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Old 2008-06-07, 02:14   Link #941
Residential Nutcase
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Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
De gustibus non disputandum.

I think Card Captor Sakura is the best anime ever created. If Comartemis thinks the same of Sailor Moon, more power to him.
In my not so humble opinion , Neon Gensis Evangelion is the best.
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Old 2008-06-07, 02:15   Link #942
He Who Smites Shippers
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Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
You always pull the "not impressed" card when it comes to the male cast, yet we have someone like Yuuno being able to hold ground against Vita. So, I'll ask, what's your problem with them?
The males of MGLN have the unfortunate status of being guys in a magical girl show. They are naturally overshadowed by their female counterparts and thus, naturally, their achievements are also cast in a poor light compared to the girls. But even accounting for this, there isn't much there to catch the viewer's attention. If there were any males in the main cast this would probably be different, but as it is all the guys are supporting characters who are there just to make the girls look good.

Now Chrono might have all the power and twice the tactical skill of any of the Aces, but he still doesn't accomplish much throughout the series when compared to the Aces or the Wolks, something I aim to fix when he fights Alex in the Comacanon A's timeline. Neither do Yuuno or Erio, and thus their achievements must be backed up by their personalities and character development.

Sadly, Yuuno simply doesn't interest me all that much, Chrono's most defining feature is his tendency to label Yuuno as a familiar (and get said familiar all riled up about it), and Erio just didn't get enough character development. He certainly had something interesting going with Caro and his backstory and all, so all in all, Erio is the one who comes out on top as the most interesting male character in the show, and frankly it's a shame he didn't get more screentime once Vivio showed up.

PS: And please, Sailor Moon is not "greatest anime ever" material, I could understand if it was something like Gungrave, Monster, Berserk or Macross. But certainly not Sailor Moon.
Now that is a matter of opinion.

I think Card Captor Sakura is the best anime ever created. If Comartemis thinks the same of Sailor Moon, more power to him.
I haven't seen CCS, but I've read some of the manga and I'm hoping to get my hands on a DVD box set sometime soon. Also, SM has long since been replaced by the anime listed in my signature, though it shall always hold a special place in my heart.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-06-07, 03:28   Link #943
Adeptus Animus
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In regards to the latest 'let's bash Comar and his ideas' trend, I find myself wondering why people are so opposed to his idea? He's not saying he is going to abolish the TSAB completely (even though his wording was a bit wrong back there) just that the millitary intrigue is going in the trunk of his car. Now, I wonder what the problem with this is? is it because it 'alters' things? Makes it less military then canon? Hypocritic, because the military geeks in this thread have already made this military much more strict and real-life like then what canon has displayed.

I implore people to stop with the constant 'but the military this and the military that' babling, because quite honestly, Comar has done nothing to recieve this kind of flak. There is no rule that says you can't throw a grenade in the series and rebuilt it into your own image. To enforce a non-existing rule would be the height of hypocrisy, especially when some people here already majorly alter or sneak around canon.

I see no serious problem with Comar's plan. A few inconsitencies with the timeline and characters were all that needed fixing so far, and perhaps more of those will pop up in the future, but the base of the story, the whole 'RF6 didn't disband' is solid and only requires turning a 'no' into a 'yes'

I'll deal with the rest of the backlog later.

Last edited by Keroko; 2008-06-07 at 04:01.
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Old 2008-06-07, 03:36   Link #944
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
In regards to the latest 'let's bash Comar and his ideas' trend, I find myself wondering why people are so opposed to his idea? He's not saying he is going to abolish the TSAB completely (even though his wording was a bit wrong back there) just that the millitary intrigue is going in the trunk of his seat. Now, I wonder what the problem with this is? is it because it 'alters' things? Makes it less military then canon? Hypocritic, because the military geeks in this thread have already made this military much more strict and real-life like then what canon has displayed.

I implore people to stop with the constant 'but the military this and the military that' babling, because quite honestly, Comar has done nothing to recieve this kind of flak. There is no rule that says you can't throw a grenade in the series and rebuilt it into your own image. To enforce a non-existing rule would be the height of hypocrisy, especially when some people here already majorly alter or sneak around canon.

