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Old 2017-04-22, 16:07   Link #2421
4th Dimension
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Finally, I have actually finished sequence 1.

How many more? 10+ I think? Fuck.... this is going to be a long run.

Sequence 1 - Battle 3 epilogue, Battle 4A and sequence end

Anyway this one has several amusing parts. More of the Florian sisters, and we get first idea what Amita is all about. And that is IGNORING the LAWS OF REALITY via massive amounts of FIGHTING SPIRIT and HOTBLOODEDNESS!! And Kyrie is still a D person.
The Materials make their comeback in all their crazy glory.
Reinforce and Hayate shenanigans.

Next sequence is essentially a Nanoha centered one, where she and Yuuno give chase to Amita and run into some to US familiar faces but for them strange individuals that strangely know them.
Also Yuuno gets to fight people and win. Fun times.

PS. I am going to be fixing some mistakes I made with the credits screens for the 3A and 3B battles, so those videos are likely going to dissapear, but I will replace them with the new ones. I will try to update these link when that happens.
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Old 2017-04-29, 19:36   Link #2422
4th Dimension
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Okay, time to start on the Sequence 2. This one actually doesn't seem to be too long since it has only one cutscene. It's mostly Nanoha and Yuuno going after Amita and running into people.
On the other hand each fight has two variants. One for Nanoha and another for Yuuno.

let's start with Nanoha's first fight:

Spoiler for Sequence 2 - Battle 1A:

As before some of the lines are red, but I don't have a commentary on them so they don't get a number.
* This is supposed to be some sort of reply where Amita asks weather Nanoha is referring to her. Like "Me?" Yes, is to say hello, acknowledge Nanoha's address.
** This is what Nanoha is untill after A's. A mage that is not officially part of the TSAB but is working for them. I think the translations I have seen use temporary. Wiki uses contract mage. I think I like temporary, or even part-time better. But I'm not sure. I asked the guys running the wiki too.
*** I'm not sure about this one. It's "honorary prefix|polite/careful/kind/through etc|location particle|sorry/excuse me/thank you". It could also be "Kind mam/girl, I'm sorry".
*4 She actually says "escape/flee expression used to thank for food"?!?!
*5 She is unnerved by Nanoha. But I'm unsure is she unnerved by Nanoha's ability to beat her, or Nanoha's fascination with the abilities of others. It could be either one.
*6 I'm not so sure about the translation of the middle part, and the gratuitous kitakana rhigh in the middle of it. I think I have the gist, but I'm afratid I'm screwing up the details.
*7 Aaron008R in his summary of the GoD, says that this is something old Japanese superheroes tended to call out while escaping. So I translated this using the closes western superhero mannerism.
I have found no proof of this interpretation on the line though, but then again I don't know enough about Japanese pop culture. On the other hand there are a bunch of Japanese words that start with "tooo/とお" and deal with movement, breakout, forcing and such and might be the source if you clip off the end.
Unless someone has a better idea what Amita is SHOUTING here, I'm leaving it as is.

Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-04-30 at 08:20.
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Old 2017-05-01, 06:08   Link #2423
4th Dimension
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Sequence 2 - Battle 1A - Nanoha vs Amita - with English subtitles

And we are into sequence 2. This one deals with Nanoha and Yuuno's adventures chasing after Amita. This one itself has quite a few interesting interactions between Amita and Nanoha, mostly dealing with Amita behaving as someone caught speeding and desperately wanting to not be written a ticket.

Also the making of this sequence has been cursed.
I have been interrupted by door, by housmates, by my own stupidity, by POWER going out, by bandicam not recording sound and finally last night by my Internet connection dying while I was uploading this.

