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Old 2008-05-31, 19:10   Link #21
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by Daniel E. View Post
They are not 'random' friends. They are people that share a common interest with you. People that maybe, just maybe could have a lot to share with you.

And no, we are not avoiding anyone simply because they are artists.
i know grahic so i can left a message to most of every topic...
but most of you didn't even reply on a newbies drawer topic
no matter what you said it here,you didn't reply them in action

still,some of the "drawing artist" that i try to help prove to not able to understand "my" english ...
so i am helpless too very often that i need to keep my mouth shut

if a forum makeup by only for draw-artist,
then i'm surely that some draw-artist will stay watching very often ,at less i will...
...try to keep his/her post out from bad spam,or waiting for new friend,and catching new friend at the forum that stay often,talk often

more than"just come to my home and make my house better"
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Old 2008-05-31, 19:22   Link #22
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 41
I'd love to say something infraction worthy but I'll try to tone it down a bit...

I get a feeling that the motives for being in Fan Creations could use a bit of a check up. I think the general consensus of the reason for the forums existence is to improve and to be inspired not attention whoring even as I may be a bit guilty of that as well. For me it has served it's purpose in at least in the inspiration section regardless how many replies my thread gets. Just browsing through the various threads is quite enough. I've caught up number of ideas just by looking at other member's works including yours. And even as it feels nice to be complemented I think it's hardly serves much purpose to fill the treads of members you don't know at all with posts with absolutely no content what so ever.
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Old 2008-05-31, 19:29   Link #23
Join Date: Mar 2006
A search of Fan Creation topics reveals:

Four fairly recent threads from members dedicated to Drawing: (toxic_trance) (AndrewAnimation) (Satsumaru) (Setsilya~)

A list of search results under Fan Creations with the word "drawing" in the title:

Novel Translation: (cicido)

Threads dedicated to manga:

Photography threads: (radiantdreamer) (Ledgem)

I left out results where thread owners feature multiple projects, such as escimo, innominate, mimi_girl, konstargirl, and Aoi_Emesai.

Comments stating that the forum has been "taken over" by graphics are misnomers. Start looking past the first page and you might find some interesting stuff.
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Old 2008-05-31, 20:09   Link #24
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Originally Posted by escimo View Post
I'd love to say something infraction worthy but I'll try to tone it down a bit...

I get a feeling that the motives for being in Fan Creations could use a bit of a check up. I think the general consensus of the reason for the forums existence is to improve and to be inspired not attention whoring even as I may be a bit guilty of that as well. For me it has served it's purpose in at least in the inspiration section regardless how many replies my thread gets. Just browsing through the various threads is quite enough. I've caught up number of ideas just by looking at other member's works including yours. And even as it feels nice to be complemented I think it's hardly serves much purpose to fill the treads of members you don't know at all with posts with absolutely no content what so ever.
no matter how you like us to be there,if we're bore enought,we run away

the system of member might work like this

1[arrived at animesuki]
2[open a personal post of graphic-d ,drawing-p]
3[waiting for interest]
4a[someone interested(within 3day)]
4a.1[reply to the visiter]
4a.2[more work to be show later on]
4a.3[confirm staying to start]

4b.[no body interest]
4ba.[simply left]

4bb.[try once more]
4bb1.[lucky someone reply]
4bb2.unlucky ,leave

really there are not a lot of member stating themselve founding a friend
they show off they work at first,
and if they know they will get wash easily,not a lot of people have the guts to double post
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Old 2008-05-31, 20:16   Link #25
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Originally Posted by Solace View Post
A search of Fan Creation topics reveals:
i remember some of them,thanks
i think i will send them all a PM, invite them join the group to get their name down at first,
ps:moderater,some of them might report me as a spammer
but i'll do it
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Old 2008-05-31, 21:33   Link #26
♪♫ Maya Iincho ♩♬
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chison - I consider myself to be an Artist like yourself, and I don't usually update my page at all, not like I can any more due to my scanner breaking down but that aside. Animesuki is mostly dominated by graphic artists.