I see no serious problem with Comar's plan. A few inconsitencies with the timeline and characters were all that needed fixing so far, and perhaps more of those will pop up in the future, but the base of the story, the whole 'RF6 didn't disband' is solid and only requires turning a 'no' into a 'yes'

I'll deal with the rest of the backlog later.
*scratches head*


Well.......I can only speak for myself. The way he carries himself, and the way he presents his ideas....

He seems haughty, full of himself, and can be quite disrespectful to canon at times.

His ideas are often ill-presented, and not well thought-out, and it's hard to really see any of his ideas work, because he has to even do anything to really support his characters, such as write some back-story, some sort of drabble maybe.

He's been dishing character, after character, after character like they're on a production line. Producing character's is one thing, but to take the raw material he has created, and refine them, that's something he's not doing.

There is also the issue that more than half of this characters are just out-right drag-and-drop.

Although OC in general should be trying to persuade him to cultivate his present character list, rather than mass-produce characters, I cannot say so myself, otherwise I would make myself a hypocrite to what I've stated earlier.

And also Keroko, because of your personal choice to not hang in IRC, you only know half, maybe three-quarters of the story. A lot of the issues that he brings to the table, are either ill-thought out, or shot-down on IRC where a lot of the bitterness resides in, and also the source to your answers most likely.
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Old 2008-06-07, 04:08   Link #945
illusion control
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So is this a problem with Comartemis, or his idea?

Also, which one is under discussion at the moment?
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Old 2008-06-07, 04:13   Link #946
Adeptus Animus
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Right now I think the problem is with Comar, not his ideas. And I intend to straighten this out before it all goes to hell and Aaron needs to interfere again.

I quite frankly don't care what goes on in IRC in regards to the bitterness against Comar in this thread. I believe Aaron told everyone this before: Let the IRC stay in the IRC.

The idea of coma-canon was thought out, he did his research, posted his ideas and listened to the reviews of his ideas. He altered where his ideas clashed, and where it was possible, however what is happening here is simply people trying to spot even the most tiny miniscule flaws in Comar's ideas and blowing them out of proportion for the sole purpose of grudges and bad blood against him. I don't care what Comar does in IRC, but in the OC-thread he should not be getting that kind of flak.

I know Comar can rub people the wrong way, I'm not excluded either, because I happen to like both Yuuno and Chrono, and Regius was a brilliant character in my opinion, so having Comar voice an entirely different opinion (especially on Regius) does irk me. However, I don't let that get in my way of looking at his ideas objectively, and commenting on them as such. Tk can rub people the wrong way too, does that mean we have to torp all of his ideas as well?

The entire idea of his canon was to limit the military aspect of the show, now I know the military geeks may find this hard to swallow, but if he wants to do this he has every bit of right to do so. He's not throwing anything out the window, he is only minimizing the influence it has on its story.
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Old 2008-06-07, 04:24   Link #947
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/me stalks into Outer Cadia, realizing that his presence has been missed for two weeks.

So, umm,...... howdy, people? Guess I can't tackle the backlog just yet as I'm still in confusion and anger following stuffs around my waist that have been bothering me for quite a while. being unemployed.....

And while I'm at it, no, I still don't have anything new to share here right now. At least, as far as the OCs are concerned, and it sucks to know that we no longer have the inspirations and motivations to do things, right? Maybe I should resume my long-postponed novel right now....

*lazily waves to people and leaves with this*

P/S: whatever happens, DFC+armpit service always win!!! *runs for life*
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Old 2008-06-07, 04:59   Link #948
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Yandere, on a limited scale.

@ this "oh hi i gonna turn nanoha into naruto-like shonen" debacle.

I'll say it and say it again. TSAB and its hierarchy are NOT limitations.