So yeah. Whoever is messing with probability, cut it out.
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Old 2017-05-05, 03:16   Link #2424
4th Dimension
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Spoiler for Sequence 2 - Battle 1B - Yuuno vs Amita:

* This is Yuuno trying to draw Amita's attention/strike up a conversation and not being sure how to do it. It's literally umm/err/say, miss/lady/person who is here so it can't really be dirrectly translated.
** The probably most problematic translation here. The second version was made with the help of a person who knows more of Japanese than I do, and is probably quite correct, the first version is my take on it, pobably not correct. If anyone else has any input on this I would like to know. The issue is that it still doesn't really adress in what way did the fighting spirit and not simple preparedness help?!?
*** This is the part where Amita is I think being overly polite. The gist is that she is trying to extracate herself from the conversation since she has answered Yuuno's question and now wants to go. Still not 100% sure though.
*4 This attribute/adjective kind of confuses me. They keep refering to them questioning Amita to as short talk/story which doesn't really translate well.
*5 Yeah, the translation of this isn't firm allthough I think I get her gist. She is telling Yuuno that here is his chance to ignore/let her go. She pulled kind of the same thing with Nanoha, allthough there she tried to worm herself out with wods first. Here she just bolts. Probably thinking since she beat him before she will be less likely to not let her go.
*6 Yuuno is rejecting Amita's reasoning. Also kind of not dirrectly translatable. The literal translation would probably be "I dissagree with that reasoning" or something.
*7 Yuuno is confirming here Amita's suspicion. The trouble is that in her sentence I used a negation because she was incredulous, but here I want to confirm the thought she was unsure of. If I just have him say, "That is correct", that is going to sound like he WASN'T able to learn her moves, which is not the idea here. So I have to use this a bit broken wording. Any help on this would be appreciated, since English is not my native/mother tongue.
*8 The wording could be better, right? But in essence this is her meaning.
*9 Next up in LAW AND ORDER: TSAB: I don't think this is supposed to say that there is no such law, but more that it doesn't really protect her since she has allready volontered her name when she introduced herself in front of Hayate, so her refusing to answer Nanoha, isn't really going to work. Also another possibility is that he is saying in general that she has allready claimed/admitted that she is an non-authorized dimensional traveler, and so keeping silent is not going to help her, or work.
But the wording, I'm not sure how to word this properly at all.
*10 It's possible that I sould use ", right?" here.
*11 The first is more literal, while the second is more in the spirit of translation. Literally it's "Oh, self-introduction is late/was delayed/is overdue".
*12 This is probably one of the more unclear lines of hers. I think this is her meaning, even though she doesn't say as much.
*13 I think you all get the meaning (limited time is a more limiting factor than her limited energy), but the wording is kind of atrocious.
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Old 2017-05-05, 03:36   Link #2425
Rising Dragon
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Super minor nitpick but it's been bugging me, the girl's name isn't Amita, but Amitie.
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Old 2017-05-05, 03:40   Link #2426
4th Dimension
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Actually, it's both.
Her full name is Amitie (アミティエ) but as she noted in 1A in her talk with Nanoha, those close to her call her Amita (アミタ). It's also how game refers to her in dialogue screens, and as Nanoha notes here how Pinky (Kyrie) calls her.... Well, Kyrie mostly calls her baka onechan but when she doesn't she calls her Amita
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Old 2017-05-06, 19:44   Link #2427
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Sequence 2 - Battle 1B - Yuuno vs Amita - with English subtitles
And this is the alternative to Nanoha vs Amita and as far as I'm concerned the canon route
Also while I'm a CQC scrub, I like Yuuno's combat style of putting max shields and ramming the enemy at full speed.

On the other hand... Yuuuuno, what are you doing?

Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-08-06 at 05:29. Reason: Link updated to the video with both versions of the fight
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Old 2017-05-17, 16:08   Link #2428
4th Dimension
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and not watching the videos.
The text translation is not it's final form since it goes through a bit of critique and editing with the help of the people from Midchilda Discord server. So quite a few errors tend to get fixed by the time I make the video form. UNFORTUNATELLY due to the annotations It's kind of hard to later make the same corrections right here. So video's should be considered the final and valid versions of the translation.


Okay, this part is a mess since Aria and Lotte keep speaking in some kind of slang I think. Damn cat familiars.