While it is true those who update their pages the most do get the most views, thus getting the most responses back.

I do believe it was nightwish that said this "We're not trying to becoming everything" or something like that. But pretty much this is the forum to express everything you want to be since this forum is anime base and like Ledgem, who has mostly has interest in photography isn't dominate in this forum, and most users aren't too familiar with that field anyway.

Even discussing photoshop seems sorta difficult in this forum due to users usually critiquing how the image look on the outside, while for me I usually want them to do the same on my my techniques rather than the image itself, since I more interested in the concept and process than the finish result.

I mostly do render/extractions more than anything but this isn't necessarily the forum to do it at, so that's why I chose to take my interest to Animerender and others which is a forum dedicated to extractions and renders (sorta ^^).

How to Give / Receive Criticism on your work / Like to draw? Come join Artists Alike
Visit my Deviantart Or Blog ~A Child should always surpass his/her parent, Remember.
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Old 2008-05-31, 21:40   Link #27
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some of the image in the topic are dead so i can not judge who'd the drawing
but i sended 16 private message to those who did "drawing"

i need some back up work for english(just too late i already sended them to most of them,)(they will bite my head of days later for bad english)

Spoiler for inside e-mail:

Spoiler for inside e-mail:
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Old 2008-05-31, 21:48   Link #28
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Originally Posted by Aoie_Emesai View Post
chison - I consider myself to be an Artist like yourself, and I don't usually update my page at all, not like I can any more due to my scanner breaking down but that aside. Animesuki is mostly dominated by graphic artists.

While it is true those who update their pages the most do get the most views, thus getting the most responses back.

I do believe it was nightwish that said this "We're not trying to becoming everything" or something like that. But pretty much this is the forum to express everything you want to be since this forum is anime base and like Ledgem, who has mostly has interest in photography isn't dominate in this forum, and most users aren't too familiar with that field anyway.

Even discussing photoshop seems sorta difficult in this forum due to users usually critiquing how the image look on the outside, while for me I usually want them to do the same on my my techniques rather than the image itself, since I more interested in the concept and process than the finish result.

I mostly do render/extractions more than anything but this isn't necessarily the forum to do it at, so that's why I chose to take my interest to Animerender and others which is a forum dedicated to extractions and renders (sorta ^^).

so ,did you just said "found the new world?"XD
running away is easiler for us,but i don't see the point that people who'd watch a lot of anime can't draw???

i was alway believe in human can do everything if someone did it before
the first airplane maker die,injure,hurt,but not today
after the first one ,then someone will walk safe over it
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Old 2008-05-31, 22:52   Link #29
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Aoie_Emesai View Post
Even discussing photoshop seems sorta difficult in this forum due to users usually critiquing how the image look on the outside, while for me I usually want them to do the same on my my techniques rather than the image itself, since I more interested in the concept and process than the finish result.
There are plenty of people who will just say something nice and move on, but there are plenty who offer critiquing as well. However it's difficult to offer advice on technical matters when most times all you can really do is comment on the final result. I have no clue if someone used pen tool versus lasso unless they mention it, for instance. Or if they used GIMP instead of Photoshop. Then I can offer input based on that.

It's especially difficult to critique when many users do nothing more than just post an image. What exactly should I say to them besides nice image? They don't really ask for any specific input and some people even get offended when you offer input because they feel it wasn't asked for.

I mostly do render/extractions more than anything but this isn't necessarily the forum to do it at, so that's why I chose to take my interest to Animerender and others which is a forum dedicated to extractions and renders (sorta ^^).
I agree dedicated forums can be better but I certainly don't think they're all that superior, either. I browse AR and other more dedicated sites and they aren't all that different than ours as far as useful input goes - tutorials and resource sites aside of course (AR has a nice resource/tut section). A great many posts on those forums are just as "useful" as the ones here, but you do have a greater chance of finding people interested in exactly what you do (drawing, painting, tracing, etc.,). That's probably the only real benefit. Just like we have many sig makers here, other forums might have more renderers, or painters.

