha. They gathered around her to tightly embrace her in a group hug, with Nanoha returning the favor by hugging Yuki and petting her head.

“Do you know... do you know what caused all of this?” asked Miki, choked up in tears.

“Yes, we do.” answered Nanoha, “But don't worry about that. I have another friend that's taking care of that as we speak...”

A less reassuring discussion was currently being had between Gilgamesh and Honoka.

“Why are you doing all of this?” Honoka asked Gilgamesh in desperation, “There most be something that you want other than this awful death and destruction that you're causing!”

“I thought that I've made my wants pretty clear to you.” replied Gilgamesh, as he leaned his torso downwards to make close and intense eye contact with Honoka.

“The only thing that I'm interested in...” continued Gilgamesh, “Is you.”

Honoka sweated nervously over this. She wondered if he meant something romantic or sexual by this. She began to consider if she should try to seduce this vile King in the hopes of saving what was left of the world. Thankfully for Honoka, such despairing ideas would soon be blasted from her mind by Carol being blasted out of the sky.

Gilgamesh looked slightly startled by the sight of Carol being blasted out of the sky, landing near to him unconscious. Gilgamesh then looked upwards at a particular green-haired and purple-suited Magus descending from above.

"I am Admiral Katsuhiko Jinnai of the Time-Space Administration Bureau." he stated towards Gilgamesh, "Under special Emergency Response powers, I am officially assuming control over this country, my country. Video evidence of a recent μ's concert at the Tokyo Dome has you claiming responsibility for the zombie plague that has now claimed billions of victims. Do you plead guilty to this, Gilgamesh?"

"Guilty?" Gilgamesh replied with a raised eyebrow, "It is nothing to be guilty of. It is a great accomplishment, demonstrating my rule of the entire planet, and not one mere country as you now seem to be satisfied with, Jinnai."

"TSAB intends to help Earth as a whole, of course." Jinnai replied with a grin, "But dealing with the perpetrator of this crime and others comes first. You have one minute to release Honoka Kousaka, and surrender peacefully. Otherwise..."

"You actually think you can threaten me?" Gilgamesh asked with a mocking grin, "What do you suppose would happen if we battled right here and now, Jinnai? Do you think Honoka could survive the fallout of that?”

"No, probably not." answered Jinnai, "But I became an Admiral for a reason, Gilgamesh. I make sure to take everything into account. With that in mind..."

"Akemi Homura, please make your presence known", finished Jinnai with an evil grin.

"What?!" asked Gilgamesh, as Akuma Homura suddenly appeared before him and Jinnai, phasing in out of thin air.

"I made a specific point to leave your city untouched." Gilgamesh said sternly towards Homura, "So why are you meddling in my affairs?!"

"Because of the passionate pleas of Umi Sonoda" answered Homura.

"Umi-san..." said Honoka, touched at the thought and relieved to know Umi's Ok.

"Umi made a strong case to me to try to rescue her friend Honoka." said Homura, "However, fighting the great Gilgamesh directly would take up too much of my power, leaving Madoka's situation... uncertain. But I do have enough power to create a reality marble."

"A reality marble..." voiced Gilgamesh in atypical surprise.

"That's right, Gilgamesh." confirmed Jinnai with a haughty grin, "Unless you wisely choose to surrender now, you and I will battle in a reality marble designed by Akemi Homura and me. Within that marble, Honoka will be safe, regardless of how wild and dangerous our battle becomes."

"So what will your decision be, Gilgamesh?" asked Jinnai, with a hungry look in his eyes, betraying how he hoped that Gilgamesh would choose to put up a fight.

An exceptionally tense pause was then felt by all, especially Honoka, who's very life appeared to hang in the balance. After briefly thinking things through, Gilgamesh grunted contemptuously at Jinnai.

“If you desire to hasten your death, who am I to object?” Gilgamesh asked rhetorically, while arrogantly shrugging his shoulders and closing his eyes and making a proud smile, “It has been awhile since my blades have feasted.”

“The only feast there will be today, Gilgamesh, is the celebratory one I intend to enjoy while watching μ's put on a live performance over your dead body.” sneered TSAB Admiral Jinnai in response.

The two combatants then stared intensely at each other, while Homura sighed slightly over such macho bravado. But such sighs would soon give way to her bringing forth a reality marble! A truly awesome duel was about to begin...

To Be Continued!


Yes, it's coming up!

The Main Villain of SantaMagica


The Main Villain of Fate/Halloween Night

Who will arise victorious in this epic showdown?!

Blue links are to YouTube vids/songs that I think go well with the paragraphs that come after the links.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter. Thanks to Akuma Kinomoto for the very nice Chapter 4 review. I hope Chapter 5 will be more to Haak's liking.

