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Old 2008-07-03, 18:03   Link #2261
Master of the Shiny Crack
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
*rubs eyes tiredly* I'm tired and going to sleep, but I managed to finish this before I go.

Spoiler for Syn Virage:
Is that more information on Syn TT-TT<= happy tears now I can write her properly in RebelS (maybe )
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Old 2008-07-03, 18:24   Link #2262
Adeptus Animus
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Yup, that's Syn's profile. I may tweak a thing or two later on (most likely the history when I start writing myself), but that's the gist of it.

And Syn may have a role in RebelS? Awesome!
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Old 2008-07-03, 18:29   Link #2263
Master of the Shiny Crack
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Yup, that's Syn's profile. I may tweak a thing or two later on (most likely the history when I start writing myself), but that's the gist of it.

And Syn may have a role in RebelS? Awesome!
Well she's in ch 1 And I plan on using her more :3 Syn's too cool not to use
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Old 2008-07-03, 20:28   Link #2264
Nuclear Fusion
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*falls over*

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Your loss, its a weekend of good fun playing around, creating scuffles, backstabbing people, being a merchant, you name it, and you can do it.
It does sound pretty fun.
Bleh. Healing set. Well, I'd go after it for the looks, maybe.
Hey, don't make fun of the healers.

But if it looks cool...why not?
*clucks tongue* My throat feels dry after reading this. It seems that even the creator himself feels like shafting Hayate.
His loss.

Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
Unfortunately, and do not give enough character limits for me to write up a descent summary T.T
Your summary would be...longer than the character limit???

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
I may use Noland for a non-canon which Franz gets pwnt by Meido Guy Noland.

Now that I consider it about the only time canonically Franz has gone up against anyone in OC and not lost was during the events of BelkaRed vs AbareHunter, though Glen and Naomi combopwnt him before he could do too much damage there... Garh, poor Franz, you were once a haxxed and powerful Stu, and now even your own creator amuses himself by toying with you.
Such as assigning him ludicrous amounts of paperwork? :3

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
The internet has divided weirdness by zero it can never be stopped now...
Divided weirdness by zero??? How does one do that, and more importantly, what's the result???
There are those that just go with the flow of life and then there are those that grab it by the throat and tell it to start heading where they want it to go. I like to think of myself as one of the later.
Good philosophy to follow...but sometimes it's as well to go with the flow.
See I actually do it by choice I like playing team doctor. Just don't piss me off: "Oh opps sorry I was a LITTLE late on that heal was out of mana! yeah that's it..." You'll be sorry as Team Medic I control life and death you best remember that lug heads!
Heh, that's like the Warrior forum for the WoW guild my lan's making - it's titled "Why'd I die? Oh, the healer was AFK."

Sometimes I get the feeling healers do "accidentally" look away during the raid...
Hmm indeed... *wanders off looking for sweet things*
Sweet tooth? Ya don't come across as the type...*shrug*
Indeed, fire VERY good... err.
Someone say "fire"?

*LE proceeds to incinerate everything within sight, laughing like an idiot*

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Ya know what, I'm glad I napped to prepare for working until midnight instead of following this discussion.

The above is also why when it relates to canon information I would rather the Canon Info section of OCNano be restricted to mods and admins only: the honor system is all fine and well for keeping out normal malicious edits (...mostly...) but it cannot protect against someone who has confused the line between his fanon interpretations and canon information.

Or to put it simply: Honor system cannot stop khrack.
...That may be true, but still...

This is why I think we need to come up with some concrete baseline for this stuff, so we don't have to fight over which "canon" is right...

And it would also save pages of wading through Barrier Jacket/Linker Core/what-have-you argument #umpteen-thousand.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Problem: for the purposes of Comacanon, all these things damn well do exist. I mentioned already that I'm trying to come up with a working definition for the purposes of usage in Comacanon right around the time I first mentioned the astral and material planes.
True, but you still have to work within the confines of true canon. Otherwise what's the point?
You're both right. Linked mana can be generated within the body by drawing on unlinked mana from outside the body. There, problem solved.
Hmm, that might work.

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Thanks for the lovely mental image....

Wha- does not compute.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
When I said I was looking for a genderbent Fate, I was looking for a picture where'd you could see his face. Not this.