Now, let's put yourself in Regius' shoes. You are a 'pure' breed mid-childian, you worked your ass off in the Ground Forces and climbed the ranks up to being a brass. AND suddenly, a terran, known to have interfered with the Bureau twice, have become instructor for the TSAB, another terran who was at the center of a case that have caused the bureau lot of grief, has somehow managed to be Lieutenant Colonel, and a mage, who is supposed to be the daughter of a class S-criminal, has become enforcer. They all have enough power to level entire continents if they wanted, then for some reason, they decide to form a force made up of the sister of a disgraced TSAB agent, a little girl who was banned from her own tribe because she is so godamn HAX, and other people as questionnable (in some way they are like the French Foreign Legion in concept, w/o all hardcore manly badass going on them). They are backed up by not just an admiral, but also by the saint church. Now, from his point of view, would you not be scared if they are ill-intended? Would you not try to stop them?
From his point of view, he was doing his job, and it was more than just "RAWR I R JEALOUS I H8 DEM!"

That's one of the things that Seven Arcs have tried to show but has not executed well. Just like all those MALE characters, like Griffith and Acous, who has and were an untapped potential. (But hey, you seem to hate the nanoha male cast for some reason)

By conveniently taking the TSAB and it politics out of the picture, you are taking away potential plotlines that are about as interesting than "rawr i r cthuluh/the borgs/arioch of the chaos/freeza and i shall destroy the universe to impress my dad and the audience!"

PS: And yes, you can have drama from stupid bureaucracy and morally questionnable orders! Believe it!
@Sheba: Er what is yandere btw?

You got valid points that I could use, but yeah stop attacking Comar. I feel quite bad that mine and his ideas agree on quite a few places, and while I'm used to drawing fire, Comar seems to be getting it a bit hotter...

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
=/ You're really picky aren't you xD
Hey its an important choice when you want to select a partner, and when its building a harem, it gets even more important ne?

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Bureau Command Structure, brace for orbital bombardment.
Here's another point where me and his ideas agree; I wanted to blow up the Infinite Library for a long time now, for plot purposes and to show Skane's level of awesome and keikakudoori.

It's pretty funny though, Comar. If you want to make your own plot, then stop asking for feedback then turning the comments down. It might be the reason for the image of "haughtiness" you're exruding. And so it might help your blood pressure and stress level to just shoot first and ask questions later. Like someone we know.

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
De gustibus non disputandum.

I think Card Captor Sakura is the best anime ever created. If Comartemis thinks the same of Sailor Moon, more power to him.
As much as I want to be neutral, I'd have to stand by this statement. I wouldn't be seriously writing fanfics had I not trained up on making coherent and deep plots that the CCS franchise demanded.

Though if you ask me, THE best anime ever is tied between El Hazard, DUAL!, and several Khrack relatives.

Interestingly, for me, the best animation ever does not exist, but is within my brain: "dXo - Danger Cross Order", a manga that my pals and I drew for a while when we were young and bored. Nothing on screen has yet to come close, and every time I do a fanfic, themes from dXo continue to resurface, like the Clerics, a centralized yet liberal religion, multiple dimensions and timelines, mecha themes, interesting villains, magic, adventure and twisted romances. Notice how Nanoha fulfills all that but lacks in the romance department and Jail being a rather mishandled villain who could be so much more.

Let's not get into a war about 'my anime is teh b3st' however; we must agree that our tastes differ. :3
Originally Posted by USB500 View Post
/me stalks into Outer Cadia, realizing that his presence has been missed for two weeks.

So, umm,...... howdy, people? Guess I can't tackle the backlog just yet as I'm still in confusion and anger following stuffs around my waist that have been bothering me for quite a while. being unemployed.....

And while I'm at it, no, I still don't have anything new to share here right now. At least, as far as the OCs are concerned, and it sucks to know that we no longer have the inspirations and motivations to do things, right? Maybe I should resume my long-postponed novel right now....

*lazily waves to people and leaves with this*

P/S: whatever happens, DFC+armpit service always win!!! *runs for life*
Welcome back, Lone Wolf! We've missed you...

Oh dear... Hope you find a job soon! Things have gotten a bit sour with your absence; I'm actually starting to miss the fanservice of the old thread. Do come back soon.