I intend to release a Fate/Halloween Night movie trailer soon, by the way. With Chapter 5 now wrote, it shouldn't be overly spoilerrific.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Bonz, Abridged Bandit Keith)
Guilty Crown (Dan Eagleman)
Girls Und Panzer (Kay)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko, Nagisa, Akuma Homura, and overall setting)
Symphogear GX (Carol, Phara)
Gakkou Gurashi (Kurumi, Yuri, Yuki, Miki, "Gary S." Taromarou)
Fate/Series (Gilgamesh)
Aldnoah.Zero (Saazbaum)
Love Live! School Idol Project (Honoka Kousaka)
Sword Art Online (AS member Kirito)
Magical Girl Lyrical StrikerS (Nanoha Takamachi, Fate Testarossa)
El Hazard: The Magnificent World (Katsuhiko Jinnai - though also now tied into PMMM via being a Magus and into StrikerS via being a TSAB Admiral)

Last edited by Triple_R; 2017-03-18 at 14:59.
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Old 2015-10-23, 00:41   Link #550
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Jinnai vs Gilgamesh, huh? I'm betting on Gilgamesh. Otherwise there wouldn't be much need for the rest of us to show up and save the day.
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Old 2015-10-23, 18:50   Link #551
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And now something a little different - A Fate/Halloween Night movie trailer!

(Note: Do not watch before reading Chapter 5 of the fanfic)

Just click on the Honoka image above, and it'll take you directly to where you can watch/download the trailer.

Alas, there is no actual Fate/Halloween Night movie, but this trailer makes it a little more easy to make-believe, I think. Watching it might also be a fun way for readers to pump themselves up for the remaining chapters of the fanfic. Video quality isn't downright great, but it's a nice step up from what I'm usually able to do, given some recent software add-ons to my comp. In any event, please enjoy! ^_^

Originally Posted by Darthtabby View Post
Jinnai vs Gilgamesh, huh? I'm betting on Gilgamesh. Otherwise there wouldn't be much need for the rest of us to show up and save the day.
Hey, don't forget Great General Bonz!

More seriously, Carol's Autoscorers are a pretty nasty bunch.
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Old 2015-10-26, 11:26   Link #552
Impossibly Childlike
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I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, because this story makes Nico's heeeaaart go doki doki in a way few of your stories do! I can always tell when someone's trying their beeest and when someone just wants to please everyone, and I see more of the first here than I did with Santa Magica! N-not because I'm in this story, but because you took suuuper awesome care not to make sure the story's good, but just to make sure it isn't bad. It's a great thing any writer should do!

Nico felt let like she reliving an awesome concert with everyone in chapter 1! --But then you put all my friends through that aaawful thing with Fullcarol Alchemist and Golden Boy I honestly wasn't sure to think, and I sometimes what the other readers are thinking-- But! But! Umi-san told me her favorite anime always have the heroes over...overc...fighting! Fighting through a looot of mean meanies so the end is like totally whoaaaaaa!!!

But even with this story being a looot darker than your previous one, it was like, you never gave in to fully to Western entertainment! You kept a lot of levity a lot of anime know how to keep (like this one awesome show about a girl in a school superhero club who reminds me of Maki-san!). But then that last chapter does that classic build up thing, going from light to dark until you trapped my friend between two mega...megalo...crazy guys and one insaaaaaane girl! Is it bad I think insane girl looks like Umi-san? Please don't tell her I said that
Hellooo~Nobody thinks they're cuter than others
unless they're conceited

Last edited by iSuckAtWriting; 2015-10-26 at 11:47.
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Old 2015-10-26, 12:05   Link #553
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Whatever the reason may be, Fate/Halloween Night doesn't appear to have gained the level of support or interest that Santa Magica did. Given that this fanfic involves real-life people as characters, with those same people being readers of this fanfic, this leaves me feeling uncomfortable with the idea of just pressing on in spite of lack of ongoing feedback. I mean, my feeling is that this sort of fanfic really does call for a certain degree of ongoing back-and-forth between the fanfic writer and the fanfic readers.

I take full responsibility for this, and am trying to determine what might be causing this fanfic to not be as well-received (overall) as Santa Magica was. My heart is certainly no longer into this fanfic as much as it was into Santa Magica during the midpoints of Santa Magica.

Though I had hoped to finish Fate/Halloween Night by October 31st, for fairly obvious reasons, that is highly unlikely now. At least this fanfic isn't as inherently Halloween-based as Santa Magica was
Christmas-based, as Santa Magica had the idea of "saving Christmas" as a major plot point (the issues in F/HN are not ones that tied into Halloween itself). So perhaps it's Ok if this fanfic isn't finished until sometime in November.

If any of the readers feel differently, and strongly think it should be finished by this coming Saturday night, I'm open to the idea, so feel free to share it here if you want. However, my current plan is to put this fanfic on a (hopefully) short hiatus until either interest in it picks back up, or I just decide that it's time to get back to it anyway.

Perhaps readers are simply more busy this October than they were this past December. Perhaps it's just a timing issue, and if so, maybe that will get better later on. But if there are more basic content or quality issues that readers are seeing in Fate/Halloween Night, then please don't hold back criticism of that sort. I definitely want to understand why this fanfic isn't being as well-received as Santa Magica, and if that involves content/quality issues, I want to know that.