Places like AR or DA are dedicated for the most part to the Art side of Fandom. We're dedicated to the discussion side of Fandom before anything else. Like NightWish's paraphrased quote, we aren't everything to everyone.

Anyway, I don't buy into the sensitive artist line. You do this kind of stuff because you want to, not for the fame and certainly not for the unprofessional critiquing (although any comments can be useful, good or bad). If you don't get the response you were hoping for, you just keep working at it until your art reaches people....turning in the towel or complaining that others are getting more attention is just doing your own work a disservice, imo.

I'm not trying to hype up FC as the greatest thing going and I'm not trying to come across as defensive over it either, I just have issue with people stating that it's somehow an exclusive or elitist community of certain types of artists when that's hardly the truth. It's also not the only place on the web for such things either so there are other places to go if you don't like it here.

It's there for everyone, but no one forces you to stay either. It's all about what you make of it.

Personal feelings here: I am not against having different forums for Fan Creations. However I'm also not in charge of making new forums, the site staff is. And they'll only make new forums if there is a proven amount of traffic that will justify the need for one. I really doubt any of them will bother to consider it when those who champion the idea for a separate forum give up too easily and leave for other sites.
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Old 2008-05-31, 23:15   Link #30
Join Date: Feb 2006
chison, a word of advice, you can't grow oranges on an apple tree. You can try to plant your own seed and hopefully it'll grow. Or take the easy route like you mentioned and move to a place populated with orange trees.

Originally Posted by chison View Post
running away is easiler for us,but i don't see the point that people who'd watch a lot of anime can't draw???
Aoie_Emesai didn't run away... he takes a local google bus to a raspberry village where he rolls around in raspberry heaven with the villagers because they share similar interest. It would be pointless for him to stay in an apple field if he enjoys raspberry.

Also, just because a lot of people watched anime doesn't mean they can draw, it's like saying just because you eat a lot of watermelons, you automatically have the knowledge to harvest them.

Enjoying something and doing something are two totally different thing. It's like saying just because I love scary movies doesn't mean I go around hiding behind bushes outside of elderly hospital waiting to scare what little life they have left out of them...

@ Solace

A little compliment goes a long way, even if you have little to no knowledge of the technique or process that was used. Truly a simple "nice work" can inspire others to continue. So don't feel the need to hold back just because you don't have much to say, it's about encouraging and inspiring each other after all.


It seems another forgotten artist is about to update his thread soon... welcome back old friend.

Last edited by kayos; 2008-05-31 at 23:42.
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Old 2008-06-01, 00:52   Link #31
Join Date: Mar 2006
Certainly won't argue with that. Although I'm just as guilty of saying "good job, keep it up", but I do try and say a little more than that when possible. On the other hand, I don't really like saying just any old thing every time something new is posted in someones thread. Makes me feel like a spammer. =\

Also, you win the award for most analogies in one post.
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Old 2008-06-01, 03:24   Link #32
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
@ chison

Hi! What you know now as the Fan Creation forum was originaly called the Fan Art forum, or something similar.
So the forum you're asking for is the forum which exists at the present time!

How did this happen? simple, the request for a avatar signature forum was turned down. Then there's the sudden boom in avatar/signature making, partially natural, partially because we've all tried very hard to make it idiot-proof*.

Moving on...
Why are there so many of these signature/avatar threads? The reason is because the entire Fan Creation forum is no longer a forum but a internal social network; just think of myspace or facebook, the names could even be used to describe the threads, since that's what they are.

The original idea was started by Catgirls (as you know), but soon went from Gallery to simply chat threads in it's implemantation of other users. The fact of the matter most people here can't assert even the simplest things (well it's true!) so most comments go "oh" "Ahh" or other variations of noise. If you started grabing anime pictured from all over the net and drawing mustaches or glasses on them (read: vandalise) and then post them here, you'll probably recieve more praise then our mascot Kairin, even with all the publicity she gets.