Spoiler for Sequence 2: Battle 2A - Nanoha vs Liese Twins:
* Literally: From some time ago, many of them many of them. So I'm assuming the missing verb is supposed to be intuited from Lotte's line. Also what + counter + mo is supposed to mean few/many of the things the counter is counting. In this case it's a counter for humanoid forms.
** Literally: (because of) Every single missleading form leaving isn't. I assume 出てく is actually 出ていく (to go out and away/leave) from which they dropped i. Basially untill the isn't at the end the entire line reads "(subjects) leaving because they have missleading forms" and the part at the end basically negates the whole lot.
Also I'm unsure do they mean that the Liese think that each Dark Fragment can take any form (and therefore has different forms) or do they think of Dark Fragments in genral having different forms. I'm actually leaning to the former since that makes Liese clueless on how Fragments behave/work and explains their actions here.
*** Not an exact translation. In the first line she says something more like "If you talk it won't be good". Quickly is just the toppic (the Fake) and quickly expression, so I extrapolated a bit
4* This one is allmost all just an extrapolation from future dialogue since from what I can figure out she is saying "Two persons (subject) かりなんて, cruel/hard/heartless it is". But I can't figure th thing in the middle.
5* Frankly I'm stumped by this one. My feeling is that this is supposed to be some sort of justification as in "We have to be cruel or you would be bad" or something, but I can't get that meaning from this.
It's as far as I'm able to read it: "That (probably refering either to them fighting Nanoha or Nanoha herself) (is object) The way of repelling (te-shimau form, indicating regret. They regret having to do this I guess) you (is subject), even more cruel/violent/terrible/hearthless/unreasonable (emotional emphasis with wa?)!!" Also the VA is practically crying whining this out.
So I guess "To stop you we simply have to be so harsh
*6 Oh this one is one of the rare ones that is pretty clear. The only issue is that they read the kanji indicating dogfighting and menouver simply as manouver (the brackets show the rubied version). I went with the kanji meaning to mantain it's full meaning.
*7 This interjection of Nanoha's is a bit off. I think it's a bit of the eureka moment for Nanoha, and also she is basically replying to Aria that her observation is correct because she is not a fake (Dark Fragment). The second part is the Ummm/Errr type of interjection, and the wierd part is that I wouldn't put an exclamation mark after that, like they did in the original. The next part is mostly okay, if a bit odd for my newbie expectations.
*8 She uses here the word for feeling/sense/impression, which is kind of odd. But I took it to mean you didn't sense/see/expirience it as such.
*9 I'm pretty sure of the general meaning, of the catgirls not expecting they would even encounteer DFs (maybe explaining their cluelessness in regards to them), I'm not 100% sure about the exact meaning. Also I'm not certain weather to use them or one of them (because they might still think Nanoha is a DF).
*10 Typical Liese speach. Slamming two nouns together where they are I think basically listing them with no separator. And then basically saying "randomly and FLUFFILY/airly/gently?!?!?". What? I guess this might be some sort of a jab at the mental faculties of the DFs, but to use funwari?!? But no in this case I'm stumped what is the meaning behind this word.
*11 The word here has the meaning of take out/drag out, probably in the sense of dragged/pulled them from retirement, but I used a more military sounding word for that, reactivate.
*12 I'm pretty certain about the general meaning, but I'm still unsure about the tenses and such. And weather they are refering to an incident at a remote/far away location or because it started there. Also this starts their tradition of reffering to Hayate as "that girl/child", and not being able to utter her name, which will make some of the future sentences UTTERLY confusing.
*13 Same as previos case. Pretty certain this is the general meaning, but still not satisfied with the translation or if it hits the intended meaning. For example among other issues, they use kanji for side Earth, while saying (ruby) this side/close, sooo I'm wondering what to use for this. I think the intended meaning to be conveyed by the dialogue and the titles is that their mission was to a place far away from Japan on Earth? But then they ran into Nanoha here without getting to their location?
I don't think the timeline matters but it does confuse the matters.
I'll put the timeline discussion down below.
*14 I'm not really certain about this one. I think this is the general meaning. But for example what the first sentence excatly means I have no clue.
*15 There are a lot of things I'm unsure about here. Like them "comming"? Or maybe the object of the "comming", the one that arrived (Nanoha) was dropped here?
The verb at the end. I think when I was translating I took the de to be either a noun or particle. But what is the full meaning of 伝えないでおいてくれない I wasn't able to divine. Esepecially considering the seemingly double negative.
*16 Compared to other issues. This one is simple. Nanoha actually says Signum-san-tachi, where tachi ussually is used to create a plural, but since you can pluralize a person it is supposed to mean "and company". So this likely refers to the Knights, and as such I simplified it.
*17 This is another I'm totally not confident in. I think this "loooooooseee" translation might be it, but I'm totally not certain. I could not comprehend what できる範囲 is, but judging from the example sentences I found it's some sort of phrase that means "as much as someone can". Literally I think it means "In range of ableness".
*18 I'm unsure of this one because it kind of contradicts what happens in future once these two run into the Knights. Also I'm not satisfied with my wording of it.
*19 This is where the overusage of that/those kids bites them on their stupid tail waggling butts. I THINK they mean in this case to reffer to Nanoha and Fate, and them having to fight a murderous Reinforce and that despite them endangering Nanoha and Fate's lives purpusfully Nanoha didn't change and doesn't hate them. But one can never know since you chuchklefucks are overusing the word so much I am no longer certain who are you talking about.
*20 They say Nanoha-chan-tachi and as in the above case with Signum-san-tachi it's meant to be taken as Nanoha and those close/similar to her. In this case I think they mean Nanoha and whoever was with her, in this case Yuuno. Since I'm 90% sure it's just Nanoha and Yuuno, "Nanoha and the others/gang" doesn't really fit now does it? I could have them say just Nanoha. Or I could use Nanoha and Yuuno. But Nanoha never mentions Yuuno in this one so it wouldn't really make sense, how they know Yuuno is with her (well apart from the fact that he seems to follow her arround desperatelly wanting to be noticed, poor boy).