In any event, thanks to everyone for the reviews that have already been provided. Thanks to Haak and Darthtabby and Akuma Kinimoto for keeping up with one or both of the last two chapters. And thanks to iSAW for her reply, which I'll get to below.

Originally Posted by iSuckAtWriting View Post

But even with this story being a looot darker than your previous one, it was like, you never gave in to fully to Western entertainment! You kept a lot of levity a lot of anime know how to keep (like this one awesome show about a girl in a school superhero club who reminds me of Maki-san!).
That's reassuring to know. I want F/HN to still have a good sense of lighthearted humor, even though it is darker than Santa Magica. I'm glad this overall blend seems to be working well for you.

But then that last chapter does that classic build up thing, going from light to dark until you trapped my friend between two mega...megalo...crazy guys and one insaaaaaane girl! Is it bad I think insane girl looks like Umi-san? Please don't tell her I said that
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Old 2015-10-26, 13:16   Link #554
Me, An Intellectual
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^ To be honest, I find it difficult to comment sometimes because some chapters mostly consist of characters I don't know much about because I haven't seen those anime.

For what it's worth, I loled hard at the Gary Stu dog name.
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Old 2015-10-26, 14:26   Link #555
Akito Kinomoto
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Originally Posted by Haak View Post
For what it's worth, I loled hard at the Gary Stu dog name.
...I honestly thought he was going for irony having a dog on the hero side named Gary with a villain named Garie. I'm wondering how I didn't catch that.

That was a nice trailer though. Without the aesthetics clashing, I might just think this is a real thing. Solid editing there, and also props for somehow managing to twist one of Love Live!'s more triumphant moments.
Heil Muse. Bow before the Cinderella GirlsMuses are red
Cinderellas are blue
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Old 2015-10-26, 17:58   Link #556
Pretentious moe scholar
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
“I won't let any fair maiden be treated like that!” shouted the cutest voice you've ever heard.

Hooves then found herself all wrapped up in yellowish yarn, which covered her skin while also serving as surprisingly strong armor against the Alca-Noise's attacks.
If M0eF0xZer0 tries to act cool, does she become a BiF0xnen?

“I just want to go get my PS Vita!” exclaimed Honoka.

“Your... PS Vita?” asked Gilgamesh.

“Yeah” answered Honoka, “Hanayo, Nico, and I all designed a special game for it. It's a game inspired by a new friend I made this past December. It's called Grief Syndrome!”

“What a splendid name for a game.” said Gilgamesh with an evil grin, “So be it. We'll all take a brief journey to retrieve your game.”
Then Gil became a video game addict, and humanity was saved.

Personally I'd rather see you finish after the 31st if it means that you're more into the project - I suspect that would result in a better storyline.

Signature courtesy of Ganbaru.
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Old 2015-10-26, 23:00   Link #557
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My problem is that a lot of the things I can think of to comment on relate to my own character, and I feel like I ought to have a broader focus than just that.

I do have some suggestions for things you could do with that valkyrie my character has, but as I'd mentioned in our PM discussion, I'm reluctant to steal scenes with it very much if most of your other fans aren't very into Macross.
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Old 2015-10-27, 04:32   Link #558
Dr. Casey
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Perhaps readers are simply more busy this October than they were this past December.
This is exactly the case; I'll send you a quick PM after writing this post to explain, but I definitely think that extending the story beyond Halloween is the way to go. I don't think it's possible to write four full-length chapters in four days, and reducing the length or quality of the story (whether by cutting down on chapters or rushing the rest of the story) to finish it on Halloween definitely wouldn't be a worthwhile trade. The holiday spirit can easily linger on a few days after the holiday in question, so no harm finishing this during early November. ^^

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Old 2015-10-28, 05:33   Link #559
Yuri µ'serator
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Whatever the reason may be, Fate/Halloween Night doesn't appear to have gained the level of support or interest that Santa Magica did. Given that this fanfic involves real-life people as characters, with those same people being readers of this fanfic, this leaves me feeling uncomfortable with the idea of just pressing on in spite of lack of ongoing feedback. I mean, my feeling is that this sort of fanfic really does call for a certain degree of ongoing back-and-forth between the fanfic writer and the fanfic readers.

I take full responsibility for this, and am trying to determine what might be causing this fanfic to not be as well-received (overall) as Santa Magica was. My heart is certainly no longer into this fanfic as much as it was into Santa Magica during the midpoints of Santa Magica.
Personally I am enjoying it just as much, it's just I've been a bit pressed for time to give feedback sometimes, sorry.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Though I had hoped to finish Fate/Halloween Night by October 31st, for fairly obvious reasons, that is highly unlikely now. At least this fanfic isn't as inherently Halloween-based as Santa Magica was
Christmas-based, as Santa Magica had the idea of "saving Christmas" as a major plot point (the issues in F/HN are not ones that tied into Halloween itself). So perhaps it's Ok if this fanfic isn't finished until sometime in November.

If any of the readers feel differently, and strongly think it should be finished by this coming Saturday night, I'm open to the idea, so feel free to share it here if you want. However, my current plan is to put this fanfic on a (hopefully) short hiatus until either interest in it picks back up, or I just decide that it's time to get back to it anyway.
I am just fine with it dragging on a little longer since it gives you more time to write so it be a great instead of good .