(I know its somebody else, but stop for a while, and look closely. )
No wonder everyone thinks you're out of your mind - you are. :3

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
The civility policy works two ways. -_-

There is a stark difference between a person who is annoying to some because of his normal manner of communication and a person who goes out of his way to annoy another person (and of course, plainly acting violently beyond his/her normal point of intensity). I'd appreciate it of this talk about my old warnings is stopped right now. It's not needed as far as I see how things are going here. Tk's always been blunt and sharp of tongue. But he has enough self-control to relent when needed or apologize when he goes too far. No need to press this matter any further like liingo said.

Let me clarify something, I made that warning not to make Cadia a No-harshness Angelic Utopia, but rather to keep a sufficiently high level of civility. That's the main point I care about. I don't really care if a person has a sharp tongue as long as I can gauge the intent and level of self-control as appropriate. And as such, I don't see any reason for unnecessary friction to arise right now.

That's all.:/

Long as we keep it civil, I don't really care. We're all gonna have our own opinions, ways of speaking, and views on different concepts. Variety is the spice of life, they say, and it'd be pointless if we all had no leeway to speak.

That said, keep it the hell down, folks.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Don't forget that the Mids have a different understanding of armor compared to us; in this case it appears that its referring to magical protection - IE the barriers and fields.
If they can make a protective field with a gem and a spell, why not?

Originally Posted by Reiji Tabibito View Post
Bleah, I don't have the patience to do breakers that long anymore. I barely go to ten pages anymore...
Quote: are cruel, Keroko.

And I'm going to get you for this.
What are you gonna do, expose him as a trap?

*pats Cadia Zwei's head*

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I lol'd when I dropped by the Wrath of the Lich King.

Remember when I had Jail as a Death Knight? Guess what? It's gonna fit, because DKs are gonna get this skill called Anti-Magic Field.
When I first saw that entry on WoWWiki, I knew it was just a matter of time...

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Dwah?! Okay that CANNOT be a coincidence...
So Kha's some kind of double agent-

[Heavy]I see Spy!!![/Heavy]

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Kha, you are an incredibly lucky person who manages to turn everything into Keikakku doori. Luck is just that: luck.

Stop. Gloating.
Oh lighten up. What's the point of an ego if you can't stroke it now and then?

Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
It's quiet....too quiet....
Quiet, eh...

*takes a long, slow breath*


*a cataclysmic fire blast engulfs everything*

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Bleh, I see no reason to play Whack-a-coma, I just find porting Ki in Nanoha to be completely useless. Belkan mages virtually are Ki users already, and adding Ki to a show centered around magic doesn't atract me at all, so I'll just handwave it as a MSN crossover gone haywire and let it pass, no reasons for hissy fits if other authors see the merrits where I don't.
You could even write it in as an alternative kind of magic - now that I think of it, it could work like the multiple alchemy styles in FMA.

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Never thought of it that way.

/still ponder how to adapt berserk rage, as shown in D&D or Diablo 2, in Nanoverse.
Enrages at 5 minutes, berserks at 10.


Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
I think I'll go the Warp Spasm or historical berserker route, maybe a bit shamanic. Remember San in her first appearance in Mononoke Hime? We could only see her mask and hood, and it was very animal-like. When the frontier between the man and animal is blurred, when the berserker can't even talk but just howl and growl like a raging wolf or bear, that's something I found more impressive.
Shaman, huh...'ve just given me an idea.

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Well, "Prototype" is usually a plot excuse for Mary Sue-ing up a character. After all, Sol Badguy was the prototype of all Gears and was accused of being a Mary Sue (not to mention that Daisuke has made it clear that sol is partially based on himself). And don't get me started on Gundam prototypes that are ALL assumed to be better than their production models. IRL, a prototype will be more flawed than production models.
True. If you're gonna do the "proto" route you have to do it right.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
On the subject of self-control, when was the last time I exploded on the forums? Anyway, like I said, 'vivid imagination' that, and I have this skill that allows me to ignore pretty much everything I want to ignore, to the point where those guys damn near do become invisible to me.
I envy you now...self-control has never been one of my strong points.
I guess it depends on how detailed you want the explanation. "Barrier Jackets generate Barriers and Fields" is enough for me to explain everything from how a bikini can offer high-grade protection to explaining why the people in Nanoha get up after getting chucked through concrete.
Yup. Simple and explains the majority of everything.


Ahahahaha! Genius! Now I am definetely rolling a Deathknight!
It took you that long? I was hooked from the name "Death Knight."
I'm not that bad, actually. You should see my sister. Most girls find ponies and kitties cute, she thinks humongous scaly fire breathing creatures are cute.
That's like this girl I know who plays games with us...she has an immense fascination with the shotguns...and is damn dangerous with them to boot...