Could a new Fan Art forum be created? No, it is unacceptable for it to be created as a petition form memebers! Animesuki forum is really only meant for the alphabet soup we call fansubs, it's not here to meet or serve the needs of the world. The only reason sections which diverge from this exist is to redirect uncontrolable amounts of user input. For example if we didn't have a general chat section people would polute all the anime threads will talk on the subjects there. All forums created here follow the same principle, this is most noticable in the series forums created periodicly.

While I believe the Fan Art/Fan Creation forum was originally intended as a important part of the forum, because of the lack of input and subsequent avy/sig maker "takeover" it's been abandoned by the staff to nothing more then a noise grabber. Hence further expansion is likely not even going to be considered; as you can see no memeber of staff has even commented on this thread.

Anyway, please continue to draw. My only recomandation is that you avoid animesuki when attempting to post your work; it's just such a bad choise! At least avoid the Fan Creation forum. You can post your work on other sites dedicated to the subject. (I'm sure everyone's heard of DeviantArt)

* I've made request of a similar thread for art, but was turned down or ignored by the staff; or at least that's my impression.

Last edited by felix; 2008-06-01 at 03:57. Reason: fixed a link...
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Old 2008-06-01, 04:51   Link #33
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Sheffield
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Solace View Post
There are plenty of people who will just say something nice and move on, but there are plenty who offer critiquing as well. However it's difficult to offer advice on technical matters when most times all you can really do is comment on the final result. I have no clue if someone used pen tool versus lasso unless they mention it, for instance. Or if they used GIMP instead of Photoshop. Then I can offer input based on that.

It's especially difficult to critique when many users do nothing more than just post an image. What exactly should I say to them besides nice image? They don't really ask for any specific input and some people even get offended when you offer input because they feel it wasn't asked for.

I agree dedicated forums can be better but I certainly don't think they're all that superior, either. I browse AR and other more dedicated sites and they aren't all that different than ours as far as useful input goes - tutorials and resource sites aside of course (AR has a nice resource/tut section). A great many posts on those forums are just as "useful" as the ones here, but you do have a greater chance of finding people interested in exactly what you do (drawing, painting, tracing, etc.,). That's probably the only real benefit. Just like we have many sig makers here, other forums might have more renderers, or painters.

Places like AR or DA are dedicated for the most part to the Art side of Fandom. We're dedicated to the discussion side of Fandom before anything else. Like NightWish's paraphrased quote, we aren't everything to everyone.

Anyway, I don't buy into the sensitive artist line. You do this kind of stuff because you want to, not for the fame and certainly not for the unprofessional critiquing (although any comments can be useful, good or bad). If you don't get the response you were hoping for, you just keep working at it until your art reaches people....turning in the towel or complaining that others are getting more attention is just doing your own work a disservice, imo.

I'm not trying to hype up FC as the greatest thing going and I'm not trying to come across as defensive over it either, I just have issue with people stating that it's somehow an exclusive or elitist community of certain types of artists when that's hardly the truth. It's also not the only place on the web for such things either so there are other places to go if you don't like it here.

It's there for everyone, but no one forces you to stay either. It's all about what you make of it.

Personal feelings here: I am not against having different forums for Fan Creations. However I'm also not in charge of making new forums, the site staff is. And they'll only make new forums if there is a proven amount of traffic that will justify the need for one. I really doubt any of them will bother to consider it when those who champion the idea for a separate forum give up too easily and leave for other sites.
just what i mean ,we can never share the happyness of learn something new
unless you know drawing,i know graphic
so,if you are an Graphic artist,and we are just an drawing artist
we are different enought that we can't in touch with each other

good or bad someetime is not what a poster looking for
the poster might looking for those "good artist"to help
still,the forum is for everyone,that's the problem that "you" think us like to be live with you in the same room,
those who "don't" leave animesuki

Originally Posted by kayos View Post
chison, a word of advice, you can't grow oranges on an apple tree. You can try to plant your own seed and hopefully it'll grow. Or take the easy route like you mentioned and move to a place populated with orange trees.

Aoie_Emesai didn't run away... he takes a local google bus to a raspberry village where he rolls around in raspberry heaven with the villagers because they share similar interest. It would be pointless for him to stay in an apple field if he enjoys raspberry.