Spoiler for Chapter 3:

Spoiler for Chapter 4:

Spoiler for Chapter 5:

Spoiler for Overall so far:

I'm up to taking three theme songs per character - one for dramatic/action scenes, one for softer/sentimental moments, and one for comedy. Ideal length would be 30 seconds to 2 minutes each. It's doubtful I'll use all three, but there's a decent chance I'll use one or two for a big moment for your character.
Finally thought on this some, sorry, maybe it's too late, or maybe you'll use it still, so here's my music choices.
dramatic/action scenes
softer/sentimental (slightly longer than you asked for sorry)
Kotori Minami - Love Live! School Idol Project
Sig by Patchy
Avatar by TheEroKing
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Old 2015-10-29, 11:42   Link #560
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A great wash of light, like a towering twinkling tsunami, rose up and then crashed down from above. This was the reality marble created by Akuma Homura, and designed by both her and Katsuhiko Jinnai. It represented the hope of both defeating Gilgamesh, and rescuing Honoka Kousaka, all in one fell swoop. Yet, Honoka could only feel overwhelmed by it, and hence closed her eyes with a shout.

She kept those eyes closed while she could nonetheless sense spectacular streams of multicolored light swirling all around her. She also felt like she was hearing wondrously wide waves of water flow all around her body, leaving it submerged. She closed her eyes tightly, and gritted her teeth, until these sounds and sensations finally gave way to a renewed stability. Though even then, something felt ever so slightly off.

She slowly opened up her eyes to her startling new surroundings. She squinted and blinked at what looked like a horizon of warm picturesque sunlight. Yet, the setting was one of considerable chill.

“T-The North Pole?” Honoka asked, her eyes wide in shock and her mouth agape.

“Yes” confirmed TSAB Admiral Katsuhiko Jinnai as he felt up his own arms and sleeves, like a gladiator preparing for battle.

“Is this your brilliant plan, Jinnai?” asked Gilgamesh with a smirk, “You're aware of where my reign began, and so you hope to confound me with a radically different setting?”

“No. I am a reformed man, Gilgamesh, so I aim for a fair fight today.” answered Jinnai, “I chose this setting for very personal reasons.”

“That tree...” Honoka said, as she turned around to face a massive tree, “That's the tree that Tuxedo R, Nanoha, Sayaka, and I all confronted you at last Christmas!”

“Yes, it is.” Jinnai answered, “So this setting has great meaning to me.”

The field of combat was one of pure hardened snow, in a variety of slopes but mostly flat, as far as the eye could see. Jinnai and Gilgamesh stood about fifty feet away from each other, in a straight line. Honoka was situated between them, but well off to the side, as though completing a perfect equilateral triangle. Honoka appeared to be floating midair!

“Wha-whaaaaa...!” cried out Honoka, at last taking note of that, “I'm going to fall!”

“No, you're safely secure.” stated Jinnai, “By the design of Akemi Homura and I, you have been placed in a fully transparent but remarkably tough egg-shaped protective shell, situated above the ground. That shell can withstand the energies of an entire supernova, and it will remain in effect until you mentally will it away. Speaking of which, do not do so until my fight with Gilgamesh is finished!”

“R-Right.” answered Honoka, in complete awe of the current situation, “...But why here? Why would you want to battle here, again?”

“Last Christmas, I was the beneficiary of a genuinely miraculous event.” Jinnai said in a sober sentimental tone, “Japan's most powerful pop princess teamed up with two puella magi, and Santa Claus himself, to open up my eyes to how evil I had become. Even more miraculous then that was how that same pop princess reached out her hand to me...”

A tense pause then hung in the air. Gilgamesh looked slightly amused by Jinnai's words, while Honoka felt moved by them.

“That 'pop princess'...” she began, while clutching one hand over her heart, “You mean me, right?”

“Of course.” confirmed Jinnai with a decidedly stoic look, “I owe you a debt of gratitude that I may never be able to repay. Is it not fitting that I begin repaying it, at the place you helped save me?”

Jinnai then chuckled and made a grin.

“It's funny...” he continued, “I spent so much of my life obsessed with revenge. Now my focus is on the exact opposite, helping someone who I owe so much to. But through it all, it is about proving myself. Today, Gilgamesh, I will prove myself to you.”

“We shall see, Jinnai.” replied Gilgamesh, with a smug self-satisfied smile, narrowed eyes, and folded arms.

“Yes we will.” responded Jinnai, “Right now. The opening attack will be yours, Gilgamesh. Bring. It. On.

Chapter 6 – Dr. Casey and Mr. Jinnai

Mr. Jinnai was already in personal combat with Gilgamesh. Dr. Casey hoped to face Gilgamesh as well, soon, but was currently taking in an experience that offered its own wonders.

“Amazing...” said Dr. Casey, as he slowly walked about a lush setting of numerous tree vines and gigantic flowers and recklessly racing rabbits.

