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Old 2012-10-13, 18:42   Link #1321
Dr. Casey
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wow this thread just moves faster and faster and gets worse and worse all the time
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Old 2012-10-13, 21:46   Link #1322
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
wow this thread just moves faster and faster and gets worse and worse all the time
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Old 2012-10-13, 21:57   Link #1323
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Originally Posted by Solace View Post
I think he's staring at the fact that posts are being added at an increasing frequency but are also getting increasingly focused on the election from an emotional standpoint vs. a clear discussion of facts and positions.
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:00   Link #1324
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Originally Posted by Kyuu View Post
I'd rather have no new ideas, than ideas aimed at spending towards other countries. Rmoney has only one loyalty: to his own money. As long as he profits, he'll do anything, including screwing America.
Not ''including'' screwing America, but ''especialy'' screwing America.
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:31   Link #1325
Dr. Casey
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Originally Posted by willx View Post
I think he's staring at the fact that posts are being added at an increasing frequency but are also getting increasingly focused on the election from an emotional standpoint vs. a clear discussion of facts and positions.
Yep, that is correct sir.

Originally Posted by The Last Page Summarized
Romney is pure evil, he rips puppies' tails off and drinks the blood of newborn kittens just for fun!
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:32   Link #1326
Shadow of Effilisi
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Originally Posted by willx View Post
I think he's staring at the fact that posts are being added at an increasing frequency but are also getting increasingly focused on the election from an emotional standpoint vs. a clear discussion of facts and positions.
Facts are a bit hard to come by in this election season. We are working with mostly half-truths and personal beliefs.
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:39   Link #1327
Urzu 7
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Romney is pure evil, he rips puppies' tails off and drinks the blood of newborn kittens just for fun!
That is what people have been saying about Obama before he even started his first day on the job. That is what people have been saying about Obama for about four years and since even before day one. A lot of people didn't even give him a chance. The thing is, Romney really is pretty darn bad. It is easy to spot this about him. Romney is just not good, and he wouldn't be good for the country. Obama was so vilified so early on not because he is downright awful but because so many people couldn't stand seeing a black man be president. Some people might roll their eyes at that, but it is true. I mean, back in 2008 before election day was held, I remember seeing McCain/Palin supporters calling Obama an 'ape' (likening black people to apes is a thing people racist against blacks will do).
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:48   Link #1328
Dr. Casey
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Hm, I don't remember much about the election of 2008 (I was too busy angsting over a troubled love lifes, lols); I've been much more attentive this time around. I can't imagine why Obama would've had so much animosity against him, even after four years of him being a not-so-great president I still have no problem admitting that on a personal level he's a very charming and likable guy. As for Romney, people seem to think he's either the spawn of Satan or a decent guy with not much in between (and I find it hard to consider such claims as being anything except white noise considering that I've had 25 years to learn than many people who others demonize do not deserve it), but the story Paul Ryan gave at the Vice-Presidential debate about him coming over to a stranger's home for Christmas and offering to pay for their college - and without telling anyone about the story, at that - gives me faith that he's a good person, even if I disagree with several of his political stands. I'm glad that he probably won't slow down stem cell research the way George W. did, either.
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:56   Link #1329
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Romney CAN'T be a good person. A good person needs to believe in something, anything at all. Romney doesn't ever stick to one story because he thinks he needs to say whatever the the listener want to hear.

I mean, he "won" the Presidential debate by transforming himself into a Democrat. That's not something even most normal humans would do.

That's not saying Romney want to kill puppies. But it does say he isn't in the Presidential race for any real purpose other than power. Hard to be a "decent guy" when we know nothing about him even after so many years.