EXACTLY that USB, exactly that.

Last edited by Kha; 2008-06-07 at 05:11.
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Old 2008-06-07, 05:24   Link #949
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My two (fellow) Aces did the work for me. Thanks!

I'll see how things develop from here and consider whether or not to have my say (aka: Limiter Release).


Now I feel shafted too...T_T


@haiz: Cadia Zwei has no profile. She's like the avatar of this second OC Thread. And no, I am not taking Law. Just a Law-oriented business course.:3

@USB: Welcome back!

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2008-06-07 at 06:36.
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Old 2008-06-07, 05:52   Link #950
~ I Do ~
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And like Hayate, not only your Limiter Release is scary, you're pretty much shafting yourself.
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Old 2008-06-07, 09:21   Link #951
He Who Smites Shippers
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Alright, apparently it was a big mistake to introduce this timeline before it was completely hashed out and the OCs were in the beginning stages of being written up, so I'm going to pull this suggestion from the thread and go back to PMing Kha and Keroko about this until at least the complete timeline is finished.

K&K, thanks much for the support and the votes of confidence. It's encouraging to know that I have people willing to stick up for me around here.

Oh, and ghaz? If you want to blame someone for my bullheadedness on this, blame TK for challenging me to make it work. I'm fully aware that my ideas aren't always the best to come into Cadia, but that's why I post here in the first place; so I can refine my ideas while they're still in their beginning stages instead of spending days/weeks/months on a project only to have it shot down by some minor-yet-critical flaw I overlooked.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-06-07, 09:24   Link #952
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To all those defending Comartemis, most notably perhaps Keroko:

in our own way, so are we...we just seem to be rubbing the bureau in his face...

Ultimately, we can't, and shouldn't be able to tell Comartemis what to write or how.

What we can do is point out issues that we think that may cause him problems. He has every right to choose to do it anyway, of course...

But, well, I for one am worried that his attitude to the bureau has been tainted by exposure to OuterCadia.

I honestly can't tell whether he's aiming to reduce or remove the Bureau presence because he genuinely doesn't like it, or because he wants to say 'screw you!' to all the people who keep bringing it up...

and that's significant, because while the first is fine, the second is likely to cause trouble in the long run simply because that kind of irrational venting simply doesn't hold together well, and can lead to bad continuity and bad writing.

please note, this is not intended as any kind of analysis or as an insult. I'm no Psychologist; I can only tell you the way I might feel...

And in that situation, I can tell you I'd be tempted to knock back the Bureau out of spite simply to be contrary...

This is what I'm worried about.

If he wants to reduce or remove the influence of the Bureau from his story and can do so in a rational and justified manner (eg, Nanoha and co never join the Bureau at large; Nanoha and co go straight into the Navy; Nanoha and co manage to hit up a bunch of senior officers for favours somehow; even having the Bureau fold/overthrown/destroyed before the events of A's) then that's fine

I just don't want to see him shoot himself in the foot and end up in the situation of being asked "but why are the Bureau rolling over for every one of the Ace's requests?"

and feeling forced to answer " They Just ARE, OK!?" all the while thinking <That'll teach those OuterCadia sods to try and tell me how to run my story...>

Better answers could be

" they've pulled in a lot of favours, and refusing could cause political trouble"


" The Bureau High command has their own agenda on this"


" The Higher ups have decided to give them just enough rope..."

In one line, the whole situation can be resolved, and that's all that need be said of it.

I (and I'd like to hope, all of us) just want to see him write the best he can, without leaving anything out, without leaving uncovered gaps or plot holes, without writing himself into a corner, without him having to stretch suspension of disbelief too far...

Like I said before, any question we can ask, other readers can ask...

it's OK not to answer the long as you acknowledge the question has been asked.
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Old 2008-06-07, 09:48   Link #953
Wild Goose
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*me sighs*

Let me put it this way. It's how Comartemis goes about doing stuff.