“So this is Wonderland...” he continued, as he grabbed hold of one of the thinner tree vines and looked it over carefully.

“It lives up to its name, does it not?” asked Kogetsu with a proud smile.

“It certainly does.” answered Dr. Casey, as he carefully touched and looked over a wall of fauna.

“See?” said Kogetsu, first to Dr. Casey and then to the other two gentlemen gathered neared him, “You were right to trust moi!”

“I'm here mostly to support my brother, Darthtabby.” said 0utf0xZer0, “It wouldn't look good if even I didn't seem to trust his ability to safely fly his Variable Fighter to Japan!”

“Ah, but to do that, you must also trust me, n'est-ce pas?” asked Kogetsu while playfully gesturing with a shrug of his shoulders and an open hand.

“Well, I do trust Tuxedo R, and he does seem to trust you.” stated 0utf0xZer0.

“I do.” Tuxedo R confirmed, “There's a certain experience that Dr. Casey, Kogetsu, and I all lived through that can't help but bind people together, as though being a band of brothers in a lengthy war.”

Oooo.... I know what this is!” exclaimed Kogetsu with a wide but narrow smile.

“What is it?” asked Dr. Casey, as he walked back towards where his two friends were standing.

“Isn't it obvious, Dr. Casey?” Tuxedo R said with a boyish grin and tilt of his head, “It's the event that paved the way for our friendship over six years ago. You, Kogetsu, and I are all Endless Eight survivors!”

“Ppffft” went 0utf0xZer0, amused at this observation.

“Anybody who fully experienced the horrors of that, and lived to tell the tale, must be made of truly stern stuff” Tuxedo R said with a grin.

“Well, I liked Haruhi's Endless Eight!” protested Kogetsu theatrically.

“That's what worries me the most.” Tuxedo R said with a raised eyebrow, “But not enough to lose trust in you.”

“It is a bit strange that Sayaka chose to travel inside of Kogetsu's magic mirror, though.” said Dr. Casey, “I wonder why she made that choice?”

“A few reasons.” Tuxedo R began in answer, “Kirito decided to travel in the Homocupter alongside Mami, and Sayaka didn't like the idea of watching what that might entail. Sayaka also trusts me, which helps. Finally, Sayaka wanted to meet Alice Margatroid.”

“They should be enjoying tea together at Buckingham Palace, right now!” exclaimed Kogetsu while pumping both fists, highly amused and pleased over just how happening his Wonderland had become lately.

“Shall we go join them, gentlemen?” asked Kogetsu, while bowing slightly and gesturing one arm out sideways in a welcoming gesture.

“I could use a bite to eat.” Tuxedo R replied.

“Hhhmmm... I wonder if I could commission certain doll creations by Alice?” mused 0utf0xZer0.

“That's a great idea, Foxy” said Dr. Casey, “And yeah, I could use a snack as well. Let's get some good R and R before we have to face....

Gilgamesh. The King of all Heroes. According to legend, both god and man. In his mind, he is a God-King that rightfully lays claim to the Earth and all her treasures. All belongs to his storeroom, to his trophy case. Today, he hoped to claim a particularly notable trophy.

Gilgamesh caused a large murky gate of sorts to open up behind him, and above him. Out of that gate shot forth over a dozen decidedly deadly swords, all of high quality and ornate design. Those swords all converged on one man, Gilgamesh's rival at this hour, Katsuhiko Jinnai.

Jinnai!” cried Honoka, at the thought that this would surely kill him.

Strange lasers had been emitted just before Gilgamesh's swords struck, and now obscuring smoke had been left due to them striking against the swords. Gilgamesh appeared confident that they would not be enough to prevent all of these swords from piercing his enemy. In this, however, Gilgamesh would be proven wrong.

“What?!” Gilgamesh snarled, shocked at the sight of an unscathed Jinnai, as smoke finally cleared.

Jinnai stood there, arms neatly folded, eyes closed and face displaying confident grin. Numerous purplish tiny metallic bits hovered behind Jinnai, joined together by crackling greenish energy.

“Before I rose to the rank of TSAB Admiral, I trained under the best magical combat teacher there is, Nanoha Takamachi.” Jinnai said, while looking over at Gilgamesh, “She taught me how to diversify my magical energy blasts for both maximum offense and impenetrable defense. Your fate is sealed this day, Gilgamesh...”

Gilgamesh briefly appeared overcome with anger and rage over Jinnai's causal handling of this opening assault. But then a great rage would be replaced with odd pleasure.

“Yes, my glorious fate is indeed sealed.” Gilgamesh said with a proud smile, “But first I will enjoy crushing a mildly challenging opponent.”

Gilgamesh then summoned two more magnificent blades out of the murky gate behind him, and took hold of them. Gilgamesh then rapidly charged at Jinnai with a battle cry! Jinnai's eyes lit up in excitement, and his nostrils flared, as he used his magical powers to bring forth a large purplish energy blade. Jinnai then flew furiously forward, mere centimeters off the ground, to meet the charging Gilgamesh half-way.