The Undecided watch the debates and thought Romney is a Moderate. The GOP watch the debates and assume Romney lied about everything on stage for their benefit, and that he would be Far Right if he actually wins. Does a decent person do this?
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Old 2012-10-13, 22:59   Link #1330
Dr. Casey
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Romney CAN'T be a good person. A good person needs to believe in something, anything at all. Romney doesn't ever stick to one story because he thinks he needs to say whatever the the listener want to hear.
lol no

Even if all the accusations of being a liar and flipflopper are completely true, being a liar (in and of itself) does not a bad person make. You must have a pretty low threshold for deeming someone a bad person if being a fibber is enough to make them qualify as such.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:00   Link #1331
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I think the claim that a win for Romney is an automatic end of the world is a little wee bit of a stretch though guys c'mon. Obama probably wasn't given a fair chance by a lot of people but your not exactly doing the same for a potential Romney presidency.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:16   Link #1332
Netto Azure
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Originally Posted by TooPurePureBoy View Post
I think the claim that a win for Romney is an automatic end of the world is a little wee bit of a stretch though guys c'mon. Obama probably wasn't given a fair chance by a lot of people but your not exactly doing the same for a potential Romney presidency.
Sadly, the way that the Republican House (And the Republican Minority in the Senate 09-10) acted just made a lot of people realize that if Romney can waffle and change positions where the political opportunistic winds change, he'll just capitulate to the Tea Party Caucus, Social Conservative and economic Libertarian wing of the Republican Party. Republican Moderates are branded as RINO's nowadays and are cast out of the party as it tries to attain ideological purity.

And that's a bad thing in my opinion. The Democrats tried to reach across the aisle multiple times in broad issues and was rebuffed or Filibustered to death by Republicans.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:17   Link #1333
Vallen Chaos Valiant
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
lol no

Even if all the accusations of being a liar and flipflopper are completely true, being a liar (in and of itself) does not a bad person make. You must have a pretty low threshold for deeming someone a bad person if being a fibber is enough to make them qualify as such.
Being a "Fibber"?

I understand when people sometimes lie. But can you actually tell me something about Romney that he stuck to?

Are you actually saying being blatantly dishonest in public all the time doesn't make Romney a bad person?
Originally Posted by TooPurePureBoy View Post
I think the claim that a win for Romney is an automatic end of the world is a little wee bit of a stretch though guys c'mon. Obama probably wasn't given a fair chance by a lot of people but your not exactly doing the same for a potential Romney presidency.
Romney doesn't care if he start a war if it benefits him. Because he hasn't care about anything at all this whole election. If starting a Violent Charade is what his party wants, he would say yes. I mean, he say yes to everything at the same time even when it is contradictory.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:21   Link #1334
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
lol no

Even if all the accusations of being a liar and flipflopper are completely true, being a liar (in and of itself) does not a bad person make. You must have a pretty low threshold for deeming someone a bad person if being a fibber is enough to make them qualify as such.
If you aren't willing to take a position on an issue, why the hell should I put you in office is my opinion on politicians like Romney. Politicians and Political Parties exist basically to have a position on issues and push it forward, Romney has none, he just says whatever will make him look better at any given moment. If you don't understand why that's terrible than I really have no idea what to say.

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Old 2012-10-13, 23:22   Link #1335
Urzu 7
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Hm, I don't remember much about the election of 2008 (I was too busy angsting over a troubled love lifes, lols); I've been much more attentive this time around. I can't imagine why Obama would've had so much animosity against him, even after four years of him being a not-so-great president I still have no problem admitting that on a personal level he's a very charming and likable guy. As for Romney, people seem to think he's either the spawn of Satan or a decent guy with not much in between (and I find it hard to consider such claims as being anything except white noise considering that I've had 25 years to learn than many people who others demonize do not deserve it), but the story Paul Ryan gave at the Vice-Presidential debate about him coming over to a stranger's home for Christmas and offering to pay for their college - and without telling anyone about the story, at that - gives me faith that he's a good person, even if I disagree with several of his political stands. I'm glad that he probably won't slow down stem cell research the way George W. did, either.
I wouldn't trust some story Paul Ryan told at the VP debate that was to make Romney look good by pulling at people's heart strings. The debates this year have definitely been about putting on a show as opposed to actual debating. Joe Biden did the same, pretending to be very emotional while telling an emotional account.