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Hmm... Now that I think about it, both Kha and Keroko made their own Aces to go with the young Ace Trio of Canon...

Now why didn't I make a similar Ace as well...?

Looks like I shafted myself there as well...<.<

Why not think of it as deeper devotion to Hayate-sama? :3


Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post
Pish...I can still MC people off cliffs and such. Like the bridge to the backdoor of KZ...

A little to the left...little more...there!

*jumps MC'd player off and it breaks allowing then to flail around right before they hit the river bank*
*runs up to MC-ing Priest, drops totems, and proceeds to Windfury him to death*

HK for the day. :3
And on a little sidenote, looks like FUNimation is going to be releasing Nanoha
Hm. Nice. 'Bout time.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
In my defense, it seemed like a good idea at the time....
Famous last words, Comar, famous last words.

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Keroko: "Yuuno-kun's late.. "

Chrono: "Ah Keroko there you are. Yuuno said he couldn't make it at the last second so he asked me to replace him."

Keroko:"Oh..I suppose it can't be helped then. Work takes precedence after all."

Chrono: "Shall we ?"

*around the corner Yuuno lies gagged and Struggle Bound*

Yuuno: "Chrughh urgh urghtrd !"

...Why does this scene compute more than it has a right to?

Originally Posted by TheShinySword View Post
Eat... mushrooms

Nanoha: But which is the real Vivio? The pink one, the blue one?
Fate: I think its the rainbow one. All the pretty colors look~ it's a prettiful magical Kharckacorn let's ride on it! Wee!
Everyone else: >.> Let's leave them here -_-;

Stay away from 'shrooms kids they'll screw with your head.
Oh someone's gonna write a crack one-shot where everyone gets high...*facepalms*

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
*rubs eyes tiredly* I'm tired and going to sleep, but I managed to finish this before I go.

Spoiler for Syn Virage:
Syn's new and improved build, hm?

A bit jarring going from her Alpha build to this straight ranged one, but I guess you know what you're doing. I like the build, though - glad to see she's still a smartass.

Is her spell list supposed to be that small, though?

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Could be worse like.... Fate speeding across roller coaster-like levels to collect rings, free loli clones at the end of stages and giving a beating to Dr Jail. Then optionally turn into Super Fate after collecting the seven Jewel Seeds hidden all over the game.

...I facepalmed. -_-;

Originally Posted by TheShinySword View Post
Well she's in ch 1 And I plan on using her more :3 Syn's too cool not to use
Heh. Can't wait. :3
In my hands, a sun, that my path may be lit.
At my back, the sky, so I may be free to soar.
In my eyes, hell, for it is my cradle and grave.
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Old 2008-07-03, 20:49   Link #2265
He Who Smites Shippers
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Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
True, but you still have to work within the confines of true canon. Otherwise what's the point?
"The confines of canon" are far too constricting. Much better to extrapolate on what we see and try to explain it with good old fashioned fanon than to say "it's not canon so you can't use it! Nyah!" Contradictions to canon are all that should really be left out, and on rare occasions, not even those should be excluded if it makes a story better than it would be without them.

This is why I'm including a decidedly religious bent in Comacanon like what Kha's done. The Saint Church is one of the most unexplored aspects of the Nanohaverse, and if we've got ourselves an interdimensional religion, why not expand on it and put some truth into the teachings? Hence the mentioning of angels and demons and celestial beings back in my examination of the Planes; these will be showing up in some form in the post-StrikerS timeline, becoming more and more likely to make appearances as Vivio grows up and starts to make her own waves in the Bureau. Hell, the way things are now, there might be a demonic meddler poking his nose into Jail's business even during StrikerS, perhaps working for Original Jail... or perhaps not.

Anybody wanna see Xellos show up every now and then, acting--as usual--on his own agenda?

You could even write it in as an alternative kind of magic - now that I think of it, it could work like the multiple alchemy styles in FMA.
A possibility, but it negates the point of creating an alternate energy source to be used with mana to create Kanka. This could easily be left out, though, since it seems my Void Magic concept is being better received than anything else I've created for Asuna so far.

I envy you now...self-control has never been one of my strong points.
Nor mine. I like to think I've been improving on that lately, though.

Famous last words, Comar, famous last words.
Don't I know it. I believe I said something similar when I first created Rico Sachara. Remember him? My first character, Mr. "I'm too cool to use magic systems"?