Also, just because a lot of people watched anime doesn't mean they can draw, it's like saying just because you eat a lot of watermelons, you automatically have the knowledge to harvest them.

Enjoying something and doing something are two totally different thing. It's like saying just because I love scary movies doesn't mean I go around hiding behind bushes outside of elderly hospital waiting to scare what little life they have left out of them...

@ Solace

A little compliment goes a long way, even if you have little to no knowledge of the technique or process that was used. Truly a simple "nice work" can inspire others to continue. So don't feel the need to hold back just because you don't have much to say, it's about encouraging and inspiring each other after all.


It seems another forgotten artist is about to update his thread soon... welcome back old friend.
i don't see a difficulty of animesuki to open a forum,
more than just beat off the" drawing artist" ,and "think" that "they" would help themselve

i watched a lot of anime,so i start drawing
if you don't know what "sense"are
the more you watch anime ,the more you know what you like,what you want to draw....
watching anime and that will train yourself a sense of beauty,
i do think "otaku-level watcher" is a good start into drawing
at less they know what they like,better than everyone going to draw realistic human

an anime watcher can simply stand back and shout at their drawing: example
style mess up
eye not beautful
body proportion wrong
like them shouting at the BBS to all the "pro" artist...

the more you know craps out of it,the more that someone can improve to the "best"..make advise to artist astually is not difficult if you watch lots of manga and anime
still,not graphic-designer can help,at less to the thinking style they have

often artist like a peaceful land in animesuki"my space"yet"still exposed to public"
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Old 2008-06-01, 05:19   Link #34
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Sheffield
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Cats View Post
@ chison

Hi! What you know now as the Fan Creation forum was originaly called the Fan Art forum, or something similar.
So the forum you're asking for is the forum which exists at the present time!

How did this happen? simple, the request for a avatar signature forum was turned down. Then there's the sudden boom in avatar/signature making, partially natural, partially because we've all tried very hard to make it idiot-proof*.

Moving on...
Why are there so many of these signature/avatar threads? The reason is because the entire Fan Creation forum is no longer a forum but a internal social network; just think of myspace or facebook, the names could even be used to describe the threads, since that's what they are.

The original idea was started by Catgirls (as you know), but soon went from Gallery to simply chat threads in it's implemantation of other users. The fact of the matter most people here can't assert even the simplest things (well it's true!) so most comments go "oh" "Ahh" or other variations of noise. If you started grabing anime pictured from all over the net and drawing mustaches or glasses on them (read: vandalise) and then post them here, you'll probably recieve more praise then our mascot Kairin, even with all the publicity she gets.

Could a new Fan Art forum be created? No, it is unacceptable for it to be created as a petition form memebers! Animesuki forum is really only meant for the alphabet soup we call fansubs, it's not here to meet or serve the needs of the world. The only reason sections which diverge from this exist is to redirect uncontrolable amounts of user input. For example if we didn't have a general chat section people would polute all the anime threads will talk on the subjects there. All forums created here follow the same principle, this is most noticable in the series forums created periodicly.

While I believe the Fan Art/Fan Creation forum was originally intended as a important part of the forum, because of the lack of input and subsequent avy/sig maker "takeover" it's been abandoned by the staff to nothing more then a noise grabber. Hence further expansion is likely not even going to be considered; as you can see no memeber of staff has even commented on this thread.

Anyway, please continue to draw. My only recomandation is that you avoid animesuki when attempting to post your work; it's just such a bad choise! At least avoid the Fan Creation forum. You can post your work on other sites dedicated to the subject. (I'm sure everyone's heard of DeviantArt)