What really, really really pisses off those who hang in IRC is that Comrtemis' attitude has basically been, "Fuck canon, fuck OC, Ima gonna do wtf I want and I don't really care about what you guys think." It's gotten to the point when I'm actually wondering if his presence here is subtle trolling or not.

The other problem is that a lot of his stuff just violates common sense. Now I know Keroko's gonna jump all over that, but there's a difference between applying commonsense to an anime and fanfictional settings and laws of physics. Just because it's magical girl nanoha doesnt mean there's no scope for common sense.

...basically the whole damn point really is that to those of us who plan things out and to whom writing is SRS business, Comar's jumping into the waters half-cocked without fully thinking things out is annoying and aggravating. And when we try to help he reacts like it's a personal insult. And it is painful to see bad writing being produced and the writer stubbornly proceeding along; the whole point of Cadia compared to fanfic is that fanfic is where you go to get your ego and NxF stories all praised, while Cadia is for OCs and serious charecter writing and development.

And also frankly it just doesn't really make any sense for RF6 to wow everyone just like that. Even the SAS, the most sucessful special forces unit in the world, had their detractors. Delta Force and SEAL Team Six were nearly closed several times by military brass who hated how spec ops was mucking around with their status quos - hell, the US Air Force leadership was actively trying to kill off special operations... including sabotaging the only AFSOC Special Tactics Squadron in existence. And this is with people who are pretty much mundanes. And you expect that massing the Aces together isn't going to shitfits and quick manipulations of paperwork and bureaucracy? Don't forget that if Nanoha and Fate transfer into the GF they're under GF jurisdiction which means that the GF brass can write orders yanking them out of RF6 into different units.

I will write more later. I'm tired. Long shifts. 12-hour shift today.

@TK & Kha:
Task Force Six is basically still in the planning stages, but the general idea is as follows: During Franz's match with Nanoha in Five Minutes to Lose, Erick and Hayate chatted a bit and she mentioned her idea for RF6. Erick thought it had potential and quietly talked to O'Neil. What then happened was that unlike canon, where it was primarily Navy/Saint Church-supported, RF6 received a goodly amount of support from SOPCC; Felix was sent to be ostensibly an observer of sorts on the project, along with some of O'Neil's more trustworthy people, such as a Major Reynolds as one, along with a small team from the OFM (a mixed group of about 10 Air Wing and Assault Platoon mages, led by Franz), with some intel specialists like Mikhail Dornitz. RF6's startup thus has somewhat more legitimacy in that rather than being mostly backed by Saint Church it's also got some of O'Neil's clout behind it, and nobody fucks with O'Neil.

It's most certainly an AU of Kerokanon and stuff, but tries to stick more or less to canon and aims to be realistic about the whole matter. And I wouldn't mind linking of projects in sperate verses; in fact now that I think about it O'Neil and TF6 in this verse is basically him taking a look and seeing how it can be done before he assembles TF 58 a few years down the road - sort of a test run of sorts, anyway.

There will also be drama and clashes, particularly between Franz and Nanoha, who get into arguments on training; Nanoha's argument is that she's a SAFA elite agressor/instructor and Tea is under her command; Franz dismisses her argument and points out that he has 18 years of combat experience and learned his trade in urban warfare in the middle of a civil war, which is where TF6 will be fighting most of the time.

I'm still working on it and trying to finalise the ideas and all.

But definately at some point Franz is going to go "fuck this shit", whip out a Battle Rifle, and dump 9.5mm SAPHE into gadget drones.

EDIT: Awesome post by stormturmoil.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

Last edited by Wild Goose; 2008-06-07 at 10:10.
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Old 2008-06-07, 09:59   Link #954
~ I Do ~
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I saw trouble brewing, was wondering if it was just me, but went ahead anyway. I'm no Aaron; I'm not good in this thing, I only want to keep things calm, so pardon me for making what looks like a bad intervention.

EDIT: And Comar, you have some ways to go you know. Just by backing you on gut feeling I get into more trouble. Why should I even fking bother?! Why do I even TREAT this thread like my own baby?!

Like I said, the FF Thread > Cadia now. Which Is Fking Sad.

Thank you, and good night.