Scintillating sparks soared, and war's spirited sounds shot through the ears of Honoka Kousaka. A festival of lights streaked across the air, as swords clashed and shattered, as movements barely perceptible to the eye would nonetheless leave Honoka mesmerized.

“Wow...” she uttered in amazement of the conflict unfolding before her, “I hope... I really hope Admiral Jinnai wins!”

While such terribly tense thoughts danced about Honoka's mind, a certain resident of Mitakihara Town was much more relaxed and in good cheer, as she was about to leave for school.

“I'm heading off to school now, mama, papa!” exclaimed Kaname Madoka, as she lifted up her leg to slip on one of her shoes.

“Take care!” shouted Junko Kaname from the nearby washroom, after garbling some mouthwash in order to rinse out bad morning breath left over from a night of heavy drinking.

“Ganbatte, Madoka!” exclaimed Tomohisa Kaname, knowing that his daughter had a big test this morning.

“Thanks, papa!” replied Madoka, as she turned her head to flash a smile to him.

Madoka then reached out to open her home's front door from the inside, until she was startled to hear the doorbell.

“Huh?” asked Madoka, “Did Hitomi or Sayaka come early to get me?”

Madoka then opened up the door, and was truly startled to see who was there. Standing before Madoka, was a tall teenage American girl with blue eyes and lovely blonde hair that covered her shoulders. She was wearing a small red tank top, and blue jean shorts like those of Kyouko Sakura.

“Hiya Madoka!” cheerfully chirped this girl, with a bright smile, “We've all really missed ya!”

This girl then stunned Madoka even further by glomping her with a big hug!

“Madoka, who is tha--” began Tomohisa from the nearby kitchen, before being interrupted.

“It's such a relief to see ya again, gal!” said this girl, after releasing Madoka from the hug, and looking into Madoka's eyes, “It's no fun being the only girl in a tank team of muscleheaded guys, ya know?”

Madoka then felt some strange sharp sensation slice across her mind. Madoka gasped at this.

“Huh? Something wrong?” asked this blonde girl, seeming very concerned.

“I-I have the feeling that I should know who you are...” Madoka said uneasily, “But I-I don't! I'm terribly sorry, but I don't know you!”

“Huh? What?!” asked this girl.

“Hey, Kay, what's the hold-up?” came a famous adult male voice from just beyond the entrance to Madoka's home, “The dudes and I are getting kinda tired just waiting here. We're all eager to see the coolest immigrant to America since Christopher Columbus, sistah!”

Madoka's eyes then went wide in even greater shock as she saw the massive muscular figure of a real American walk up behind Kay.

“...Hulk Hogan...” Madoka said, as even she, despite her very feminine tastes, was familiar with this macho American celebrity.

“That's right, Magical Girl USA!” shouted the Hulkster, “We missed you a lot, but with the gang all back together again, let's all go get...”

“Gilgamesh...” said Kona, “Do you really think we can handle him, Haak?”

“Damn straight we can!” replied Haak, “With the stunning Silver Segway, and a little surprise I'm preparing for Goldilocks, we're going to run him over like a bear over some unsuspecting camper!”

“Heh.” chuckled Hooves, “Nice mental image.”

The Silver Segway contingent was headed by Haak, and included Hooves, Konakaga, Sailor Faerie, iSAW, and totoum. They were all lined up in that order upon the Silver Segway, as everyone could look over the side of it to see the truly breathtaking scenery of British Columbia, Canada below.

“You two guys must feel lucky to have four girls travel with you” teased iSAW with a playful smile.

“I'm just surprised you didn't choose to travel with Tuxedo R, as you do consider yourself his strategist” stated totoum.

“That's why I decided to travel this way” replied iSAW, “I outlined our overall tactical plan to Tuxedo R just before we all left Newfoundland. I'm confident he can follow it through, so its best if I look after a different subgroup!”

“Newfoundland wasn't as cold as I thought it would be” said Hooves.

“Well, it helped that we had the warm glow and happy crowd of last night's ClariS concert to help keep spirits up” replied Konakaga with a smile, remembering the concert at the local high school gym.

“Heh.” chuckled Sailor Faerie, “That's definitely the smallest North American town that ClariS will ever do a touring date to!”

“Our job is to make sure they'll get to safely return to their own Japan someday” said Konakaga, referring to how ClariS was left behind in the GRRReat Canadian Igloo, staying in Tuxedo R's home.

“And the first part of ensuring that is taking out Gilgamesh and saving another pop star, Honoka Kousaka!” exclaimed iSAW with bold pointing gestures.

Would the first part of iSAW's plan be taken care of by her unknown ally, Katsuhiko Jinnai?

The sounds of Jinnai and Gilgamesh flashing through the air, back and forth, grew steadily louder and louder in Honoka's ears. Their battle cries proclaimed a growing intensity, as did jousting drive after jousting drive against each other. Honoka watched on, as clashing swords could be seen reflected in her eyes. Those same steadfast steely eyes told of her hoping with all of her strength for Jinnai to emerge victorious.