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-07-03, 21:08   Link #2266
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Evangelion Xgouki View Post


Are you screaming at Khalthuzad, of the Scaglettis?

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
'wasn't not a Sue?' Which is it?
Somebody cast Memory Lapse on me. I meant Keroko was the Ace who wasn't a Sue. The other 5 have rep in varying degrees to be one; Keroko's agreed Sue rating is 0.

Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
It is a little known fact that Keroko and Chrono were dating at one point in time.

*Runs like crazy while dodging red blasts of magic*
Hayate had a crush on Kha before choosing Grandis. Sophia was actually dere for Artei once. Arisa was confused between Nanoha, Suzuka and Artei. Yuuno also went for Keroko. Kha had a soft spot for Carym. Keira admired Signum a lot. Shamal and Zafira were hinted, and so was Arf and Zafira. Keroko was egging Nanoha to date Kha, despite herself being a little interested. Erio found himself staring at Fate. And the list goes on, Cardcaptor Convoluted Style.

That entire web evolved and ironed out, finally arriving at the set point at end of Cente Gravia. Hence why relationshipwise, StrikerS onwards are all focused on the new cast, but there ins't much to fool around with. Teana goes for Dylandy who in turn is after someone we don't know yet. Subaru is stubbornly Teana. Vivio is free game for a while. Juliet Scagletti is too sly to be committed. Serena is too cold, and her tsun-affection for Allie is more onee-chan than anything else. Allie's just running free. So our main fun may well be from the Erio x Lutecia x Caro Macross Triangle.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post

*falls over*
WEEK. :3

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
Heh, that's like the Warrior forum for the WoW guild my lan's making - it's titled "Why'd I die? Oh, the healer was AFK."

Sometimes I get the feeling healers do "accidentally" look away during the raid...
I can give a wakeup call by bubbling and sending the boss at the errant healer.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
So Kha's some kind of double agent-

[Heavy]I see Spy!!![/Heavy]

What first you guys accused me of being a double agent for 7Arcs, now Blizzard? I'm honored!

[Spy]And this will be the last time you see me. *backstabs LE*[/Spy]

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
*runs up to MC-ing Priest, drops totems, and proceeds to Windfury him to death*

HK for the day. :3
I heard a loud Squish there.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post
...Why does this scene compute more than it has a right to?
Because it does, like Lyrical Fate.
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Old 2008-07-03, 22:12   Link #2267
The Resurrector
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Originally Posted by Liingo View Post
@PF: Thoughts on my re-read of all of it below, separted into chapters and scenes for easy reference. Also random spelling points

Spoiler for Questions:

- Couldn't see any major pitfalls while I was re-reading it all, but it'll be best to see what the others say first.
- I do have questions on the plot... although i'm certain that those will be answered eventually in the next couple of chapters

That's fast!

Anyway, here's the response.

Spoiler for Answers:

Thanks, Liingo, this helps a lot.

By the way, if you do have questions about the plot, I don't mind you asking. If it's a major one, I'll probably say so, though minor ones are perfectly all right.


@Keroko: Don't worry about it, Tesla has a lot more in store for her. She has romantic partnership; she cooks (in the next chapter, no less ); she makes a particularly useful insight during their meeting; she leads a small squadron against the enemy; and she fights the battle of her lifetime against a Magus two ranks higher than she is. I always find character development in Nanohaverse shouldn't just revolve around their fighting abilities, so Tesla pretty much gets an all-round development. Hopefully, it's up to your taste and imagination.

Last edited by PhoenixFlare; 2008-07-03 at 22:36.
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:02   Link #2268
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I am damn glad you didn't; or the HAYAURION pairing made of epic wrongness would've never been born!!!


That is just one of the things that make him awesome and special. And notice that he is father-figure to 2 Aces. Kha as well, if you remember why.

And the end of A's Destiny, is a photo of all 6 characters. And if you didn't know them, you'd think that Aurion is a proud father of 5 boisterous kids.


Hold on a damned second there... =_=
That's not gonna work.

*stabs Kha with Hatchet. -_-*

Deshou? More points of distinction.

And an irreplaceable one at that.

Originally Posted by stormturmoil View Post
Even if Hayate Is paired with Grandis Now, that does nothing to prove that she wasn't previously involved with Aurion in the past (fell apart because of the age gap?)
Hey, I took this into consideration too considering I made Hayate had a crush on Chrono at one time...

And the ones with Aurion were just rumors.

Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Indeed good point storm raised up. Even then implied relationships don't always have to work out; or can't work out in the future after failing once.

And as for pairings/relationships, I do believe everyone here has one they want to write out but hasn't due to any combination of reasons. On my end I have been stuck at setting the scenario for a cursed love between device and master that I have been wondering lately if I should just jump the gun and straight into it. >_>
Device and... Master...?

*stares at Null's one-sided love for the oblivious Daddy Saga...>.>*


Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Keep working on Grandis then.
But he's more of Knight-turned-Skilled-Maverick-turned-Knight compared to an Ace-class.

But will do.

It is a little known fact that Keroko and Chrono were dating at one point in time.

*Runs like crazy while dodging red blasts of magic*





So... that's how it was...

Hayate, whom those that read my GenerationS version of her would find out that she had a crush on Chrono during her early pubescent years mainly because of how much he stood up for her in front of Graham's plan... Not to mention completely brushing aside her unneeded guilt with Clyde's death (which she had nothing to do with in the first place)... And then she actually later gave up on him because she was still kinda hooked up on that unnecessary large amount of selflessness schtick when she finds out that Keroko and Chrono had been getting along... Just when she almost manages to get over that minor heartbreak, Kha comes along and then puts on the harem-lead-patented 'Nice to all the girls' charm (as in being nice to Hayate a bit more than usual because of her gloominess) and manages to score a lot of affection points from her. But then Hayate desists yet again in favor of Fate... That second heartbreak kinda gives her a small trauma that she decides to focus fully in her career even more (120%!!!) instead of pursuing romance. But then, there comes this time that her playful flirting with Aurion gets misinterpreted and they get rumored to have a relationship when there is actually nothing of the sort happening...

This is...@_@

(In a good way...)

*is bashed with the Tome on the head by a blushing Hayate*


Originally Posted by Tormenk View Post
Keroko: "Yuuno-kun's late.. "

Chrono: "Ah Keroko there you are. Yuuno said he couldn't make it at the last second so he asked me to replace him."

Keroko:"Oh..I suppose it can't be helped then. Work takes precedence after all."

Chrono: "Shall we ?"

*around the corner Yuuno lies gagged and Struggle Bound*

Yuuno: "Chrughh urgh urghtrd !"


Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
*rubs eyes tiredly* I'm tired and going to sleep, but I managed to finish this before I go.

Spoiler for Syn Virage:

Well... Though I was jarred by the AAA-rank when I read it, I eventually read thru the entire profile. And what can I say, I like Tsun-tsun Archer Syn compared to eyepatch brawler Syn!

Her relationship with Vivio is interesting, more so with Elena. Her Barrier Jacket is CUUUUTTTEEE~!!!

*dodges Hrunting*

Good work. And I find Rho Aius to be my favorite spell in her list.

Originally Posted by LimitedEternal View Post

Long as we keep it civil, I don't really care. We're all gonna have our own opinions, ways of speaking, and views on different concepts. Variety is the spice of life, they say, and it'd be pointless if we all had no leeway to speak.

That said, keep it the hell down, folks.

Why not think of it as deeper devotion to Hayate-sama? :3


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Hayate had a crush on Kha before choosing Grandis.
Hayate had a crush on CHRONO before giving up on him in favor of Keroko (and eventually Amy), then had some attraction to Kha before giving up for Fate, been rumored to have a relationship with Aurion (which happens to be NOT the case), and then eventually settles down with Grandis.

Aaron: Broken Heart much, Hayate...?

Hayate: Don't remind me...

Aurion: There's a fine line between reasonable selflessness and plain gratuitous martyrism...

Grandis: Well, that turned out to be interesting...

Sophia was actually dere for Artei once. Arisa was confused between Nanoha, Suzuka and Artei. Yuuno also went for Keroko.

Kha had a soft spot for Carym.
Grandis actually regards Carym with some amount of reverence...

Keira admired Signum a lot.

Shamal and Zafira were hinted, and so was Arf and Zafira.

Keroko was egging Nanoha to date Kha, despite herself being a little interested.
Grandis eventually becomes really buddy-buddy with Keroko while he reminds Nanoha of Kyouya (*coughMidorikawacough* >.>)...

Erio found himself staring at Fate.

And the list goes on, Cardcaptor Convoluted Style.

That entire web evolved and ironed out, finally arriving at the set point at end of Cente Gravia. Hence why relationshipwise, StrikerS onwards are all focused on the new cast, but there ins't much to fool around with. Teana goes for Dylandy who in turn is after someone we don't know yet. Subaru is stubbornly Teana. Vivio is free game for a while. Juliet Scagletti is too sly to be committed.