EDIT: Actually, no. I just realized the wisdom of Anita shunning the IRC completely. As for the thread, this is what I have to live with then.

If only Cadia Zwei really was as sweet as her avatar.

Last edited by Kha; 2008-06-07 at 10:10.
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Old 2008-06-07, 10:06   Link #955
Wild Goose
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Ya think, Kha? Anyway I wish turmoil had managed to get his post up there a bit earlier. *cracks stiff neck*

Remember, people. Just because this is Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, where the laws of physics are bent - if not outright violated - does not mean that COMMONSENSE is invalidated.

Also, on a tangent, I'm going to give up breakers. I now bust backlog at work, I have no desire to come home and bust backlog again. And sadly I don't have the authority and rank to fire the Backlog Breaker. ;__;
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-06-07, 10:11   Link #956
Adeptus Animus
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
And also frankly it just doesn't really make any sense for RF6 to wow everyone just like that. Even the SAS, the most sucessful special forces unit in the world, had their detractors. Delta Force and SEAL Team Six were nearly closed several times by military brass who hated how spec ops was mucking around with their status quos - hell, the US Air Force leadership was actively trying to kill off special operations... including sabotaging the only AFSOC Special Tactics Squadron in existence. And this is with people who are pretty much mundanes. And you expect that massing the Aces together isn't going to shitfits and quick manipulations of paperwork and bureaucracy? Don't forget that if Nanoha and Fate transfer into the GF they're under GF jurisdiction which means that the GF brass can write orders yanking them out of RF6 into different units.
*shakes head* Goose, that's proving my point. You throw around a few random terms and compare them to some american army teams I never even heard of and expect everything to function like the good ol' army you're familiar with. I believe we established a long time ago that the TSAB doesn't function like a normal military unit. Throwing around logic like that is, quite frankly, meaningless. The whole 'but the GF can yank them out of RF6' doesn't sound anything as logic to discard the idea. Sure, it is technically possible for them, but why would they do that?
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Old 2008-06-07, 10:23   Link #957
illusion control
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
the whole point of Cadia compared to fanfic is that fanfic is where you go to get your ego and NxF stories all praised, while Cadia is for OCs and serious charecter writing and development.
I was under the impression that the OC thread is for development and discussion of original characters, and the fanfic thread is for the discussion and posting of fanfics in general.

What actually happens is not the same thing as what is intended. The latter should always supersede the former.
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Old 2008-06-07, 10:29   Link #958
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post


There's only one thing I can really say to that analysis, Sheba.
[Q]uoted [F]or [P]ure [W]in

Alright, news flash guys. Not everyone here was particularly impressed by the addition of the TSAB to Nanoha. Some of us are old school magical girl fans who thought S1 was perfectly awesome when it was just Nanoha, Yuuno, Fate and Precia without any of this military bullshit thrown in to the mixture. The TSAB added nothing of interest to the story until the Wolkenritter showed up and the bureau was nice enough to add the cartridge system to Bardiche and RH.
Actually I didn't mind but I guess what you're trying to say is the addition of the military stuff makes Nanoha less of a Magical Girl Genre?

Let's not. Some characters just don't deserve development.
Hmm it depends I think

No, Sheba, I am simply not the least bit impressed by any of them, not even Chrono.
You're quite the harsh judge

You can also get drama out of a "stupid" good old fashioned good vs evil plot. Now extensive usage of the military bureaucracy in a fanfic appeals to me about as much as swimming in a pool full of scissors, but ATC managed to convince me in IRC that it's going to be necessary at some point, so I'll likely have to distort canon during the timeskip to get this to work, but you mark my words, I will find a feasible way to put the Aces out of the reach of the bureaucracy, even if I have to tear the whole goddamn bureau down brick by brick.
Just chill, alright? I'm still working the bugs out of this. Pass judgement once you've seen the final work, not when it's still in the beginning stages.
I'll be expecting something

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Neither do the Aces, what's your point?
That the guys need to go SSJ4 and blow up planets?