* I've made request of a similar thread for art, but was turned down or ignored by the staff; or at least that's my impression.
starting a new world are far more easiler sometime

i do remember the animesuki mascot at the time
(i don't have enought confidence at the time so i stand back a lot)
and ,i hate a tall thread for some reason(which animesuki in used all the time)

everyone knows fanart are important enought to open a new forum for them,
at the same time,artist do require at less"a scanner" or "drawing pen"
just to start the "upload" bit,
and you can't download a "scanner" for free
even if we buy scanner,no one can promise to be there to help

at least,i do think we need some kindy boss to be there alway known that him/her will help other
if the master are bore and quit ,the newbie will quit without a master to poke fun with,everyone trying to learn each other,find the fun out of other
just what animesuki thinks all drawing master are here to help newbie ,but we don't want to wait for them all the time
at less only we know the newbie,but the newbie are never skilled enought to searchin us in the forum...

if the new-entry don't read us,they are unlikely to agree with us...(stranger out of no-where)
than this is again a endless leaveing city
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Old 2008-06-01, 05:20   Link #35
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Cats View Post
Anyway, please continue to draw. My only recommendation is that you avoid animesuki when attempting to post your work; it's just such a bad choice! At least avoid the Fan Creation forum.
Yes, lets completely discourage someone from participating on the forums. That's just brilliant.

In your post you linked a thread where a request for a signature/avatar forum was shot down. NightWish states that a new forum won't happen but people are welcome to post their work in the fan art forum. And that's exactly what people did. Why do people act like this was some kind of "takeover"? It's not like there was a rule saying "don't post fan art here anymore, this forum is only for photoshoppers".

Now the situation is reversed and you know the response is going to be the same as it was back then. There just isn't a situation where there are so many signature/avatar makers *and* fan art people *and/or* other types of fan creations that justifies having a whole new forum. That's exactly what the site staff is going to say and you know it.

That's why people should be encouraging different kinds of fan art. If people want that forum they have to prove to the site staff that it's needed, that it won't become dead after a few months with people pointing fingers going "see, I told you it wouldn't last".

Could a new Fan Art forum be created? Yes, and I would support it if it was. But it won't happen if Fan Artists don't show there's a need for it. Telling them not to bother posting certainly doesn't help with that agenda.

And yes, it's difficult to break into the FC forum and get noticed precisely because it's a large community of people that post regularly. However it's not like the forum is some kind of closed community of elitist jerks that don't want people butting in, just like any other community you have to warm up to people. Or just be damn good at what you do so you get noticed right away.

As for Kairin, let's not split hairs. There are many people who just don't really care about the mascot, there are many who never visit the FC forum and thus miss the thread so have no clue who she is, and there are some people who have posted fan art and then get eaten alive by extreme negativity (the latest example featured people calling one persons fan art "disgusting" and even went so far as to explain to people how to block the ip it was hosted on). Who can blame them for never coming back with responses like that?

Certainly more could be done to promote her and get her better recognized, but that's not the point of this topic.

Originally Posted by chison
just what i mean ,we can never share the happyness of learn something new
unless you know drawing,i know graphic
so,if you are an Graphic artist,and we are just an drawing artist
we are different enought that we can't in touch with each other
Chison, you are mistaken. I'm not just a graphic artist, I'm an artist of all kinds. I draw, I paint, I make signatures, I make avatars, I write poetry, and stories. I have a large appreciation for all kinds of art, music, and literature and I express that in different ways.

Originally Posted by chison
good or bad someetime is not what a poster looking for
the poster might looking for those "good artist"to help
still,the forum is for everyone,that's the problem that "you" think us like to be live with you in the same room,
those who "don't" leave animesuki
I don't care if you like to be in the same room with "us" or not. I'm saying the door is open and you are welcome to come in. If you decide to take that invitation or not, is up to you. Finding other artists is not hard, I've already linked you quite a few and if you talk to them you might find they'd be willing to help you. If you keep posting your work, you might find people are willing to offer comments.