Serena is too cold, and her tsun-affection for Allie is more onee-chan than anything else. Allie's just running free. So our main fun may well be from the Erio x Lutecia x Caro Macross Triangle.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2008-07-03 at 23:25.
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:14   Link #2269
Master of the Shiny Crack
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Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post

Good lordy your head's gonna fall off from all the nodding Aaron.
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:20   Link #2270
Wild Goose
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Ah forget it. I have to go to work and won't be back until late. The pitfalls of being the noob at work.

Can't really complain; my manager's working from 9.30 am to 1.00am tomorrow. I'm only going in at 2 pm.

Also, I roll eyes at Comartemis and Kha and their inclusion of church. They're probably going to get it all mostly wrong, seeing as how neither of them have had the level of exposure to churches that I have had.

Ironic, innit, that the guy with the most immersion in religious life makes no reference to organised religion in his work, but two guys who know zilch beyond stereotypes and supposed coolness are intent on turning the saint church into a mockery of christianity.

RE: Soldiers of the Wasteland: I'm kicking myself for not thinking of the idea of a crack assault team (in the military context, unlike here, "crack" means AAA to S-ranked) breaking up a cosplay party. SotW is a lot darker and grimmer than stuff I normally write, and is not for the faint of heart.

Nanoha is out of the picture, having been wounded in the ambush that was sprung on her as she tried to save Vivio. She was also sent a message by the kidnappers not to intervene, and was given a present from Vivio and the kidnappers.

A small, bloody cross.

Made from fusing two of Vivio's fingers together.

It's now up to a small team of 7 men to get in there and save Vivio.

Erick von Long, first Erusian recruited into the TSAB, the Flawless Gunslinger. A. J. Ivanovich, Mage Hunter of North Point. Glen Schattenmann, the Fire Knight. Master Chief John-117, the Green Demon. Yuuno Scrya. Franz Jaeger. And one man, seeking his redemption: Noland Reineger, the Calamity Knight.

Noland will walk into that Wasteland, with only one purpose: to rescue his beloved Sankt Kaiser.

And Death follows behind him.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

Last edited by Wild Goose; 2008-07-03 at 23:31.
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:36   Link #2271
He Who Smites Shippers
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 37
Now wait just a goddamn second, Goose. Who ever said I was planning on turning the Saint Church into a mockery of Christianity, or even making it anything like Christianity? There appear to be a few stylistic similarities, true, but it's obviously a completely different religion with its' own set of rules. We don't even know if the SC holds a regular mass or anything of the like.

Basically the only thing we know about it is that it's a very liberal religion dedicated to the Kaiser. Beyond that, it's pretty much a total unknown and I intend to take advantage of that fact to create a unique religion more or less from scratch.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:38   Link #2272
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
*stabs Kha with Hatchet. -_-*
I don't recall Axe weapons having a Stab animation.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post





So... that's how it was...

Hayate, whom those that read my GenerationS version of her would find out that she had a crush on Chrono during her early pubescent years mainly because of how much he stood up for her in front of Graham's plan... Not to mention completely brushing aside her unneeded guilt with Clyde's death (which she had nothing to do with in the first place)... And then she actually later gave up on him because she was still kinda hooked up on that unnecessary large amount of selflessness schtick when she finds out that Keroko and Chrono had been getting along... Just when she almost manages to get over that minor heartbreak, Kha comes along and then puts on the harem-lead-patented 'Nice to all the girls' charm (as in being nice to Hayate a bit more than usual because of her gloominess) and manages to score a lot of affection points from her. But then Hayate desists yet again in favor of Fate... That second heartbreak kinda gives her a small trauma that she decides to focus fully in her career even more (120%!!!) instead of pursuing romance. But then, there comes this time that her playful flirting with Aurion gets misinterpreted and they get rumored to have a relationship when there is actually nothing of the sort happening...

This is...@_@

(In a good way...)

*is bashed with the Tome on the head by a blushing Hayate*

*smacks Aaron on the back*

It didn't want to say this just now, but its already all Keikakudoori...
Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Hayate had a crush on CHRONO before giving up on him in favor of Keroko (and eventually Amy), then had some attraction to Kha before giving up for Fate, been rumored to have a relationship with Aurion (which happens to be NOT the case), and then eventually settles down with Grandis.