But yeah, Romney ain't good. He is very out of touch with so many other people. For example, read this article (it isn't too long):

There are many other times I've seen him be insensitive, inconsiderate, and out of touch with the average American. Romney has been wealthy all his life. He could endanger student loans. What was his advice to students he gave a speech to? "Just ask your parents for money". Mitt, for millions of Americans, they can't just ask their parents for large sums of money. He just thinks most students can just ask for $10,000, $20,000, $25,000 dollars. He is out of touch with the average American. Like so many other GOP officials, he is so outta touch with women.

Here is the 47 percent video that was leaked:

He thinks that the 47% of people that don't pay income tax are all democratic supporters and he thinks all of them are on welfare (and he basically calls them and anyone on welfare 'moochers'). It turns out most of the 47% of people he was talking about live in red states, too. Some of that 47% are republican supporters, so he insulted many of his own supporters. Some of them are the undecided voters that he tried to give praise to in that video. But yeah, Mitt Romney thinks 47% of the American populace aren't 'true Americans' that really matter. In fact, he plain doesn't like them. He is running for president and he doesn't really want to stand for 47% of the American populace (and apparently from his misconceptions in the video, he really doesn't want to be a president for a single democratic supporter). Yet, you still see people with Romney signs on their property that say "Romney: Believe in America". Yeah, because he really believes in America alright.

I've seen a number of other things from Romney that are bad. I mean, another thing is that even his supporters don't know what he stands for. He just keeps changing his stances on things so much. No one really knows what he stands for. He is saying whatever it'll take to get elected. He is lying to his supporters by changing his stances so wildly. He is just saying whatever in an attempt to become president. And it is working for a lot of GOP supporters. They are falling for it. Hey, with so many of them, it don't matter, just so long as they can 'get rid of the black man'.

There is also the Bain Capital thing. Romney won't let details emerge about him and a company he was with. What it is he is accused with, if it is actually true, it'd be a felony, and it'd make Mitt Romney a felon.

Oh, another thing, he politicized the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Libya. Some Americans died and some American allies died and Mitt jumped on to this (and he didn't have his facts straight) and used things about it (and like I said, his accusations were on things that weren't true because he didn't have his facts straight) to be a way to attack Obama and try to make himself look good in the process. A real scumbag move. One of many with this guy.

Another thing, he launched political attacks on Obama for "not being tough enough" on China, but some years ago, Romney exported a lot of jobs that Americans could've had over to China for easy money.

There is a lot more bad things to be said about Romney. Romney is bad. It is that simple.

Last edited by Urzu 7; 2012-10-13 at 23:35.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:24   Link #1336
Dr. Casey
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Originally Posted by Xacual View Post
If you don't understand why that's terrible than I really have no idea what to say.
Oh for the love of fucking god, what is with you people and the constant strawman arguments? I never said that I don't understand why it's wrong, just that saying "This guy is full of crap, therefore he's a bad person" seems a little hyperbolic.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:29   Link #1337
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Oh for the love of fucking god, what is with you people and the constant strawman arguments? I never said that I don't understand why it's wrong, just that saying "This guy is full of crap, therefore he's a bad person" seems a little hyperbolic.
No actually I apologize, I was meaning why he's a bad choice for President, I don't really care what kind of person he is. I'd vote in a sociopath if they actually knew how to do the job and could get it done.

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Old 2012-10-13, 23:31   Link #1338
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Yep, that is correct sir.
Okay, that makes more sense. Well, I won't deny that many of us don't like him. I can explain my reasons why he bothers me personally.

1. He seems like a Republican more suited to a centrist style of governing, which isn't what many would exactly describe the current GOP atmosphere as.

2. He contradicts himself too much. He's for something, then against it. I don't mind, and actually think it's a good thing, that people rethink their views, but this isn't rethinking. It's more like he'll say whatever it takes to get elected.