But that's their choice if they choose to do so. If people don't want to post to a thread, that's their choice too. Expecting comments simply because you posted something just won't happen if you don't give people a reason to do so, either through good work or by getting to know your fellow posters.
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Old 2008-06-01, 05:34   Link #36
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Sheffield
Age: 38
i'm not looking for a forum right now...xd
just because "everyone" blaming on "us" not doing the right action
so i have to tell you guys that you also did some wrong action so lots of us leave here

wait,don't you know is not a easy thing to said things out loud
you and i are almost like a boss-level to talk here
only the one know animesuki can said good/bad about it

and the "units" that are new enought can't say much
and wound't be able to take responsibility

you think we should do something,and we are waiting for you guys to change...
that is the solution that we alway have in here...
and as long as the grahic-artist are dominate
lots of us will felt the same "space" issue that can never be helped
and as long as you are here to talk "but powerless to help"
you are in our just simply disagree with us ,and waiting for us the act...

what can you help ??instead throw me back to the frontline....
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Old 2008-06-01, 13:27   Link #37
Daniel E.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Monterrey N.L. Mexico
Originally Posted by Solace View Post
Yes, lets completely discourage someone from participating on the forums. That's just brilliant.

In your post you linked a thread where a request for a signature/avatar forum was shot down. NightWish states that a new forum won't happen but people are welcome to post their work in the fan art forum. And that's exactly what people did. Why do people act like this was some kind of "takeover"? It's not like there was a rule saying "don't post fan art here anymore, this forum is only for photoshoppers".
This mentality some artists are showing it's kinda curious in it's own way.

The "evil" Graphic Designers who took FC by force vs the "good" Artist who struggle against everything and anyone.

Why, somebody could probably make a manga out of that!

Originally Posted by Solace View Post
the situation is reversed and you know the response is going to be the same as it was back then. There just isn't a situation where there are so many signature/avatar makers *and* fan art people *and/or* other types of fan creations that justifies having a whole new forum. That's exactly what the site staff is going to say and you know it.
This is a most interesting comment.

If sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now.
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Old 2008-06-01, 14:38   Link #38
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Sheffield
Age: 38
so,how many year since graphic have been dominate?
at the time of my first visit,i don't have much memories of artists being too stronge in attuite

and you guys can just keep saying
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."
" sig-makers were to ask for their own forum, the idea will probably end up being shutdown for the very same reasons artists are hearing right now."

then yeah,your are really helpful to block us
and "pay back" what "you" have experienced ? for the sack of "your" "happyness"?
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Old 2008-06-01, 14:58   Link #39
Daniel E.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Monterrey N.L. Mexico
Originally Posted by chison View Post
so,how many year since graphic have been dominate?
at the time of my first visit,i don't have much memories of artists being too stronge in attuite
The first signature threads (of people who are still active now) were started in the second half of 2006. Of course, were are talking about less than 5 threads here.

It wasn't until 2007 that the boom in sig threads really begun.

2003, 2004, (2005?) and a part of 2006 was all for the artists. (Naruto fan arts were extremely common back then, btw)

Originally Posted by chison View Post
yeah,your are really helpful to block us
and "pay back" what "you" have experienced ? for the sack of "your" "happyness"?

Is playing the victim the only thing you are good at?

Seriously chison, we have tried to explain you why FC is the way it is right now, we tried to help by showing you the new social groups feature and we even went as far as listing other artist threads so you could try and talk to them; And yet, you insist on taking the victim approach.

Personally, I am starting to think that you don't want a sub-forum at all, and that your real aim here is just to get people's attention.
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Old 2008-06-01, 15:03   Link #40
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Originally Posted by Daniel E. View Post
The first signature threads (of people who are still active now) were started in the second half of 2006. Of course, were are talking about less than 5 threads here.

It wasn't until 2007 that the boom in sig threads really begun.

2003, 2004, (2005?) and a part of 2006 was all for the artists. (Naruto fan arts were extremely common back then, btw)


Is playing the victim the only thing you are good at?

Seriously chison, we have tried to explain you why FC is the way it is right now, we tried to help by showing you the new social groups feature and we even went as far as listing other artist threads so you could try and talk to them; And yet, you insist on taking the victim approach.

Personally, I am starting to think that you don't want a sub-forum at all, and that your real aim here is just to get people's attention.
Very true. I guess only the older members or lurkers would remember. The signature thread didnt boom till quite recently, of maybe mid 2006 or so.

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