“Your imaginary reign ends here, Gilgamesh!” Jinnai exclaimed with thunderous shout accompanied by thunderous blast of greenish energy directed from his hand and towards Gilgamesh's torso

You are the lord of delusions, not I, Jinnai!” Gilgamesh shouted in reply, as he defected away that energy swipe with the swipe of a large and ornate sword scabbard.

Jinnai, with a great shout, then flew furiously at Gilgamesh, attempting to shouldertackle him! Gilgamesh shifted his upper torso slightly, and the the chests of the two combatants struck hard against each other. Their jaws strained and shuddered as they pushed hard against each other, in a great test of strength! Ultimately, it would result with Gilgamesh shifting himself on top, and sending Jinnai crashing downwards with a great punch across Jinnai's face.

Jinnai landed like a ballistic missile, sending a mushroom cloud of sparkling snow billowing into the sky!

Now you die!” bellowed Gilgamesh, as he held himself in place, high in the air.

Once more a large murky gate of sorts opened up behind Gilgamesh. This time, however, hundreds of various bladed weapons came pouring forth, all sent streaking downwards to where Jinnai had landed.

“No...” said Honoka, beads of nervous sweat glistening on her forehead.

But then, rising out of where Jinnai had landed was dozens upon dozens of what looked like greenish laser beams! They were numerous enough to force Gilgamesh to descend out of the sky, and come to a landing about fifty feet away from where Jinnai had landed.

Then there was a brief pause, while Gilgamesh waited to see if his attack had proved successful in killing Jinnai, this time. Once more, it had not. For as the billowing snow cleared up, it showed Jinnai standing back up, completely unscathed aside from smudged clothes and slightly disheveled hair.

Honoka smiled widely and breathed a sigh of relief.

“How?!” snarled Gilgamesh in near befuddlement.

“Like I said before, Gilgamesh, my defense is now impenetrable.” Jinnai replied with a grin, “Also, your swords will run out long before my limitless power stores do.”

“Then I am done toying with you, Jinnai...” replied Gilgamesh, with a frightful scowl, “I will now show you what a real leader is made of.”

“A real leader doesn't destroy the land he wants to conquer” responded Jinnai, while Gilgamesh made a very evil smile and summoned forth one last weapon.

Honoka could tell that this was it. The battle would soon come to a great climax. Gilgamesh now held a bizarre weapon that appeared to be a fantastic fusion of a drill with a sword with a short lance. Its handle perfectly matched Gilgamesh's own armor, and the drill body featured a futuristic glowing red design upon a black marble finish.

Enuma...” began Gilgamesh, as winds began to roar off of his Ea, “Elish!

“No...” said Akuma Kinomoto, as he watched this battle unfold through a special viewing screen located in the outside physical world, while standing next to his master Akuma Homura, “That is designed to--”

“It will hold.” Akuma Homura interjected, as she was also watching this battle unfold, “My reality marble is stronger than any other. It will not fall to Enuma Elish. However...”

“...Will Jinnai hold?” asked Kinimoto, finishing Homura's question.

“Yes, that is the central question here.” Akuma Homura replied.

A great destructive wind, colored by reddish flashes, stormed forth from Ea, directly towards Jinnai! Jinnai then held his hands in an open palm circular formation around his necktie soul gem. Out of it came a great greenish-white ball of energy. That ball of energy then emitted a powerful blast, meeting and halting Enuma Elish, exactly halfway between Jinnai and Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's eyes went wide in complete shock.

“That... that is impossible!” he growled.

"A new power is rising, Gilgamesh." replied Jinnai, "A power that I've trained to master over the past few months. A power that is far greater than your old winds of history. A power that paves the way to a bright future. But for you, this power will be your Waterloo. To be precise, it'll be like what Russia was to Napolean and Hitler. For this power is the power of snow. I give you... Snow Halation!"

Jinnai's blast of energy then caused huge quantities of snow to circle around it, strengthing his beam. It began to overwhelm Enuma Elish and push it back! Honoka's eyes went wide, and her mouth slightly agape, in utter amazement of this ultimate attack named after one of the songs of μ's!

Then a great explosion was heard and felt. For about a minute, all Honoka could see was wave after wave of avalanche-like snow rushing over and around the protective shell she was in. Finally, this ended. And surely now, a winner would emerge. 'Who would it be?!' Honoka asked herself in deep desperation!

A tense pause of silence. Then...


It was the greatest and sweetest laughter Honoka had ever heard. The source of the laughter was a green-haired purple-suited man standing over the shattered armor of Gilgamesh. Tears of relief began to slowly form in the corners of Honoka's eyes. Honoka then willed her protective shield to lower closer to the ground, and disperse.

As Jinnai turned about, he saw Honoka racing towards him.

You did it!” Honoka exclaimed, as she ran into his arms, tightly embracing him, “I was so scared, but you did it!”

“Of course I did!” Jinnai proudly replied, “Everything is fine now, Queen of Otonokizaka Academy.”

Honoka then released Jinnai from her embrace, and stood back as she wiped away tears.

“I...I want to see μ's again.” Honoka said between sobs of relief.