3. He appears incredibly out of touch with people who don't make what he does. The 10,000 bet scene, and the seriousness of it, really struck me as a "wow" moment. That's more than a lot of people make in half a year. Is it bad he has a lot of money? Not exactly, but he's had similar moments, like complaining about free cookies, mentioning he's got an elevator for his garage, and how he likes to fire people. None of them are big by themselves, but they add up to an image that is very unappealing to me. It shows a lack of tact, like his PBS comment. 47%.

4. His economic plans are not mathematically possible. He may as well have said "let's build a moon base", because they're about as outlandish.

5. His foreign policy is murky, and watching Ryan trying to explain them Thursday scared the crap out of me. Diplomacy is just not as cut and dry as some might think (anyone who has had a manager or customer service job knows this), especially given the waning influence of the US as a unilateral power. It's easy to say "Iran must not have nukes", but it's much harder to craft policies to do that, especially ones that do not involve yet another war burden for the country.

6. Paul Ryan's plan, among other GOP plans, which Romney endorses, would obliterate the last bits of social safety net we have in the country. In regards to healthcare, I personally believe it is a right, and that profit should never be generated by taking care of the sick. I firmly believe in a single payer system, and I firmly believe privatization of anything health related is a recipe for disaster. Romney advocates full privatization of the system, and I believe that is the wrong direction to take.

Those are just a few of the reasons I do not think Romney is good for the country. I could delve into specifics, for example his energy and economic policies, but the post would be incredibly long, although I will elaborate if people want. The reason I think Obama is the better candidate is not that he is an amazing President, but that he has created an element of stability. Giving the GOP the reigns so soon after what they have done in the past, especially on the promise that they'll change so much so quickly, just isn't something I agree with at all.

So in short, I'm not expecting miracles with Obama, and the hope and change feeling is definitely gone, but if the Republicans want me to reconsider my vote they'd have to do much better than Romney. Truth is he's not there because he's a good leader, he's there because the field was so terrible the "powers that be" had no choice but to cram him down the voters throats.

Originally Posted by Urzu 7
Joe Biden did the same, pretending to be very emotional well telling an emotional account.
Not exactly. He always has a hard time talking about his family. Here he is from the 2008 debate:

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Notice Palin blows right past it.
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:54   Link #1339
Lost Cause
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I've stayed out if this since as far as I'm concerned, it the choosing of a lesser evil in this election.
That said, I've seen the debates and frankly am scared to death is Biden were to some how get the Presidency if something happened to Obama!
I don't see where Romney deserves all this bad karma, the guy is trying to win the hearts and minds and like any good politician will do what it take too win.
Obama had the ability to get things going early on when the Dems controlled the House, but it went nowhere. Then the people voted in a Relublican led House which brought about the Tea Party and an attempt to curtail government interference in our lives...something I'm in favor of!
Unemployment is still at 10%, and that's not counting those who have given up looking, "Obamacare" will make you pay for coverage(read it sometime!) and nothing has "gotten better".
Romney wants to return to way it was? I Woukd think he knows that IS NOT the answer, as we're still 15 trillion in debt!
So put aside the emotional nonsense that us being fostered by the finger pointing and name calling, go to the poll and vote your conscience! It's not about race and you know it, it's about the future!
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Old 2012-10-13, 23:57   Link #1340
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Originally Posted by Lost Cause View Post
Obama had the ability to get things going early on when the Dems controlled the House, but it went nowhere. Then the people voted in a Relublican led House which brought about the Tea Party and an attempt to curtail government interference in our lives...something I'm in favor of!

Unemployment is still at 10%, and that's not counting those who have given up looking, "Obamacare" will make you pay for coverage(read it sometime!) and nothing has "gotten better".
So you want the government to stop repairing roads and bridges, stop providing social security, stop providing for education, stop providing for medicare, stop providing relief aid for natural disasters, etc, etc?

Also unemployment is not at 10% anymore, it's at 7.8%, it has never been calculated considering the people that have stopped looking. You can complain about that all you want but that's the truth, Republican or Democrat, it's always been that way.

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