Aaron: Broken Heart much, Hayate...?

Hayate: Don't remind me...

Aurion: There's a fine line between reasonable selflessness and plain gratuitous martyrism...

Grandis: Well, that turned out to be interesting...
To me, both crush and attraction mean the same thing, the only thing outside of my in-action plans was Chrono weighing in more than Kha did.

No battle plan survives contact with battle, but the wise will adapt.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Grandis actually regards Carym with some amount of reverence...
I see we both agree on Carym's Yukito power.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Yup. Omake-wise, throw in a Signum Kissu.

But not so much now; Keira's taken to fussing over little Anya Ashley.

Originally Posted by Aaron008R View Post
Grandis eventually becomes really buddy-buddy with Keroko while he reminds Nanoha of Kyouya (*coughMidorikawacough* >.>)...

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Originally Posted by TheShinySword View Post
Good lordy your head's gonna fall off from all the nodding Aaron.
Don't worry he's well-practiced.

Subete wo keikakudoori...
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Old 2008-07-03, 23:42   Link #2273
Wild Goose
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Now wait just a goddamn second, Goose. Who ever said I was planning on turning the Saint Church into a mockery of Christianity, or even making it anything like Christianity? There appear to be a few stylistic similarities, true, but it's obviously a completely different religion with its' own set of rules. We don't even know if the SC holds a regular mass or anything of the like.

Basically the only thing we know about it is that it's a very liberal religion dedicated to the Kaiser. Beyond that, it's pretty much a total unknown and I intend to take advantage of that fact to create a unique religion more or less from scratch.
Sorry, was referring to Kha and his Ecclesiarch and Inquisition, which is pulled from 40k and pretty much a mockery of Christianity. You got hit in the crossfire. My bad.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-07-03, 23:54   Link #2274
~ I Do ~
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C.S. Lewis had it hard for Chronicles of Narnia, and so did anything out there from vaguely parallel to directly contravening Christianity. Valid arguments, been there done that. To be honest, hearing all those criticisms now seem "about time", after plain-sailing so long in the OC. Or in my decade of fanfiction for that matter, since while the exact lore for each universe changes, the theme of Naaru and Ces'rauva hasn't.

Belka is unique in that this belief is the first I've worked on to center around a divine being, and the first where I've painstakingly tried to build a lore around. Like you said Goose, the more I wrote, the more conflict I'll generate. I've always been a controversial figure, so get used to it. And thanks for helping me get used to criticism.
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Old 2008-07-04, 00:04   Link #2275
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Ah forget it. I have to go to work and won't be back until late. The pitfalls of being the noob at work.

Can't really complain; my manager's working from 9.30 am to 1.00am tomorrow. I'm only going in at 2 pm.

Also, I roll eyes at Comartemis and Kha and their inclusion of church. They're probably going to get it all mostly wrong, seeing as how neither of them have had the level of exposure to churches that I have had.

Ironic, innit, that the guy with the most immersion in religious life makes no reference to organised religion in his work, but two guys who know zilch beyond stereotypes and supposed coolness are intent on turning the saint church into a mockery of christianity.

RE: Soldiers of the Wasteland: I'm kicking myself for not thinking of the idea of a crack assault team (in the military context, unlike here, "crack" means AAA to S-ranked) breaking up a cosplay party. SotW is a lot darker and grimmer than stuff I normally write, and is not for the faint of heart.

Nanoha is out of the picture, having been wounded in the ambush that was sprung on her as she tried to save Vivio. She was also sent a message by the kidnappers not to intervene, and was given a present from Vivio and the kidnappers.

A small, bloody cross.

Made from fusing two of Vivio's fingers together.

It's now up to a small team of 7 men to get in there and save Vivio.

Erick von Long, first Erusian recruited into the TSAB, the Flawless Gunslinger. A. J. Ivanovich, Mage Hunter of North Point. Glen Schattenmann, the Fire Knight. Master Chief John-117, the Green Demon. Yuuno Scrya. Franz Jaeger. And one man, seeking his redemption: Noland Reineger, the Calamity Knight.

Noland will walk into that Wasteland, with only one purpose: to rescue his beloved Sankt Kaiser.

And Death follows behind him.
... Hehe. This makes me grin. Though it's spelled "Reiniger," German for Purifier.
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Old 2008-07-04, 00:17   Link #2276
Wild Goose
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
C.S. Lewis had it hard for Chronicles of Narnia, and so did anything out there from vaguely parallel to directly contravening Christianity. Valid arguments, been there done that. To be honest, hearing all those criticisms now seem "about time", after plain-sailing so long in the OC. Or in my decade of fanfiction for that matter, since while the exact lore for each universe changes, the theme of Naaru and Ces'rauva hasn't.