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
You always pull the "not impressed" card when it comes to the male cast, yet we have someone like Yuuno being able to hold ground against Vita. So, I'll ask, what's your problem with them?
Ah, but Vita wasn't going all out and maybe it's just me but I think Yuuno had some trouble but he managed to keep her busy.

PS: And please, Sailor Moon is not "greatest anime ever" material, I could understand if it was something like Gungrave, Monster, Berserk or Macross. But certainly not Sailor Moon.
Hardly needs to be said but I think people have their own preferences of "Best anime ever" and putting down their choices is NOT advised

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
The males of MGLN have the unfortunate status of being guys in a magical girl show. They are naturally overshadowed by their female counterparts and thus, naturally, their achievements are also cast in a poor light compared to the girls. But even accounting for this, there isn't much there to catch the viewer's attention. If there were any males in the main cast this would probably be different, but as it is all the guys are supporting characters who are there just to make the girls look good.

Now Chrono might have all the power and twice the tactical skill of any of the Aces, but he still doesn't accomplish much throughout the series when compared to the Aces or the Wolks, something I aim to fix when he fights Alex in the Comacanon A's timeline. Neither do Yuuno or Erio, and thus their achievements must be backed up by their personalities and character development.
Hmm I sense some slight gender biased or something? Well MGLN being a girls > guys anime does tick or rub some people off in a wrong way though.

Sadly, Yuuno simply doesn't interest me all that much, Chrono's most defining feature is his tendency to label Yuuno as a familiar (and get said familiar all riled up about it), and Erio just didn't get enough character development. He certainly had something interesting going with Caro and his backstory and all, so all in all, Erio is the one who comes out on top as the most interesting male character in the show, and frankly it's a shame he didn't get more screentime once Vivio showed up.
I agree with this part. Erio was prolly the only one with some potential for development but well... I think Vice had potential too though

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
In regards to the latest 'let's bash Comar and his ideas' trend, I find myself wondering why people are so opposed to his idea? He's not saying he is going to abolish the TSAB completely (even though his wording was a bit wrong back there) just that the millitary intrigue is going in the trunk of his car. Now, I wonder what the problem with this is? is it because it 'alters' things? Makes it less military then canon? Hypocritic, because the military geeks in this thread have already made this military much more strict and real-life like then what canon has displayed.
I agree with everything else but as for the part i bolded out. Isn't that kinda...bad?

I see no serious problem with Comar's plan. A few inconsitencies with the timeline and characters were all that needed fixing so far, and perhaps more of those will pop up in the future, but the base of the story, the whole 'RF6 didn't disband' is solid and only requires turning a 'no' into a 'yes'
Agreed. It does get kinda boring if you don't have something else that's different.
Duno how to explain this but basically staying with the same thing over and over gets kinda ... repetitive or something like that.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Right now I think the problem is with Comar, not his ideas. And I intend to straighten this out before it all goes to hell and Aaron needs to interfere again.

I quite frankly don't care what goes on in IRC in regards to the bitterness against Comar in this thread. I believe Aaron told everyone this before: Let the IRC stay in the IRC.

The idea of coma-canon was thought out, he did his research, posted his ideas and listened to the reviews of his ideas. He altered where his ideas clashed, and where it was possible, however what is happening here is simply people trying to spot even the most tiny miniscule flaws in Comar's ideas and blowing them out of proportion for the sole purpose of grudges and bad blood against him. I don't care what Comar does in IRC, but in the OC-thread he should not be getting that kind of flak.