UGHHHHHGGHGGHHHH That was rough. Sorry for not being better at this.

Timeline so far and the mission of the Liese twins:
Given that the Liese Twins were reactivated two days ago due to an emergency, I would guess that would place the Yuuno/Nanoha battle two days ago? Hmm, I don't think it entirely fits the narrative of the battle arenas.
Day 0/1: Evening/early morning: Amita vs Kyrie (Gears arrive on Earth)
Day 1: Day: Amita vs Yuuno/Arf -> Likely Kyrie sets off the alarms on Artha causing a state of emergency and despaching of Hayate
Day 1: Night: Kyrie vs Hayate -> Materials return -> Amita vs Dearche
Day 2: Morning/Day: Hayate gathers Nanoha and Fate and they decide what to do.
Day 2 (still)?/3: Nanoha/Yuuno vs Amita -> pursuit -> Liese twins fight (Day 1 is now "day before yesterday")
So where did the missing day go? Maybe it took Hayate an entire day to gather Fate and Nanoha? Unlikely since they were allready moving on her location ever since Yuuno/Arf fight. Did the chase after AMita take a day? Possibly. A lot happens on Day 2 so it could be that fight with Amita is during the morning of Day 3.
Or the reason the Liese Twins were reactivated was the resurection of the Materials, the fight with Amita happened Yesterday and the reactivation was truly during the evening between yesterday and the day before it. But then why not tell Hayate. I mean Hayate was probably the one to report the resurection of the Materials?
So it's unlikely to be that.
Hmmm, could they have picked up on the initial arrival of the Gears? But then why reactivate these two shitheads. If they (well Leti, if they are to be trusted) didn't trust Nanoha or Hayate, why not use Fate?
I'm reading too much fanfiction and I'm now wondering if they were being sent to "eliminate" the potential problem Shadows style.
I wonder given the Nanoha's line after *13 could they have detected Dearche preparing to resurrect? So they were being sent to deal with that? And Nanoha and Hayate weren't being notified due to their possible ties to the Materials? Nanoha seems to think that the "unmentionable situation" is the reactivation of the Materials?
Naaahh. They seem in general clueless about the whole Materials/DF thing. Which is kind of suprising given their previous obsession with stopping the Book of Darkness AT ANY COST. One would imagine they would be interested in anything involving the Darkness of the Book of Darkness.

Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-05-19 at 14:08. Reason: Incorporated suggestions by James; Incorporated KurayamiNeko suggestions;
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Old 2017-05-21, 15:06   Link #2429
4th Dimension
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From now on I will be putting the translation text into the Google Documents since then I don't need to update couple of different documents based on feedback. Also this way it's a lot easier to comment and make suggestions. Also I will probably correct the files to show the exact translation I used in video.

Anyway here is the link to the previous battle with corrections:

Sequence 02: Battle 2A

Also I did the Yuuno's version of the same battle:

Sequence 02: Battle 2B: Yuuno vs Liese Twins [Google Document]

Also the previous contains the appearance/entrance of Vivio and Einhart.

As for the damnable catgirls they are like THE WORST when it comes to translation, and I can not put my finger on why. Also Lotte tends to repeat words when she is excited/angry. I didn't know about these verbal tics before.

Also Lotte refers to Yuuno as her "beloved mouse-like kid"
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Old 2017-05-25, 15:49   Link #2430
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Sequence 02 - Battle 2A - Nanoha vs Liese Twins

Yuuno vs Liese twins is basically put together, but I really need to run the script by some of my editors/commenters before I render it and upload it.
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Old 2017-05-28, 06:25   Link #2431
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Sequence 02: Battle 3A: Nanoha vs Einhard[Google Document]
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Old 2017-05-28, 17:18   Link #2432
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Sequence 02 - Battle 2B - Yuuno vs Liese Twins [translated video]

Notable things. Liese care more that they misstook Yuuno than Nanoha for a DF. Logical since they worked together for a time.
Also Lotte kind of goes even madder once she sees Yuuno since she considers it an insult that a DF wuld dare take the looks of her beloved little mouse.

Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-06-15 at 02:58.
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Old 2017-06-02, 18:44   Link #2433
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Sequence 02 - Battle 3A - Nanoha vs Einhard [translated video/Youtube]

Aaand after the excursion into the Liese Twins mostly I think to set up their showdown with the Knights, back to the more fun side of things. This time it's Nanoha vs Einhard.

Quote of the video:
Originally Posted by Nanoha to herself about Einhard
(Oh, she has beautiful eyes. They’re different in color, blue and purple.)
Isn't Fate good enough. You really are an eye girl aren't you.

Also any help on the next part is appreciated, even if it is only spellchecking:
Sequence 2 - Battle 3B - Yuuno vs Vivio - Transcript/Translation

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Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-06-15 at 02:56.
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Old 2017-06-08, 16:58   Link #2434
4th Dimension
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Sequence 02 - Battle 3B - Yuuno vs Vivio [translated video/Youtube]

Spoiler for "spoilers":

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Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-06-15 at 02:55. Reason: FUCKING wrong link was posted.
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Old 2017-06-15, 09:59   Link #2435
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Also knowing that youtube tags work would have been useful quite a while ago.

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Old 2017-06-20, 14:10   Link #2436
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And the script for the next one is already done so I guess expect the next one withing a week.

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Old 2017-06-24, 15:15   Link #2437
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Since the script for S03B1B is kinda done, I guess I should upload Fate vs Kyrie:

This one shows pretty much how Kyrie is in this game and why I think that the Reflection one doesn't act like herself. Kyrie loves her father, but is also a DICK and a SMUG JERKASS of MASSIVE proportions.

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Old 2017-06-30, 15:12   Link #2438
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I'm a bit in front of this in terms of scripts, but my editors/people who advise me are either on vacation OR have been assimilated by Fate Grand Order, but I was able to gather some of them to help me with this one:


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Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-08-15 at 14:06. Reason: Changed to the updated version
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Old 2017-07-04, 10:13   Link #2439
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Since in the second battle both variants are like really short, you get both today:


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Old 2017-07-08, 19:39   Link #2440
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Note the character selected in this battle determines the playable character in the next one, which is largely why we'll be skipping straight to 4A: Fate vs Levi and Epilogue before looping back for 3B and 4B, since 3a and 4A from an unbreakable sequence just like 3B and 4B. The epilogue is same regardless.
Also I'm using wiki spelling of Presea since that is the name of the car that inspired her name.

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