Belka is unique in that this belief is the first I've worked on to center around a divine being, and the first where I've painstakingly tried to build a lore around. Like you said Goose, the more I wrote, the more conflict I'll generate. I've always been a controversial figure, so get used to it. And thanks for helping me get used to criticism.
Pretty much, Kha. Plain sailing has to end at some point - may as well be now. ;D

To be honest though, whatever Kha writes really has no effect on anything I write, precisely because I stay away from such religious bents.

Part of the conflict Kha, is also that you tend to throw things into your work without thinking them through, which is VERY painful for me, because:

[Dojo]You remind me of my old and stupid self, the me that I left behind.[/Dojo]

Originally Posted by Tempest Dynasty View Post
... Hehe. This makes me grin. Though it's spelled "Reiniger," German for Purifier.
Ah, I knew I was forgetting something.

But yeah, despite being serious dark crack, this is a story, in a way, of, Noland's redemption. It's a long process and a long road, but redemption has always IMO been about the journey and less the destination. Take FFVIIAC, which was essentially Cloud's journey of coming to terms with himself and the whole destination of self-forgiveness; we knew he was going to be forgiven in the end, but it's the journey that made Advent Children so interesting.

...okay, I also didn't like the idea of calamity Noland and wanted to redeem him. It's sorta been because of my upbringing, but I kinda believe that all people deserve redemption - but they need to want it.

Incidentally, if you don't mind, Noland will be learning one borderline-ranged spell in Soldiers of the Wasteland. It's based on a little-used spell of Franz's (which I'll be using a bit more inTF6), and is called... Sturm Bolter.
One must forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.Heinrich Heine.

I believe in miracles.

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Old 2008-07-04, 00:36   Link #2277
Σ(。д°(o--(ಠ益ಠ )
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Ah, I knew I was forgetting something.

But yeah, despite being serious dark crack, this is a story, in a way, of, Noland's redemption. It's a long process and a long road, but redemption has always IMO been about the journey and less the destination. Take FFVIIAC, which was essentially Cloud's journey of coming to terms with himself and the whole destination of self-forgiveness; we knew he was going to be forgiven in the end, but it's the journey that made Advent Children so interesting.

...okay, I also didn't like the idea of calamity Noland and wanted to redeem him. It's sorta been because of my upbringing, but I kinda believe that all people deserve redemption - but they need to want it.
Hey, that's cool man. Redemption is going to be a future theme of Gospel too, once I get to that part of the story. I'm excited to see how this plays out though, so don't disappoint me.

Incidentally, if you don't mind, Noland will be learning one borderline-ranged spell in Soldiers of the Wasteland. It's based on a little-used spell of Franz's (which I'll be using a bit more inTF6), and is called... Sturm Bolter.
Haha nice. Well... depending on what it does, it may be the same as Noland's Gatling Raze spell. I was using the gauntlet mounted Storm Bolters that Grey Knights use as inspiration when I was making the spell up.
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Old 2008-07-04, 00:59   Link #2278
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I just don't have the volume of writing to show otherwise. I'm not in Year 1 Medicine anymore, I'm Year 2, so those who wondered why I had so much time last year, don't rub it in!!!
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Old 2008-07-04, 01:01   Link #2279
He Who Smites Shippers
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Alright gang, my muse went and hit me over the head with something akin to a lead pipe of an idea, and I’d like some opinions on it before I give it serious consideration. I’ve been kicking this idea around in my head for a few hours and I think it has the potential to be viable if used properly.

Spoiler for Possible plans:

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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Old 2008-07-04, 01:10   Link #2280
Master of the Shiny Crack
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Alright gang, my muse went and hit me over the head with something akin to a lead pipe of an idea, and I’d like some opinions on it before I give it serious consideration. I’ve been kicking this idea around in my head for a few hours and I think it has the potential to be viable if used properly.

Spoiler for Possible plans:
Well that certainly sounds interesting. I don't know what your original plans were but those plans seem to take the best of both worlds and make them uberly awesome. Besides Evangeline Vs Fate sounds too cool for my mind to process much more :uhoh. And I just thought of this, of course there's no real relevance but since Nanoha and Negima started in the same year they're both about the same age.
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