I know Comar can rub people the wrong way, I'm not excluded either, because I happen to like both Yuuno and Chrono, and Regius was a brilliant character in my opinion, so having Comar voice an entirely different opinion (especially on Regius) does irk me. However, I don't let that get in my way of looking at his ideas objectively, and commenting on them as such. Tk can rub people the wrong way too, does that mean we have to torp all of his ideas as well?
Agreed. Tk and I quarreled once due to a misunderstanding though but I still respect him cause his ideas are really good I guess ^^

The entire idea of his canon was to limit the military aspect of the show, now I know the military geeks may find this hard to swallow, but if he wants to do this he has every bit of right to do so. He's not throwing anything out the window, he is only minimizing the influence it has on its story.
Originally Posted by Kha View Post
@Sheba: Er what is yandere btw?
Yandere is like a psycho lover or something. E.g. A yandere likes you but you don't really like her and then you go out with another girl. The yandere will prolly harm that girl so that she scoots away from you, in worst case scenario, kill your lover. (Kaede from shuffle is an example)

You got valid points that I could use, but yeah stop attacking Comar. I feel quite bad that mine and his ideas agree on quite a few places, and while I'm used to drawing fire, Comar seems to be getting it a bit hotter...
Hey its an important choice when you want to select a partner, and when its building a harem, it gets even more important ne?
... You make me wanna end my whole existence

Here's another point where me and his ideas agree; I wanted to blow up the Infinite Library for a long time now, for plot purposes and to show Skane's level of awesome and keikakudoori.
Why the hate for books Kha? Why!!!! and wuts this keikakudoori???

From what I see, irc is no

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
My two (fellow) Aces did the work for me. Thanks!
O_O Keroko(Nanoha) Kha(Fate) ?

I'll see how things develop from here and consider whether or not to have my say (aka: Limiter Release).


Now I feel shafted too...T_T
You're not alone Though around 1/2 the time I duno what people are talking about -_-

@haiz: Cadia Zwei has no profile. She's like the avatar of this second OC Thread. And no, I am not taking Law. Just a Law-oriented business course.:3
1) Oh
2) Damn...I thought we could have a Phoenix Wright here -_-

Now...let's all calm down and stare at this cute pic and indulge in her moeness
Spoiler for Moe:
Not provided by me but I think Sheba?

Anyway, I think getting personal because of stuff Comar said in the past/IRC is just downright chidlish. Fine, I don't go to the irc(because i never knew there was one >_>) but even if i knew i still wouldn't go. Anyway like what Aaron and Keroko said, let irc stay irc and er... thread stay thread. Don't bring any disputes/issues in irc here. You shouldn't shoot someone's idea cause you hate him. Judge what he presents impartially.

Long Live Lelouch! Waiting for Tales of the World:RM2 USA release

Last edited by haiz123321; 2008-06-07 at 10:44.
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Old 2008-06-07, 10:48   Link #959
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Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
Yandere is like a psycho lover or something. E.g. A yandere likes you but you don't really like her and then you go out with another girl. The yandere will prolly harm that girl so that she scoots away from you, in worst case scenario, kill your lover. (Kaede from shuffle is an example)
Sounds... painful.

But... given Fate's background...

*imagines Fate in Precia mode*

...oh gawd what have I done...?

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
... You make me wanna end my whole existence

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
Why the hate for books Kha? Why!!!! and wuts this keikakudoori???
Not the books. Its because big fortified things central to a big organization floating in the middle of space is both a tempting yet hard target to crack, but if you managed to blow it up, it would give you a lot of bad rep, and as a villain, you want that bad rep to make a statement.

And tough nuts are only crackable with keikakudoori, a slang we created to mean elaborate plans that when executed flawlessly leaves everyone going "WTF just happened?!"

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
O_O Keroko(Nanoha) Kha(Fate) ?
Erm... Yeah.

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
You're not alone Though around 1/2 the time I duno what people are talking about -_-

Reminds me that I should get the tutorial out. But this stupid lack of time + bad mood... -_-

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
1) Oh
2) Damn...I thought we could have a Phoenix Wright here -_-
Doesn't dim the fact he makes the best Interventions.

Originally Posted by haiz123321 View Post
Now...let's all calm down and stare at this cute pic and indulge in her moeness
Spoiler for Moe:
Not provided by me but I think Sheba?
*pats Vivio on the head*

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Old 2008-06-07, 10:50   Link #960
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Age: 44

2) Damn...I thought we could have a Phoenix Wright here -_-
Only prosecutor we have is krisslanza, and she is only interested into making Phean's life a living hell. And PFlare fails as attorney. NYAAAA!!!
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