“Yes, you will.” replied Jinnai, “μ's has a central role to play in my Japan reconstruction plans. Survivors will need a source of morale-boosting, and I have no doubt that you and your friends will... Aaaaaarrrrggghhh!!!

“No...” said Honoka, as though an euphoric dream had been invaded by a horrible nightmare.

For now, out of nowhere, Jinnai's chest had been run-through with a blade. Honoka felt almost petrified at the sight of Jinnai dropping to his knees in grievous pain as blood seeped out of his mouth and chest. Honoka forced herself to look over Jinnai's shoulders, and there she saw a naked Gilgamesh, grinning like a gargoyle.

“I must give you credit, Jinnai.” stated Gilgamesh, “You are the most worthy opponent I have faced since Saber. And your counter to Ea is worthy of a verse in the multitudes of songs that I will force Honoka to sing in my honor.”

“...H-How?!” Jinnai asked, between coughs of blood.

“I knew you would be coming, Jinnai.” Gilgamesh began in answer, “I knew you would want to save her from me. In fact, I counted on it. How fitting that you, who once prided himself on genuinely good traps, fell right into my trap for you. You can call the name of that trap... Nephilim.”

“...Get away from Jinnai!” shouted a trembling and tearful Honoka, as she summoned up all the courage she could to rush at Gilgamesh and try to bash him over the head with a punch.

Gilgamesh deftly ducked her punch, and made a sliding kick to trip up Honoka and bring her falling down. Gilgamesh then continued his explanation to Jinnai.

“Nephilim was the creation of Dr. Ver.” stated Gilgamesh, “Him and those damn Symphogears have caused all manner of mischief in my storeroom! Worst of all was that over-sized living furnace that threatened to turn my entire storeroom into a cinder.”

“...Y-you switched places with N-Nephilim... gah!” stated Jinnai, struggling against the pain and rushing blood.

“Yes, exactly.” confirmed Gilgamesh, “Your Snow Halation was enough to destroy Nephilim once and for all. Now, as thanks, I will use your soul gem to complete my unparalleled masterpiece.”

“No...” said Honoka, rising herself back to her feet.

“Don't worry, Honoka, I haven't forgotten you.” stated Gilgamesh with an evil grin, “Today I will combine the limitless power of Jinnai's soul gem with a very special girl who often can bend reality itself to her will.”

“Gilgamesh...No!!!” protested Jinnai.

But it was too late. Gilgamesh yanked off Jinnai's green necktie, which was also his soul gem. Gilgamesh then lifted up Jinnai's body and threw him a far distance away. The distance was great enough to cause the body of the Kyubey-birthed magus to become completely lifeless.

“Jinnai is dead.” proudly proclaimed Gilgamesh, “But his soul gem is the final piece to the greatest puzzle of all, my puzzle.”

Honoka then nervously backed away from Gilgamesh, as he summoned forth a strange contraption that looked like a twisted triangle-shaped framework covered in blood. Gilgamesh then placed Jinnai's soul gem into the middle of that contraption.

“W-what is that...?” asked Honoka.

“It is an Ignite Module.” answered Gilgamesh, “The symphogear-user Hooves recently used one to let her tap back into her relic fragment. But I have a far greater plan for it. I will use this Ignite Module to place Jinnai's soul gem of limitless power directly into your heart, Honoka Kousaka.”

“...Wh-What?!” asked Honoka, horrified at the thought.

But it was too late. Gilgamesh activated the Ignite Module, and it caused Jinnai's soul gem to shoot directly into Honoka's heart.

“AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” cried Honoka in great pain, as she felt a dark ravenous energy wrap itself around her.

Gilgamesh then turned about to look on in awe at the completion of his great puzzle.

“A girl who by her own power can cause about half of her wishes to be willed into reality.” stated Gilgamesh, “Now she is energized by a soul gem of limitless power! A soul gem that I have covered in the blood of Illya and Irisviel! And so you, Honoka Kousaka, now become my ultimate prize. You are my new and improved Holy Grail!!!

Where just moments before Jinnai had laughed in triumphant joy, it was now Gilgamesh who laughed in triumph. He laughed against the screams of Honoka Kousaka turning into the new Holy Grail...

To Be Continued


Blue links are to YouTube vids/songs that I think go well with the paragraphs that come after the links.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter. Thanks to everyone for the awesome replies and encouragement! This Chapter 6 would not be up now if not for all of you. I probably won't get to replying directly to everybody's comments and reviews, but please know that they're all helpful and appreciated.

Anime shows featured in this chapter:
Love Live! School Idol Project (Honoka Kousaka)
El Hazard: The Magnificent World (Katsuhiko Jinnai - though also now tied into PMMM via being a Magus and into StrikerS via being a TSAB Admiral)
Fate/Series (Gilgamesh, Illya and Irisviel references)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Madoka, Junko, Tomohisa, Akuma Homura, and overall setting)
Girls Und Panzer (Kay)
Symphogear G and GX (Nephilim, Ignite Module, Dr. Ver reference)

Last edited by Triple_R; 2015-10-29 at 12:32.
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